"However, there are exceptions to everything. Every once in a while, there will always be a communication space between the heaven and the earth. In this way, people in the heaven can enter the land. Of course, people on the land can also ascend to the heaven. And this time, no one can be sure. Sometimes, it will take thousands of years before the bridge between heaven and earth will appear, but sometimes, within a year, the bridge will appear. twice!"

"And the closest communication space between heaven and earth appeared a thousand years ago. At that time, countless masters from the heavens came to the earth through that communication space, and wanted to extract the source of the earth. The source of the earth is It is the source that supports the existence of the earth. Once it is absorbed, the entire earth, the entire Tianyuan Shenzhou continent will collapse! The entire Tianyuan Shenzhou continent will no longer exist, and all life on the continent will be lost. Even monks are no exception!"

Ying Wuhou said this, and suddenly changed his tone and said: "Shifa, I'm afraid you don't know, although the heavens are indeed much stronger than the monks on the land, but the strong on the mainland are not defenseless. "

"The current continent, besides the Tianyuan Shenzhou continent, there are many continents in the world. And the heaven is actually divided into many parts! But in the beginning, there was only one part of the sky, and there was only one part of the mainland. It's just because In the struggle between the two sides, people from the heavens came to the land to extract the source, and people on the land also went to the heaven to extract the source, so, because the source was extracted, the heaven and the land were gradually torn apart and divided into many existences."

"The current continent of Tianyuan Shenzhou is the largest continent left after the division of the earth. As for other continents, many continents have completely disappeared because their origins have been taken away. The same is true for the heavens. Those people in the heavens, They have always aimed at the Tianyuan Shenzhou Continent. Because the Tianyuan Shenzhou Continent is the largest continent, and the origin of the earth is also the strongest. Those weak celestial monks naturally chose those small continents to extract, but for those For the most powerful celestial monks, only the source on the Tianyuan Shenzhou continent is the most useful to them, and if they want to extract it, they will extract the source on the Tianyuan Shenzhou continent.”

"At the station thousands of years ago, the masters of the heavenly world unexpectedly united and rushed into the Tianyuan Shenzhou Continent together, and began to forcibly extract the source of the earth on the continent. However, due to lack of preparation in the Tianyuan Shenzhou Continent, many masters retreated steadily, but just now At this time, Lord Shrouding Heaven appears!"

"Zhetian Shenjun only has one magic weapon in his hand, which is the Zhetian Banner. Relying on the Zhetian Banner, Zhetian Shenjun insisted on resisting many masters of the heavens. Although the battle ended, Zhetian Shenjun died in the end, but he But he beheaded the three True Monarchs of the Heaven Realm!"

"Three True Monarchs!"

When Chang Sheng heard Yingwu Hou's words, he was so shocked that he couldn't be more shocked. That's the real king!Although, on the continent of Tianyuan Shenzhou, occasionally there will be some people claiming to be some kind of true king, but these guys are just self-proclaimed, they are not real true kings.

It is different in the heavenly realm. In the heavenly realm, only when the strength reaches a certain height can one be called a true king, just like the true king of Tiandan!

If the strength is not enough, it is an insult to the real king and will be hunted down by all the real kings.So in the heavens, a true monarch is a true monarch, and all the true monarchs are the strongest existence in the heavens, and the true monarch of Tiandan is a true monarch!

However, the God Lord Zhetian beheaded and killed three True Lords by himself, how can this not be surprising!

Since I came to the mainland, although I know that some masters on the mainland can also fight against the people of the heavens, but in my heart, I still think that the heavens are much stronger than the mainland, but now it seems that this is not the case. Humans can actually kill the real king!

However, it can also be heard from Yingwuhou's words that the Tianyuan Shenzhou Continent is the largest and strongest continent in the world, so it can resist the heavens.

No wonder Gu Tianmo made that request back then, and he was not afraid that he would not be able to reincarnate in Tianyuan Shenzhou Continent. Thinking about it, it was probably because Tianyuan Shenzhou Continent was the largest continent, and it was much larger than other continents. Gu Tianmo also knew that he would reincarnate in Tianyuan Shenzhou The probability of the mainland is very, very high, so those requests are made.

While Chang Sheng was thinking in his mind, the image of Marquis Yingwu spoke again in the jade pendant: "After the Lord Zhetian was injured, the banner of Zhetian in his hand, I don't know why, maybe it's because the Lord Zhetian The body was damaged, or it may be because of the damage in the battle, the sky-shrouding banner was also torn apart, turned into several pieces, and then flew away and disappeared."

"However, after Zhetian Shenjun died, two mysterious masters who had never appeared before reappeared in Tianyuan Shenzhou, resisting the heavenly people who lost three true kings, and the two sides stalemate for a while. With a burst of suction, everyone in the heavens will be sucked away, and the war will be declared over."

