"Hmph, big brother, I'm leaving first!" The second leader felt angry when he saw the alchemist, turned around and left the hall.

Hei Yue didn't stop him either, after all, Dan Qianzi killed his nephew, and the second child was angry in his heart, it's normal not to want to see him.

Not long after, only Chang Sheng and Hei Yue were left in the hall.

"Master Dan Qianzi, two days have passed, is it possible to refine the human pill now?" Hei Yue didn't talk nonsense, and went directly to the topic.

"Of course, but, in order to better refine the human pill for you, you should give the benefits to the old man first. The old man is about to break through recently. After the old man breaks through, I will refine the human pill for you. There will be unexpected benefits. "

Hei Yue sneered in her heart when she heard the sound, this Dan Qianzi, his name is really not wrong, what benefits after breaking through, he clearly wants to ask for benefits for himself.This greedy alchemist, when he refines a human pill for himself, he must kill him!

Hei Yue was thinking in her heart, but her face remained calm: "Huh? Then what do you want?"

"There are a lot of materials. I have already prepared them. Master, please take a look." Chang Sheng said, then took out a large stack of paper and handed it to Hei Yue.

Hei Yue's face turned cold in an instant, there were so many sheets of paper, and as a result, the paper, his eyes swept up, it was because he had been the leader for many years, and now he no longer cared about the leader's bearing.

"Bastard! You are courting death!"

With a cold face, Hei Yue stared at the alchemist opposite. These things contained not only medicinal materials for alchemy, but also some materials for refining magic weapons. He was killing himself like a fool for this alchemy. Oh, these things, even if I am myself, I have to empty out half of the treasury of the Black Moon Sect to get them out.

"Looking for death? Of course I'm afraid of death, but aren't you afraid, Master?" Chang Sheng narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard the sound: "Only the old man can refine the human pill with full confidence, but Master, you find someone else to live and refine it yourself." Human pill, how many medicinal properties you can extract, how sure are you that you can successfully refine it? As long as the refining fails, the person will die, and the human pill can no longer be refined. Teacher, you are in a hurry to refine Zhiren Pill is not just for improving skills, this alchemist is not a vegetarian."

"You..." Hei Yue's face changed instantly, this old guy, he guessed it?

Hei Yue stared at the alchemist in front of her for a long time, then finally sighed and said: "Okay, my leader promised to give you these things, but afterward, you really have to refine the alchemy! Otherwise, you will definitely die."

"Don't worry, as long as I get the stuff, the old man will guarantee to refine the human pill!" Chang Sheng chuckled, thinking to himself, human pill, human egg!As soon as the item is in hand, I can upgrade the Tiandao Waidan. As long as the Tiandao Waidan is upgraded, I will not be afraid of you at that time, and then it is time for you to die.

Chang Sheng left the hall with a secret smile in his heart. Behind him, Hei Yue's face became more and more gloomy. I will give these things to the old man for now. When he is about to succeed in refining the human pill for himself, I will throw him in and let him It also becomes a human pill. Is Lao Tzu's stuff so easy to get?

But this time really needs to be carefully grasped, and Ren Dan must be thrown in when he is about to finish training.

Human pill, after taking the human pill, you can get the memory of the other party. When the time comes, you can directly throw the pill into it, but you can also get the memory of the pill. In the future, you don’t need to search everywhere for refining pills. People have made alchemy.

Hei Yue's speed was very fast, within just one day, everything Chang Sheng requested had been delivered, and Chang Sheng took these things and immediately left Black Moon Sect quietly according to the path that the third leader led him to leave last time, and headed to the outside world. to the sea area.

The Tiandao Waidan was upgraded again. That day Jietian knew how terrifying it would be, so he decided to find a deserted sea area to refine the Tiandao Waidan for insurance.

On the calm sea, Chang Sheng was riding on the boat of freedom. In front of him, there were two alchemy furnaces, one was the Dibang Ziyang furnace and the other was the Renbang Ziyang furnace.Among them, one pill furnace was refining Feitianhualong pill, while the other pill furnace was empty.

"It's a gamble to upgrade the Tiandao Waidan again, this time, I hope this Flying Dragon Pill is strong enough."

Chang Sheng waited for another half a day, feeling that he could definitely refine the Flying Dragon Pill before the Tiandao Waidan was refined, and then he took out the medicinal materials and began to improve the Tiandao Waidan again.

One day later, the Tianwaihualongdan finally took shape.

"Not only can this Flying Heaven Hualong Pill allow me to improve my strength and reach the realm of immortality against the sky, it is said that one Flying Hualong Pill should be enough to make me immortal against the sky. If I become immortal against the sky, When I face the Heavenly Tribulation of the Heavenly Dao Waidan, I will be more confident."

Chang Sheng picked up the Flying Dragon Pill that had just been refined, and swallowed it in one gulp.

Immediately, an extremely powerful force suddenly appeared in Chang Sheng's body out of thin air, and then rushed to all places around Chang Sheng's body in an instant.

"Clap clap..."

Chang Sheng was surprised to find that his skin was torn apart suddenly with the force that emerged, and then strange blue scales emerged gradually.


