The four innate masters clashed just now, and the noise was so loud that the guardians of the family rushed over after hearing the sound, but their strength was limited, so they didn't step forward to die and kept watching from the sidelines.Now that they heard the words of the patriarch, they left immediately and conveyed the words of the patriarch.

Outside the Chang's house, on a few tall trees near the Chang's courtyard, a few figures stared blankly at the two lying in the Chang's courtyard, their brains completely stopped thinking.

Under the tree, a few rangers in Fengdu City asked loudly to the one above the tree, they stayed in the city all the time without going to Dongpo Ridge to watch Chang Sheng and Lin Haoming's martial arts competition today, but they didn't expect to see a few figures flying from the city Passed by and fell into Chang's house.Out of curiosity, they immediately rushed outside Chang's house to see what happened.But someone was faster than them, and the branches on the top of the tall tree had already been occupied by people. They couldn't see the situation in the Chang's courtyard, but could only hear the loud noises coming from them. Curious in their hearts, they could only He asked loudly to the person above the tree.

"Brothers above, hurry up and tell me what's going on."

"Xiantian... there are four innate masters in total!" Hearing the question from the people below, someone above the tree finally came to his senses and looked at the courtyard with a look of horror on his face: "The Chang family also has two innate masters, and they even killed The other two innate masters died!"

"What! The Chang family has two innate masters!"

"Oh my god! The Chang family is too terrifying. They hide too deep. They turned out to be two innate masters! In this Fengdu City, which other family can be the opponent of the Chang family! I am afraid that even in the county, the Chang family can also Become a big family that can be counted!"

"Crazy, this world is really crazy!"

Outside the North Courtyard, the four elders looked at each other, and they all found that each other's faces were full of horror. They ran over when they heard a loud noise from the North Courtyard, and happened to see two innate masters being killed The scene of beating to death, and not looking directly at Chang Ganyi is a congenital master, even Fang Xianyun is a congenital master!

After all, the Chang family is one of the four major families in Fengdu City, and the servants in the family are also well-trained. After a while, the butler rushed to Chang Ganyi with a group of servants.

Now they are going to follow Chang Ganyi to accept part of the properties of the Luo family and the Lin family.

"Xianyun, you will take a few men to Luo's house in a moment. The back door is blocked by Luo Junba, let's go to the front door."

Chang Ganyi gave instructions to Fang Xianyun, waved his hand, and walked out of the Chang Mansion with a mighty team of servants. After today, the Chang family is no longer one of the four major families in Fengdu City, but the first in Fengdu City. A family!

Chang Sheng carried a black iron rod and followed Chang Ganyi. Behind him were the clansmen, guards, and servants of the Chang family. The Luo family had already lost their bet, so their Chang family would naturally want to take over everything from the Luo family. , land, money, and people!

A mighty crowd walked out from the gate of Chang's house and walked all the way to Luo's house.

Fengdu City East District, Mo Family.

"What? The Chang family actually has two innate masters? You read that right! How could they have two innate masters!"

Mo Cheng, the Patriarch of the Mo family, heard the report from his subordinates, and immediately stood up from his chair with a cry of surprise, looking at the subordinates who came to report the news with burning eyes.

"Patriarch, I really read it right. At that time, there were many rangers in Fengdu City, and they all saw it. The Chang family has two innate masters, one is Chang Ganyi and the other is the female guest secretary of their Chang family."

Hearing the affirmative answer from his subordinates, Mo Cheng fell down on the chair with a "plop".After he bought the top-grade Qi Condensing Pill from the Chang family last time, he has been waiting for the Chang family to auction a new Qi Condensing Pill, and then waited for the pill to accumulate to a certain level, so that he could break through the Xiantian Realm in one fell swoop. At that time, his Mo family Then he can walk sideways in Fengdu City.

Unexpectedly, the Chang family unexpectedly had innate masters early on, and two innate masters appeared at once!

Two innate masters, if the Chang family wants to deal with the Mo family, then the Mo family has no room to resist. "No, I have to discuss it with the Li family as soon as possible. If the Chang family wants to deal with us, it will be troublesome!"

Mo Cheng eagerly waved to his subordinates: "Quickly call all the masters in the family, and follow me to see Patriarch Li."

With all the masters in the family, Patriarch Mo hurried to Li's house to meet Li Yu, the patriarch of the Li family.

"Patriarch Li, I think you already know that the Chang family has two innate masters. As a result, the Chang family has become the most powerful family in our Fengdu City. You and I are alone against the Chang family, and neither is the opponent of the Chang family. , once the Chang family wants to clean up us, we are likely to end up exterminating the family, at this moment, it is best for our two families to cooperate and form an alliance."

As soon as Mo Chengfang saw Li Yu, he immediately stated his purpose of coming to Li's house, which was to form an alliance.