"That war is over, but the Shrouding God Lord who shined brilliantly in the war is remembered by everyone, especially his Shrouding Banner. For thousands of years, all the powerful people on the mainland have been looking for That big banner that covers the sky. Then in the treasure I know, there is a corner of the big banner that covers the sky. Although I don’t know which part it is, but even if it is a corner, this flag is enough to make your strength surpass Chang Sheng!"

Hearing Yingwuhou's words, Chang Sheng became suspicious in his heart, would Yingwuhou be so kind and give such good things to others?He really didn't believe it, there was definitely something weird in that treasure, but this treasure should also be real, as for the sky-shattering banner.

Hearing Yingwuhou's words, Chang Sheng somehow remembered the black flag that he had never used since he got it.

The power of holding a flag is extremely terrifying. I don't know, that flag has something to do with the big flag that covers the sky, and that flag is also a corner of a big flag.

"By the way, I said Gu Tianmo, don't you claim to be omniscient? I see this big banner... I also got a flag, and that flag is extremely powerful, and it belongs to a certain flag." One corner. I think that flag is also a corner of the sky-covering banner, Gu Tianmo, do you know this sky-covering banner?"

"I don't know." Gu Tianmo simply shook his head.

"I don't know. You look at the heroic warriors. They all know this great banner. You always brag to me when you have nothing to do. You know astronomy and geography. Now, you don't even know such a famous magic weapon." " Chang Sheng looked at Gu Tianmo with disdain.

"What's the matter? In the last battle, countless powerful people died in the battle, and countless magic treasures were shattered. The Sky-Blocking Banner was just one of them. How could there be so many magic weapons that knew the Sky-Blocking Banner? As for Yingwu He just happened to know it. During the great battle at that time, there was also a sword called Zhuxian Sword, and that sword was also broken. If the fragments of that sword appeared in front of me, I would definitely know it. But when it appeared In front of Marquis Yingwu, see if Marquis Ying knows him."

Gu Tianmo snorted coldly, and then said: "However, although I don't know the big banner that covers the sky, I have heard of it. When you got the corner of the black flag back then, whether it was your strength or your opponent's Their strength is too weak, so I didn't think about it at all, it would be a corner of the most powerful magic weapon in the world like Zhetian Daqi. But now that I think about it, I shouldn't be wrong, and Marquis Yingwu probably won't lie You, there should really be a treasure in that place!"

Chang Sheng thought to himself, although he said that Marquis Yingwu would not be so kind, but there should be such a big banner, and he naturally wanted to let his avatar go, but even if there was a problem, he would The real deity will not be affected too much.

But before that, I have to prepare well. Before that, my Heavenly Dao Wai Dan was broken in order to block the spear shadow of Marquis Yingwu, and I had to repair the Heavenly Dao Wai Dan as soon as possible.

Fortunately, after Yingwuhou died, he left a lot of medicinal materials for himself, which is enough to repair the Heavenly Dao Wai Dan.If it weren't for my lack of strength now, and I was worried about the catastrophe, those medicinal materials would have allowed me to refine the Heavenly Dao Wai Pill again.

Just as Chang Sheng was thinking, the words of Marquis Yingwu rang again.

"By the way, Shifa, there is another question. When Chang Sheng fought me in the end, he seemed to be able to absorb the original power in my body. Do you know what kind of skill this is?" Ying Wuhou pretended Casually asked.

"Cultivation method? How can there be such a kind of cultivation method!" Chang Sheng laughed secretly in his heart when he heard Yingwuhou's words. This Yingwuhou would pretend to not care, but in fact, his concern about this issue may not be outside the sky. Under Dan.

However, Shengshi Xianfa is his biggest secret, and he will not tell him!

After Chang Sheng thought about it, he blew up casually: "What do you know, that is not a skill at all, but a magic weapon! Back then, my master gave Chang Sheng two magic weapons, which were actually two pills. One of them One is used outside, as you have already seen. There is another pill that stays in Chang Sheng’s body. The outer pill is used for fighting, but the inner pill can indeed be used to absorb the opponent’s essence, which is an anomaly Vicious magic weapon."

"Huh? That's also a magic weapon!" Marquis Yingwu was stunned again, this Wangdan Zhenjun was able to refine two such powerful magic weapons!

Chang Sheng's avatar was bragging with Ying Wuhou for a long time, and then Ying Wuhou left slowly. Yingwuhou's body was broken by Chang Sheng, and he never appeared, but it would cause panic among the soldiers in the army. Then explain it to a group of confidantes.

Chang Sheng did not stay in his big tent, but found an empty cave, took out the alchemy furnace, lit the flame, and just wanted to refine the Tiandao Wai Dan, but the Tiandao Wai Dan was about to fall into the alchemy furnace In an instant, Chang Sheng suddenly reacted.

There are a lot of things in my Tiandao Waidan, this time, I repaired the Tiandao Waidan by myself, it is better to take out all the things inside, otherwise if something goes wrong, I will cry to death.

Chang Sheng took out all the things in the Tiandao Waidan.

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