silly elixir emperor

Chapter 58 I want to be a hero

"Yes, Sheng'er, if you win, you will be a great hero!" Chang Qianyi nodded heavily, fearing that Chang Sheng would not do his best in the competition, he continued: "Sheng'er, your sister Misty's favorite is a great hero!"

"Senior sister likes big heroes?" Chang Sheng turned his head to look at Misty.

Feeling Chang Sheng's gaze, Piao Miao smiled, nodded seriously, and said, "Yes, senior sister likes big heroes."

She didn't lie to Chang Sheng, she liked heroes, and when she was a child, Chang Sheng always protected her like a hero.

When Chang Sheng heard Miu Miao's affirmative answer, a silly smile appeared on his face, and he shouted ecstatically: "That's great, Senior Sister Miu Miao likes great heroes, Chang Sheng wants to be a great hero, Chang Sheng wants Senior Sister like."

While shouting, Chang Sheng ran directly in front of Chang Ganyi, and dragged Chang Ganyi forward.

"Uncle, hurry up, Chang Sheng must hurry up and become a big hero."

"Can a fool be a hero?" Just as Chang Sheng finished speaking, a voice full of ridicule sounded from the opposite side.

On the opposite side, Deacon Wu, Luo Junba, Lin Yuanzhi and Lin Haoming walked over together.

"I found that sometimes it's good to be a fool, at least naive. When the women around him tell him that they like others, he will think that they like him."

Lin Haoming chuckled, and cast his sinister eyes over Chang Sheng straight to Piao Miao, and said, "Beauty, am I right? You like big heroes, don't you? Hehe...don't worry, I'll be there soon." It won't take long to defeat this idiot."

Anger had already risen in Chang Sheng's heart. From the obscene tone in Lin Haoming's words, anyone could tell what he meant.To actually tease his own woman in front of his own face is really extremely arrogant!

Stretching out his hand to hold the black iron rod on his shoulder, Chang Sheng went straight to Brother Lin Haoming, and asked Chang Ganyi who was beside him: "Uncle, does Chang Sheng want to fight him?"

"That's right, it's the young master who wants to compete with you. Why, are you anxious for the beauty, can't wait to come and die?" Lin Haoming didn't wait for Chang Ganyi to speak, and answered first, sticking out his tongue and licking his lips, looking like Misty.

"Since you are all so eager to wait, then I can't let the beauty wait too long, so let's start." Lin Haoming turned around and jumped into the air, and after a certain distance in the air, the head of a hero who raised his leg and watched on the side collapsed , with a borrowed force, jumped to the highest hillside of Dongpo Ridge.

"You bastard." Chang Sheng cursed secretly, and ran towards the hillside holding the jet-black iron rod.

Seeing that the two people who were going to compete had already walked towards the hillside, Luo Junba walked out of the crowd and came to Chang Ganyi's side.

"Patriarch Chang, today your nephew is competing in martial arts, don't you want to invest some money to support your nephew?"

Luo Junba showed a half-smile expression on his face, and he blamed the Lin family. Everyone in Fengdu City knew that Lin Haoming was a half-step genius, and almost everyone who participated in the gambling game placed their bets on Lin Haoming. Only a very small number of people beat Chang Sheng to win.This made him very passive. Lin Haoming will definitely win, and he will have to spend a lot of money with him.Now that he saw Chang Ganyi, how could he not pull Chang Ganyi into the water and make a fortune back.

"What I'm waiting for is your words." Chang Ganyi chuckled inwardly, and said loudly: "My nephew is competing in martial arts, so of course I want to bet. How much you want to bet, Luo Junba, tell me, how much you bet, I will bet with you How much, my Chang family doesn’t have much else, just a lot of money!”

"Okay, Patriarch Chang is indeed quite proud. This is what you said, as much as I pressure, you follow!" Luo Junba's face showed joy, and he only wanted to make Chang Ganyi a fortune, but Chang Ganyi actually said this If he didn't strive for the best interests, wouldn't it be that he has been the Patriarch for so many years in vain.

"Chang Ganyi, we are here to gamble on our wealth, do you dare?"

"Gambling wealth?" Chang Ganyi was stunned for a moment, he was still thinking about how to say gambling wealth, so as not to make Luo Junba suspect, but unexpectedly, Luo Junba said it himself.

"That's right, it's a bet on your wealth. I know you will definitely support your nephew. Well, I'll bet on Mr. Lin to win. If Chang Sheng wins, all the money and property of my Luo family, including myself, Luo Junba, It all belongs to your Chang family. On the contrary, if Mr. Lin wins, all the money of your Chang family, including your Chang Ganyi, will belong to me, Luo Junba."

Luo Junba stared at Chang Ganyi closely, and asked loudly, "Patriarch Chang, do you dare to bet?"

"Gamble, why don't you dare to bet!"

Chang Ganyi laughed heartily, and said with disdain: "But Luo Junba, I'm afraid your Luo family's money is not enough to lose."

"The Luo family doesn't have enough money, and there's my Lin family. The Luo family doesn't have much money, and my Lin family is the one!"

Lin Yuanzhi stood up from the side.The Luo family is richer than the Chang family, but Chang Sheng's odds are different from Lin Haoming's, so gambling on his wealth means that Luo Junba doesn't have enough money.In this case, let Lin Yuanzhi advance the rest of the money.Anyway, his son will definitely win, and if he pays now, he will be able to get a share of the property of the Luo family and the Chang family.

