silly elixir emperor

Chapter 661 Impostor

Chang Sheng looked at the introduction of Shu Xianshu, and his eyes lit up again. This fairy technique, for him, is a good thing that can directly and quickly improve his strength.

You can restrain the enemy, even if the enemy is restrained, you can break free, but it takes time to break free. Sometimes, the success or failure can be determined in the blink of an eye in the fight between masters!

If I had possessed this bunch of immortal skills when I fought against Yingwuhou, the battle would not have been so tragic, and I would have defeated Yingwuhou even without using the Heavenly Tribulation of the Heavenly Dao Waidan.

And to deal with those who are not as powerful as yourself, this immortal technique is the best move.

Bind the opponent directly, so it's not like letting oneself beheaded.

Otherwise, those masters who are invincible against the sky will be in trouble if they can't kill their opponents in one shot and let them recover their bodies continuously.

Seeing this great technique, Chang Sheng immediately overturned his previous decision, he must practice this fairy technique first!

After looking at the rankings of various great arts and martial arts in the Wanfa Tower, Chang Sheng remembered that he hadn't finished reading the introduction of the Wanfa Tower, so he turned his eyes and continued to watch.

"The Wanfa Tower can be big or small, and can be transformed into a similar appearance. The power of the magic weapon fused with the Wanfa Tower also has the same power. At the same time, the Wanfa Tower can continue to be upgraded. With the improvement of the Wanfa Tower, the Wanfa Tower will The power of the magic tower will continue to increase, and at the same time, the spells in the magic weapon will also increase."

Chang Sheng's eyes quickly filtered through the introduction of Wanfa Tower, and then continued to read, and quickly finished the introduction about Wanfa Tower.

After the new magic weapon is refined into the Wanfa Tower, the original magic weapon can actually be taken out of the Wanfa Tower and used alone, but after being used, the power of the Wanfa Tower will be greatly reduced.

And this Wanfa Pagoda, in addition to the power possessed by the original magic weapon, has another function. If this Wanfa Pagoda cooperates with Shengshi Tulu's attack, the power of Shengshi Tulu will be greatly increased!

Thinking of the Prosperous Age Catalogue, Chang Sheng sighed in his heart, the Prosperous Age Catalogue has been broken, and he needs to find another ghost painting and draw another one.

Juebi Guihua has always been working hard for the people who saved his son, and he has never collected enough medicinal materials for him, but this time, with so many medicinal materials from Marquis Yingwu, he can refine a elixir for his son , Helped his son come back to life.And I also need to let him draw another picture for myself, and it is a stronger picture than before!

Chang Sheng was thinking miscellaneously, while looking at the alchemy furnace in front of him, waiting for the restoration of the Heavenly Dao Wai Dan and Chaos Egg to be completed.

"Click, click..."

Suddenly, there was a crisp sound from the alchemy furnace containing the Heavenly Dao Wai Pill.

Inside the alchemy furnace, a strange scene appeared in Chang Sheng's sight.

On the eggshell of the Chaos Egg, which had already been cracked, the spider web-like cracks slowly gathered in the middle like bugs crawling slowly.On the gap, streamers like cuticles danced slightly.

The cracks gradually began to merge, and at the same time, strands of extremely fierce ancient aura diffused from the Chaos Egg.


As this aura became stronger and stronger, the air above the Chaos Egg began to vibrate slightly, and then phantoms of ancient and strange beasts emerged from the sky above the Chaos Egg, the blue dragon, the white tiger, the unicorn...

Chang Sheng opened his mouth wide and stared blankly at the scene in front of him. He just thought it was so amazing. He used the fur, blood, skeleton and other things of these strange beasts to restore the Chaos Egg, but he never thought of the situation in front of him. scene.

Right now, the Chaos Egg obviously has the aura of these strange beasts, this... What will it look like when the Chaos Egg hatches!

