silly elixir emperor

Chapter 609 Against Xie Tianze

"The time has come, the tournament begins."

With the sound of a crisp gong, a referee in charge of the first competition shouted loudly: "In the first competition, Yue Yichen will face Shifa."

Yue Yichen already knew that it was the first competition, and when he heard the sound, he immediately jumped onto the ring, but there was no one on the other side.

"Huh? It's that Yue Yichen again, why didn't his opponent show up?"

"No way, this guy, he has entered the top eight of 120 all the way, this guy's luck must be too good."

"Then what's going on with the interpretation? Why didn't you come? It won't be the same as before, Yue Yichen's opponents didn't show up for various reasons!"

Under the arena, when everyone saw the arena with only one person, they immediately exploded.During these days when the martial arts competition is suspended, apart from Xie Tianze, Zhu Zhijing and other people who are most likely to win the championship, the most talked about people are Yue Yichen. There is no other reason. This guy is very lucky. Anyone who comes can enter the quarterfinals of 120.

But before the match, everyone discussed that this time, Yue Yichen might not be as lucky as before. The martial arts tournament was suspended for a while, and any problems the opponent had should be resolved, and those who were injured should be able to recover However, the current situation is that his opponent has not appeared again.

Right in front of the competition arena, the best place for the audience to watch the competition, Fang Yuanfu sat on a temporary dragon chair, looked at the ring below, and frowned slightly: "What's going on? Now that the competition has reached the top eight of 120, what's the matter?" Anyone else not coming?"

The voice was not loud, but it was full of coercion. As soon as the voice fell, the surrounding air suddenly became cold, and several nearby ministers in charge of the martial arts tournament immediately lowered their heads.

The martial arts competition has been held to the top eight of 120, but some people don't come. This is a slap in the face of them and the Da Qi Dynasty. It is because the status of the Da Qi Dynasty in the clubhouse is not attractive enough and is looked down upon by others!

Beside Fang Yuanfu, Eunuch Bai glanced at the nearby ministers, then took a step forward, and said softly: "Your Majesty, the person who didn't come is called Shifa, he is a genius boy in his teens, and he is from Changsheng. Martial nephew. It is said that this time he went overseas with Marquis Yingwu."

"Going overseas? Marquis Yingwu left a while ago because of the war on the 36th Island. In other words, this explanation also left because of the war." Fang Yuanfu nodded secretly and said: "That's fine, going overseas is also helping me Daqi Dynasty war."

After Fang Yuanfu said something, he stopped talking. On the ring, after waiting for a long time, but no one came, the referee finally announced that he had abstained from the contest, and Yue Yichen automatically entered the top 64.

"Next match, Chang Sheng will face Xie Tianze!"

Just when Yue Yichen was automatically promoted, the referee also announced the next match, Chang Sheng vs. Xie Tianze.

"It's Changsheng, Changsheng is going to fight the big bad guy, that's great!" Hearing his name being called out, Changsheng immediately jumped up and ran to the competition stage. Under the gaze of countless people, he happily Jumped onto the ring.

Below the arena, countless people made the same movement almost at the same time, stretched out their hands, and slapped their foreheads.

"It's really defeated by that idiot Chang Sheng. The opponent he's going to face is Xie Tianze. He's still so cheerful." A man with a distinct Beijing accent sighed softly.

"Yeah, it's still so fun to lose the game. But it's okay, Chang Sheng has entered the quarterfinals of 120 after all, and a fool can go all the way here, and he is really happy." It was a burly man who spoke, but his voice was soft and unusually gentle despite his burly figure.

"What is there to be happy about? Compared with that Yue Yichen, Chang Sheng's luck is much worse. That Yue Yichen didn't make many shots all the way, but the opponents Chang Sheng met seemed to be all masters, and now he has jumped to the absolute General Xie Tianze, who has no chance of winning, if you ask me, this fool is really unlucky. But his unlucky luck is unlucky, and it also makes us unable to make money."

"Hey, there's no way. No matter who meets General Xie Tianze, the odds must be the same. Twenty to one odds, I think this odds are already very respectable to Chang Sheng." The man who was playing with a dice shook his head helplessly: "Yesterday I went to the Tianji Building, and almost everyone bet on General Xie Tianze to win. It seems that only two bet on Chang Sheng. So, Chang Sheng and General Xie Tianze's contest, let's not expect to make money."

"There are still people who bet on Chang Sheng to win. Which two guys are so stupid, how could Chang Sheng win? That's just giving away money!"

"Whatever, but how many rounds do you think Chang Sheng can last on it? The odds offered by the casino are many bets on how many tricks Chang Sheng can sustain. I bet on one trick, what about you?" the first person who spoke The Beijing-flavored man spoke again.

"Two moves." The man with the dice said with an inscrutable expression on his face: "Under normal circumstances, General Xie Tianze must win with one move, but Chang Sheng's master is said to be very powerful, and it is also said that Chang Sheng has a lot of treasures, so I think These treasures can help Chang Sheng resist for a while, of course it is only for a while."