"Haha, with your Lin family, is this enough?" Chang Ganyi laughed out loud as if he heard a joke: "I'm a majestic innate master, and you two just add up all the family properties. Can it be compared with a congenital master?"

Lin Yuanzhi and Luo Junba heard that Chang Ganyi was full of domineering, and they looked at each other, not knowing how to speak for a while.

Seeing the scene froze, behind Lin Yuanzhi, a gloomy voice suddenly sounded: "They are not qualified, so is it enough to count me?"

Deacon Wu walked out from the crowd and said, "I'm the only one who is worth a fortune!"

Seeing Deacon Wu showing his head, Chang Ganyi was stunned for a moment, stared at Deacon Wu for a long time, nodded after a while, and said: "Since General Lin agreed to pay, then the money from your two families will be increased." Naturally, it’s enough. I’ll make a bet with you because of Chang Ganyi.”

Hearing Chang Ganyi's affirmative answer, everyone felt that they were going crazy.

Two of the four major families in Fengdu City actually gambled on their wealth because of a fight, and a general was involved in it.What's more terrible is that the losing party even belongs to the other party. In other words, whoever loses will be the other party's slave!Two of them are innate masters!A congenital master, Fengducheng has never seen one in so many years, this time a congenital master suddenly appeared, and he wanted to gamble his wealth, it was crazy!

"Oh my god! There is such a crazy bet, today is not in vain!"

"Indeed, no matter who wins or who loses, from today onwards, Fengducheng is destined to become the three major families."

"You said that Chang Ganyi dared to take the initiative to agree to his opponent. Does he have a trick?" A rare man who bet on Chang Sheng pointed to the black iron that Chang Sheng placed on the ground. The stick said: "Look at his stick, it's so big, I'm afraid it weighs a thousand catties, and it's not easy for Chang Sheng to use such a heavy thing."

"Idiot, Chang Sheng is a fool. A fool's thinking is fake. He must think that the longer and heavier the weapon, the better. That's why he uses such a stick. What's not simple, he is too simple!"

Amidst the discussions among the crowd, Chang Sheng finally ran to the hillside with a stick.

Seeing Chang Sheng walking up the hillside, Lin Haoming showed a cruel smile, and with a "clang", he pulled out his sword, looked at the silver blade shining under the sunlight, and said, "The name of my sword is For Shuangming, it is made of Bailian stainless steel. It can blow hair and short hair, and cut iron like mud. Fool, you have to be careful for a while, don't accidentally put your head on it, and it will be chopped in half. It's not fun. gone."

"It turned out to be a hundred-smelting steel. As expected of the young master of the Lin family, a disciple of the Zhensheng sect, all weapons are made by a hundred-smelting steel."

When the people below heard Lin Haoming's words, they let out an exclamation.Generally, the weapons used by rangers and tycoons are made of ordinary pig iron at worst, the better ones are made of fine iron and black iron, and the more luxurious ones are made of fine steel.

As for the hundred-smelting steel, let alone the price of the hundred-smelting steel, ordinary people simply cannot afford it. Even if they can afford the hundred-smelting steel, it is difficult to find someone who can use the hundred-smelting steel to make weapons.Even in the county government, people who can make weapons with hundred-steel refining are also serving in the army, and there is no one who can forge one-hundred-steel-smelting weapons outside.

Hearing the astonishment of the people below, Lin Haoming's mouth curled up, revealing a smug expression, but when his eyes fell on Chang Sheng again, his eyes suddenly turned cold.

He raised his leg and collapsed on the ground with force, and suddenly there were clear cracks on the hard ground. Lin Haoming shook his wrist, and suddenly, a sharp spiritual energy surged out of his body, and there were traces of faint traces in the surging spiritual energy. Congenitally infuriating, on Senhan's sword body, a cyan light falters, appearing and disappearing from time to time.

"Kill you!"

Chang Sheng yelled, but he shot first without warning, and quickly rushed towards Lin Haoming. The thick and long black iron rod was placed on the ground, and it quickly rubbed against the ground, sparking a long string of sparks.After running all the way to about ten meters away from Lin Haoming, he raised the black iron rod in his hand, swung it round and smashed it at Lin Haoming.

Lin Haoming looked at Chang Sheng with a calm expression. He was already half a step in the innate realm, and his body skills were especially good at lightness, and his speed was much faster than Chang Sheng's.

Looking at the iron rod rounded by Chang Sheng, Lin Haoming secretly scolded the idiot, how could he use a stick like that.

With his toes on the ground lightly, Lin Haoming's body was like catkins in the wind, and he flashed nimbly to Chang Sheng once. The cold and sharp sword in his hand, the blue light that had been looming on the sword also became condensed at this moment. Realized a lot.

Taking advantage of the strength brought by the moment of waist rotation, the sharp sword in Lin Haoming's hand reflexively slashed at the black iron rod in Chang Sheng's hand.


When the swords and sticks intersected, there was a series of metallic cries, and the thick iron stick was cut by the sharp sword. A string of dazzling sparks were immediately wiped out on the stick, and a clear sword mark was drawn. After that, it was impossible to go any further. .

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