silly elixir emperor

Chapter 639 Messy Bai Jie

But this speed is not easy to control, and it also needs a lot of medicinal materials. I have some medicinal materials here, but many medicinal materials have to be used to nourish my Tiandaowaidan.

Originally, I planned to continue nurturing the Tiandao Waidan first, and improved the Tiandao Waidan, and then improved Guo Feng's current strength.

But now in this mysterious and unknown place, danger can happen at any time, and I must first improve the strength of the three of them.

This time, I didn't dare to say more about improving their strength, but I am still sure of raising their realm to the seventh level of the sky-defying.

If you improve further, your medicinal materials will not be enough.

"Chang Sheng, we are back!"

Just as Chang Sheng was looking at the pill furnace and thinking, the voices of Guo Feng and Fang Shuwen rang out in the room almost at the same time.

Guo Feng and Fang Shuwen walked into the room with some disciples from the Chilian Sect and Baixiao Sect who had not died before.

Before, the two went to Chilian Gate and Baixiao Gate to search for treasures respectively. Although the distance between Chilian Gate and Baixiao Gate is much farther, the treasures of Chilian Gate are much, much less than those of Baixiao Gate. The search is over baby.At the entrance of the hall, Bai Jie, who followed Guo Feng into the hall, froze for a moment when he heard Guo Feng and Fang Shuwen's words. Although Chang Sheng was said to be the strongest among them, Chang Sheng was a fool. What's the use of this fool Chang Sheng's words?

Can a fool still tell a baby?What's more, most of the looted items are medicinal materials.

As soon as Guo Feng and Fang Shuwen finished shouting, they immediately found a huge piece of silk, and then they took out the Qiankun bag and poured down a lot of medicinal materials.

"This... there are so many medicinal materials..."

Chang Sheng looked at the medicinal materials that were poured down by the two, and the more he looked, the more surprised he was. Although the strength of these two sects is not weak, one has two masters who are indestructible against the sky, and the other sect is even more powerful. Stronger, but there are too many medicinal materials.

The treasures in those sects that I searched for before are far less than this sect.

Even for the Black Moon Sect, there are not even as many medicinal materials as there are in the Chilian Sect.

What a big sect the Black Moon Sect is, but it can’t even compare to a small Chilian Gate. There are so many more treasures in this place than outside, but it seems that this place is also better than outside Fight a lot.

Chang Sheng looked at the medicinal materials on the ground. With these medicinal materials, not to mention helping Guo Feng and others to raise their strength to the seventh or eighth floor, even to the ninth floor, or even half a step against the sky like he is now. There is no problem with killing.

As for the immortality against the sky, it is impossible. The immortality against the sky is a very big leap, and it cannot be improved by relying on pills.

"Chang Sheng, we brought the medicinal materials, can you make alchemy?" Guo Feng spoke directly after putting down the medicinal materials. Before he went to search for them, Chang Sheng secretly told him through voice transmission that he would be able to do it when he came back. Find yourself alchemy.

"Of course Chang Sheng can do it, Chang Sheng is the best!" Chang Sheng raised his head, showing a complacent look.

"Gah..." Bai Jie let out a strange cry when she heard Chang Sheng's words, which instantly attracted everyone's attention, but she didn't notice it at all.

"Chang Sheng...he can make alchemy?" Bai Jie looked at Chang Sheng strangely.

"Of course, Chang Sheng knows how to make alchemy, what's so strange?" Unexpectedly, it was He Lianjue who spoke this time.

"Chang Sheng is not only good at alchemy, but also the second highest level of alchemy I've ever met." After He Lianjue said, he added: "The first person is Chang Sheng's nephew."

He Lianjue's words had fallen, and Guo Feng and Yue Yichen who were on the side suddenly laughed in their hearts. Chang Sheng's nephew, how can Chang Sheng have any nephew, that's just Chang Sheng's avatar, ridiculous, everyone The people of the Great Qi Dynasty were all deceived by Chang Sheng, by the fools in their eyes.

"Chang Sheng's nephew?" Bai Jie looked at Chang Sheng in a daze after hearing the sound: "Chang Sheng doesn't seem to be 20 years old, his nephew, how old is his nephew! Or is it Chang Sheng's seniority?" high?"

"We don't know whether Chang Sheng's seniority is high, but Chang Sheng's nephew is indeed not very old, he is only ten years old this year." Yue Yichen chuckled suddenly when he heard the sound: "His nephew is just a kid, but he is not at all. cute."

"A child in his teens!" Bai Jie heard the sound, and her pretty face instantly became very exciting. The next moment, she gave Yue Yichen a vicious look. During this journey, others rarely talked to him, it was that Yue Yichen, She seems to be fine and likes to make fun of her, and always lies to her, so she doesn't believe Yue Yichen's words!

What a joke, a child in his teens is a master of alchemy, even if he was killed, she wouldn't believe it!

"I don't believe it." Yue Yichen laughed, and turned to look at Chang Sheng: "Chang Sheng, what kind of elixir are you going to make later?"

"Chang Sheng wants to practice..." Chang Sheng frowned immediately after hearing the sound and thought about it. After a long while, he raised his head and looked at the hall. The faces of the people looking at him full of expectations showed bright smiles: "Chang Sheng forgotten……"

"Gah..." Bai Jie screamed again when she heard the sound, that's okay, an alchemist can even forget the name of the elixir to be refined, what kind of alchemist is this!