Everyone was discussing like before the start of other competitions.In addition to these commentators, there are many people who have suffered under Chang Sheng's hands, and Chang Ganze's political opponents are even more gloating.

"Chang Sheng, a fool, met Xie Tianze. Xie Tianze is Ying Wuhou's subordinate. Ying Wuhou has long wanted to kill Chang Sheng. This time, Xie Tianze will definitely not let Chang Sheng survive the ring."

"Damn Chang Ganze, I don't know what expression he will have when he sees his son die with his own eyes. I don't know if he will become a fool too! Haha..."

All of Chang Ganze's political opponents gathered together, laughing loudly, they were not afraid that their voices would be heard by others, this area was all theirs.

"Strange, look, isn't the person who walked with Chang Ganze and the others Kou Ziyao? Why did the Generalissimo's daughter walk with them?"

Soon, everyone noticed Kou Ziyao again.

"This... it's probably just a superficial effort. Who can tell clearly about the affairs between their high-level people."

While everyone was talking about it, Grand Admiral Kou Tianxiao didn't twitch. Yesterday, his daughter sent a letter from her family saying that she would stay overnight at the house of her senior sister, but today she turned up with members of the Chang family. What's going on here?

Under Kou Tianxiao's puzzled gaze, the user Xie Tianze appeared.


Everyone felt a flash of a figure in front of them, Xie Tianze was already standing on the other side of the ring opposite Chang Sheng, and the murderous intent in his eyes was undisguised, finally waiting for this opportunity.This Chang Sheng is lucky, Master Yingwu has always wanted to kill him, but due to various reasons, Chang Sheng has survived until now, but today, Chang Sheng will undoubtedly die.

Chang Sheng has a lot of special treasures, and it is estimated that there are some secret methods that can even allow him to fight across realms, but he, himself, is also an existence that can fight beyond realms.

Chang Sheng looked at the man opposite him, his eyes narrowed for a moment, this is the guy who is known as the No. With an arm of Marquis Yingwu, by the way, he also learned about the strength of Marquis Yingwu from the side.

Suddenly, Chang Sheng stretched out a hand, pointed at Xie Tianze and shouted: "Big villain, Chang Sheng wants to kill the big villain!"

With a shout, Chang Sheng suddenly grabbed from behind, and he took out a strangely shaped soul banner that made people feel terrified at the first sight, and threw it forcefully towards the front.

As soon as the Thousand Resentment Miehun banner flew out, the air in the entire arena suddenly became heavy.


After the Thousand Resentment Mie Soul Banner flew for a certain distance, the long pole plunged into the ground at once, and at the top, the Soul Banner fluttered in the wind, revealing an indescribably strange and eerie feeling.


The Thousand Resentment Miehun Banner had just landed on the ground, and then there was a strange screaming sound.The next moment, gusts of dark wind blew over from all directions, and the sunny noon instantly became extremely cold.

Suddenly, ghosts rushed out of the ground one by one, the number was so large that it was impossible to count them. At the same time, there were clouds of gas floating out, carrying a strong stench .

The cold air, the screaming ghosts, in an instant, all the people watching the competition felt a chill down their backs, and layers of goosebumps emerged from their skins.

At this moment, everyone had an illusion that they were not in the venue of the tournament, but in the night cemetery where countless dead souls were buried.


Suddenly, a person could no longer bear the strong pressure, and fell to the ground with his head in his hands. After the first person fell, countless people fell down one after another.

On the martial arts viewing platform, Guo Feng was already in his heart, and quickly released his righteousness, covering the area around him. The magic weapon of the young master is too vicious. The prime minister has not practiced, so he must protect the prime minister. With Miss Kou Ziyao, she will become her young mistress in the future.

Guo Feng suddenly thought of Kou Ziyao, just now he wanted to expand the area of ​​his noble aura to include Kou Ziyao, but when he turned his head, he was surprised to find that Miss Kou Ziyao was not affected at all.

Among the crowd, those who were most affected were those whose strength was low. Although many of the remaining people were also affected by the Thousand Resentment Miehun Banner, they were not enough to fall down, and even some powerful existences seemed a little Nothing.

"This magic weapon is not simple. It should be an evil weapon. Looking at the power of this evil weapon, it is stronger than the magic weapons of many magic cultivators I have met who have been famous for many years. It is just displayed on the ring, but it can With such a far-reaching influence, these guys with masters are really behind the family background, even if they are a fool." He Lian despaired at the Thousand Resentment Miehun Banner on the ring, with a slightly strange expression on his face.

On the edge of the arena, the referee in charge of this match fainted on the ground because of the sudden green cloud-like poisonous gas and the countless ghosts.

On the opposite side of the arena, Xie Tianze looked coldly at the poisonous gas and the ghost floating in, with a disdainful smile on his face, he gently collapsed on the ground, and his whole body rose into mid-air, looking down at Chang Sheng from a height, and sternly He shouted: "Using such a vicious thing in the martial arts tournament! Hmph, this general will punish you on your behalf today!"

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