Listening to Mo Cheng's words, Li Yu shook his head slightly. Even if they formed an alliance, the Li family and the Mo family were not the opponents of the Chang family. They had two innate masters, and there was also Chang Sheng who could kill half-step innate masters.If the Chang family really wants the other party and them, the Chang family doesn't need to send anyone else, just these three people are enough to defeat the Li family and the Mo family.

Li Yu felt a little regretful. At the beginning, he agreed to Chang Ganyi's request only for the benefit of his own auction house, and made a deal with Chang Ganyi, allowing the Chang family to suppress the Luo family.Unexpectedly, from then on, the Chang family actually...

"Hey, I really didn't expect that the Chang family could develop so quickly. Whether Chang Qianyi or Chengfu, they were already innate masters!"

Li Yu sighed, and was about to speak when a guard from the Li family hurried in outside.

"Patriarch, it's not good. Patriarch Chang brought their Chang family members and came towards us in a mighty way."

"What! What are the Chang family trying to do!"

Li Yu exclaimed, his face turned pale, and Chang Ganyi really wanted to annex them and make the Chang family the only big family in Fengdu City?

Not only Li Yu, but all the members of the Mo family in the whole room were terrified when they heard the words of the Li family guards.

Chang Ganyi came here, not only the Li family, but their Mo family is also nearby.Chang Ganyi may have come for the Li family, or he may have come for the Mo family.

Two innate masters come, who can resist?

For a moment, the whole room was in panic.

After a long time, Mo Cheng finally broke the silence, and said: "Patriarch Li, I think it's better for us to go out and have a look together. I don't believe that Chang Ganyi dared to come to trouble our two families openly. Their Chang family is powerful, but the wind The capital city is still the land under the rule of the Daqi Dynasty, and there are still county masters and city guard generals in the city."

Li Yu listened to Mo Cheng's words, his brows were still tightly frowned. Mo Cheng's words sounded righteous, but from his trembling lips when he spoke, it could be seen that Mo Cheng's heart was also in a state of ups and downs at this time. Saying it was just to embolden him.

"Hey, I can't help it, I can only go out and have a look now."

Li Yu sighed, summoned all the masters in the family, and walked out with Mo Cheng.

He had just walked out of the gate of Li's house. From a distance, he immediately saw a group of mighty teams coming from a distance. Behind the team, there were a few empty carriages. The patriarch is often dry and easy!

Chang Ganyi's eyesight is far superior to that of Li Yu and the others. He clearly saw Li Yu and Mo Cheng who blocked his way. Chang Ganyi was stunned. What are the Li family and the Mo family going to do?Blocking his way, could it be that they formed an alliance to deal with his Chang family?But based on them, will they be the opponents of the Chang family?

Chang Ganyi smiled in his heart, and strode towards Li Yu and Mo Cheng. Today, even if all the forces in the entire Fengdu City are added up, why should his Chang family be afraid?The Chang family has two innate masters!

Walking to stand ten meters in front of Li Yu and Mo Cheng, Chang Ganyi glanced at the masters behind them: "What? The two men are suddenly anxious to stop my way, do you want to ask my Chang family for advice if you have something to do?" some time?"

After asking for advice, Chang Ganyi's whole demeanor suddenly changed, exuding a strong innate qi and pressing towards the two of them and the master behind them.

The boundless coercion rushed straight out, facing Chang Qianyi, several people suddenly felt the air around them suddenly became heavier, and it became much more difficult to even stand up.

"Puff... puff!"

Several masters of the Li family and Mo family who were still at the peak of the body training state or even just stepped into the first and second floors of the sublimation state suddenly felt as if they had fallen into a bottomless abyss, and endless fear spread out of their hearts. It turned out that he couldn't stand up and fell directly to the ground!

"This, this the strength of a congenital master?"

Looking at the fallen clansman, Li Yu and Mo Cheng glanced at each other, feeling a sense of powerlessness in their hearts.

Behind the two were many clansmen who did not fall down, and a crowd of Fengdu city rangers watching the excitement. They looked at Chang Ganyi one by one, and felt a sense of fear in their hearts at the same time.

The innate masters were simply too terrifying. Chang Ganyi only released the coercion of the innate qi, and he didn't do anything directly.

The peak of the body forging state and the early stage of the sublimation state!This is the existence of masters in Fengdu City. Even the four major families attach great importance to such talents, and usually try their best to win them over, but now, they can't stand under the pressure of Chang Ganyi, let alone Fight!

Fengdu City is really going to change!

On Li Yu's forehead, a drop of sweat fell, and he stared at the pressure that was coming straight. His tone softened unconsciously: "Patriarch Chang, we just saw you bring people to my Li family, so... "

"So, do you think that Chang Ganyi is here to deal with your Li family?" Chang Ganyi heard Li Yu's explanation, suddenly withdrew his coercion, opened his mouth and smiled and said, "Patriarch Li, you think too much, I Chang Ganyi It's not that you don't know that we have no grievances or enmities, why should I deal with you. Don't worry, I'm going to Luo's house today."

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