What's happening here?After taking the Feitian Hualong Pill, will my body turn into scales?This can't be!It's not ugly like that!

Chang Sheng was startled, but it didn't take long, but he felt relieved. These scales didn't appear for long, and then slowly dissipated. At the same time, there was a force rushing straight up.

Chang Sheng couldn't help but open his mouth, and let out a long roar.


There was a long howl, but it was not a human voice, but faintly resembled the roar of a dragon.

"This power... Such a strong historical power!"

Chang Sheng clenched his fists to feel the surging power in his body, and his face was happy, but soon, his face sank again.

This power, my own power has definitely reached half a step to be immortal against the sky, but taking the power of Feitian Hualong Pill really did not allow me to break through and become immortal against the sky!


Chang Sheng sighed for a long time. Although the Shengshi Immortal Technique he cultivated is powerful, the accumulation needed to break through is indeed much, much more than ordinary people. I broke through to the half-step immortality.

"But it's okay, this Flying Dragon Transformation Pill is indeed strong enough, and when I cross the Heavenly Tribulation, I can be more confident."

Chang Sheng sat on the boat of freedom, restrained his mind, and concentrated on alchemy.

Another day later.

In the early morning, when the first ray of sunlight hit the calm sea, Chang Sheng suddenly opened his eyes.

The re-upgrade of Tiandaowaidan is over!

As the Tiandao Wai Dan with a faint golden light flew out of the alchemy furnace, above the calm sea and in the blue sky, suddenly, black clouds floated over from a distance at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it took only a moment. , One side of the sea was completely shrouded in dark clouds, and the land that had just lit up instantly went dark again.

In the sky, there was the sound of rolling thunder, and dark clouds gathered together to form one piece, slowly pressing down towards the ground. As the dark clouds pressed down, waves of extremely dignified coercion pressed towards the sea.


Chang Sheng felt the pressure brought by the dark clouds in the sky, his standing legs bent slightly, and then his whole body trembled again, trying to use the mana in his body, so he fell to his knees without a single blow.

"This...Chang Sheng, what are you doing? Didn't you refine the Heavenly Dao Wai Dan? Why is this coercion so strong? You have also refined the Heavenly Dao Wai Dan before, but at that time, although the Heavenly Tribulation was powerful, But it's not that scary. Now you haven't even crossed the catastrophe, but the coercion has such power."

Gu Tianmo's voice full of shock suddenly sounded: "Chang Sheng, you are already half-step against the sky, this coercion, this coercion almost makes you kneel down, this is just coercion, if it is heaven in a while The robbery is coming, how can you stop it!"

Gu Tianmo yelled, and suddenly, as if he felt something, his voice suddenly raised a line: "No, this coercion is not normal, this is not pure coercion, I can feel it, there is something hidden in this coercion. This deep destructive aura, this coercion is to destroy everything in this space. You...what did you do, how did the heavens behave like this? You want to destroy everything in this space."

"It's nothing, it's just refining the outer pill of heaven, you know it too." Chang Sheng pretended to be relaxed and smiled, but Gu Tianmo could clearly feel that Chang Sheng's seemingly relaxed voice was full of seriousness. meaning.

"The promotion of Tiandao Waidan this time is actually very different from the past. Don't you always talk about my magic weapon? I also told you that my Tiandao Waidan is my natal magic weapon. This time the improvement of Tiandao Waidan After getting it, he can really become my talisman. Of course, he is not just a natal talisman. Although the improvement of the Tiandao Waidan this time can't allow me to perfectly integrate with the Tiandao Waidan, it can also allow me to catch the Tiandao Waidan In other words, under certain circumstances, I can make the Tiandaowaidan become a part of my body!"

Chang Sheng explained to Tianmo, but after his words fell, Gu Tianmo was still full of doubts.

"No, even if this is the case, it wouldn't be such a catastrophe from the way of heaven, it's just that the coercion is so powerful. This catastrophe is almost the strongest catastrophe I have ever seen. Only after my ascension The Heavenly Tribulation I have seen is more powerful than yours this time, but I am ascending, and you are refining the Heavenly Dao Wai Dan, how can this be compared?"

"You still don't understand, let's put it this way, I told you that I took the outer alchemy road, and the Tiandao outer alchemy can also be regarded as my golden alchemy. And after upgrading the Tiandao outer alchemy this time, Dan itself can have the ability to communicate with heaven and earth, and Tiandao Waidan can also be regarded as a golden pill. Therefore, Tiandao must be angry!"

"What? You mean, after this upgrade, your Heavenly Dao Wai Dan can be regarded as a golden elixir!" Gu Tianmo was taken aback when he heard the sound, and immediately understood why this Heavenly Tribulation was so powerful.

A guy with a small face that can't even reach the sky can have a golden pill, and it's not just an ordinary golden pill, but a heretic golden pill. At the same time, this heretic golden pill also has the ability to automatically communicate with the power of heaven and earth, This... How could Tiandao allow this to happen? This is not against the sky, it is directly against Tiandao!It's no wonder that heaven doesn't punish!

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