On the side, Helian Jue heard the sound, and there was a bead of sweat on his face. This Chang Sheng...

"Oh, I forgot the name of the elixir, it's fine, as long as I can refine the elixir." Yue Yichen said indifferently: "Chang Sheng, hurry up and refine the elixir for us."

"Well, Chang Sheng will make alchemy for you." Chang Sheng nodded, and said, pointing to the Ziyang Furnace, which has already been set up, and said: "Hurry up and go in, and Chang Sheng will help you make alchemy after you go in!"

When the three of them heard Chang Sheng say to let them enter the alchemy furnace, and Chang Sheng would make alchemy again, the three didn't think much about it, could Chang Sheng still harm them?

Especially Guo Feng, remember that when he was still in Fengdu City, Chang Sheng pretended to be the old man with white beard and threw him into the alchemy furnace to help him improve his strength.

Almost without any hesitation, Guo Feng was the first to jump into the alchemy furnace, followed by Guo Feng, Fang Shuwen and Yue Yichen also jumped into the alchemy furnace.

" are crazy!" Bai Jie cried out when she saw the actions of Guo Feng and the others, alchemy?Where does alchemy require people to enter the alchemy furnace!

Wait... No, alchemy does require people to enter the alchemy furnace, which is to refine the legendary human alchemy!

Thinking of the Human Pill, Bai Jie was startled. If she refined the Human Pill, she would still be a human, but she would be dead.Chang Sheng, this fool, what on earth is he going to do, and let Guo Feng and the others enter the alchemy furnace. Is this to refine Guo Feng and the others into human pills?Guo Feng and the others are also true, and they are still messing around with Chang Sheng.

Although she hasn't known Guo Feng and Yue Yichen for a long time, she can tell that Guo Feng and the others are not bad-minded, nor are they greedy for her beauty, otherwise she wouldn't be with them all the time Together, if you want to say now, she can still leave if she wants to.

Besides, without these people, she would be dead by now.She couldn't just watch Yue Yichen and the others just follow Chang Sheng to their deaths.

"Hey, stop, stop quickly." Bai Jie saw that Guo Feng and the others jumped into the alchemy furnace, and Chang Sheng grabbed a handful of medicinal materials. She was shocked and ran to Chang Sheng's side, grabbing her Lived in Changsheng.

"Chang Sheng, what are you going to do? Do you want to train them into pills?"

"Human pill! That's right, Chang Sheng remembered that Chang Sheng wanted to refine the human pill." Chang Sheng's arm was grabbed by Bai Jie, but he shouted excitedly: "Wow, you are so smart, you know Chang Sheng Isn't Chang Sheng very smart to refine human pills!"

When Bai Jie heard this, she couldn't help but yelled, you're so smart, but luckily she held back.

"Refinement Pill, Refinement Pill will refine them to death!" Bai Jie pulled Chang Sheng, looked back at the pill furnace, and shouted at the people in the furnace: "You heard, Chang Sheng is going to refine you into human pills, so hurry up and come out!"

Chang Sheng looked at Bai Jie whose pretty face was flushed anxiously, but secretly nodded in his heart. This Bai Jie really cared about Guo Feng and the others unexpectedly. This woman's heart is still very good, but she How could it be possible to harm Guo Feng and the others?

Chang Sheng ignored Bai Jie, and Guo Feng and others in the alchemy furnace also ignored Bai Jie.

Seeing that both sides ignored her, Bai Jie immediately turned her head and looked at He Lianjue.

"You also let them mess around, don't hurry up and get the three of them out!"

"Uh... I believe in Chang Sheng." He Lianjue hesitated for a while, but still expressed his trust in Chang Sheng. Although Chang Sheng was a fool, it was because he was a fool that he hesitated, otherwise, Only relying on the Great Demon Heart Pill that Chang Sheng refined back then, I shouldn't have any doubts about Chang Sheng.

" are all crazy!" Seeing that none of these people paid attention to her, Bai Jie felt that the whole world was going crazy.

Alchemy, can alchemy still survive?Besides, Chang Sheng is a fool, can a fool know how to make alchemy?Moreover, Chang Sheng is so young, and his realm and strength are so high. Even if he is not a fool, but a normal person, how advanced alchemy can he have at such a young age?To reach such a high level at this age, I am afraid that Chang Sheng has spent all his time practicing, how can he do other things, besides, the biggest problem is that he is a fool!

There are quite a few idiots who are masters. After all, idiots are simple-minded and have no distracting thoughts. It is understandable that they can enter the state quickly after practicing, but can idiots make alchemy?

I have never heard of another fool who can make pills!

Bai Jie really wanted to rush up and overturn the pill furnace, but after hesitating for a while, she still didn't do it. Chang Sheng is a fool, and he looks quite violent. If she knocks over the pill, maybe Chang Sheng will Without saying a word, he raised his fist and punched himself directly.

With Chang Sheng's strength, if he punched him down, he would be invincible.Moreover, Guo Feng and the others are not stupid. They should come out after they feel that their lives are in danger in the alchemy furnace. With their strength, they will not be able to die in the alchemy furnace for a while.After all, if Chang Sheng, a fool, said that he could refine human pills, he would not believe it himself. If he couldn't refine human pills, then Guo Feng and the others would naturally be in no danger.

Perhaps, they knew that Chang Sheng couldn't refine any elixir, but in order to make Chang Sheng happy, they cooperated with Chang Sheng and pretended to let Chang Sheng refine the elixir.

Yes, it should be like this!

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