After Chang Sheng refined the Wanfa Pagoda, and repaired the Chaos Egg and the Heavenly Dao Wai Dan, he asked Guo Feng to find a soldier who had followed them from the capital to overseas, and asked the soldier to look for the ghost painting, and immediately He himself was ready to go.

This time he took Yue Yichen with him and headed for 36 Island.

After all, the army has just been taken over, and someone still needs to prepare the army here, and I and others can't all leave.

And with Yue Yichen, this kid is really lucky, with him, maybe there will be some adventures.And the alien avatar stayed temporarily, so that it would be convenient for him to communicate with Guo Feng at any time.

As for the identity, the identity of Lu Jiuzhe, the deputy island owner who used the fire to refine the island, was enough.

Chang Sheng quickly disguised himself as Lu Jiuzhe, and then changed Yue Yichen's appearance, turning him into an ordinary middle-aged man, and then the two headed towards 36 Island.

There are 36 overseas islands. It is said that there are 36 islands. In fact, there are not only 36 islands, but there are 36 relatively large forces here. As for the islands.Those 36 forces are not on the largest 36 islands either.

Among the 36 powers, the islands where some weak powers are located are not as large as the subsidiary islands of the islands where some big powers are located.

Although it is said that many islands on the 36th Island have been captured by Yingwuhou, many islands are still in the hands of the 36th Island.

Chang Sheng and Yue Yichen took the boat of freedom and headed directly to the subsidiary island where the largest central island of the 36 islands is located.

The most powerful part of Island 36 is the central island. However, not everyone can go to the central island, even if they transform into Lu Jiuzhe. At most, they can only go to the subsidiary islands of the central island.

After walking for about two or three hours on the boat of freedom, the destination of this time appeared in sight, the subsidiary island of the largest central island of the 36 islands.

Although it is said to be an affiliated island, the Central Island is the largest of all the islands in the 36 islands, and it is also the location of the strongest force, so this affiliated island is larger than most of the islands in the 36 islands. There are also more people.

There is only one port on the attached island, and behind this port stands a city.

Chang Sheng and Yue Yichen got off the boat of freedom, walked towards the city, but just as they reached the gate of the city, they were blocked by others.

"Stop here!"

At the gate of the city, two guards raised their hands to stop Chang Sheng and the others.

"Who are you two? You are not from our island."

"We are not from Central Island, but I am from 36 Island!" Chang Sheng looked at the two guards in front of him and said proudly, "I am Lu Jiuzhe, the deputy island owner of Huolian Island!"

"Huolian Island?" The two guards froze like two dumb geese when they heard the sound: "Huolian Island... Hasn't Huolian Island been destroyed? And all the people on Huolian Island were killed, and none escaped."

The two guards looked at each other, then pulled out the long knife in their hands and pointed it at Chang Sheng.

"Who are you two? What is the purpose of those who pretend to be our 36 islands!"

The two guards obviously regarded Chang Sheng and Chang Sheng as outsiders pretending to be identities. Following the actions of the two of them, a group of guards who were resting quickly drew their weapons from their waists and surrounded them. Yue Yichen surrounded them.

"Hmph, why do you need to pretend to be the island owner? Although you are the guards of the central island, you are only small guards. How dare you be unreasonable to our island owner!" Yue Yichen walked out from Chang Sheng's side with a strong look The breath gushes out from his body.

Feeling the powerful aura emanating from the counterattack, the expressions of the guards immediately became dignified.

At the same time, the surrounding islanders who keep coming in and out have also noticed the situation here. Some of them hide away from the side, fearing that they will be hit by a fight, and some of them are doing what they should do. , as if everything in front of them was transparent, and some eyes showed hatred, gearing up and waiting for a while to make a move before rushing forward.

Seeing that the two sides were already at war with each other, if there was any disagreement, they would fight. At the gate of the city, a middle-aged man dressed gorgeously and just walked out looked at the two people who were surrounded, but his face showed surprise.

"Brother Lu, is the person in front of you Brother Lu?" The man shouted, and quickly walked towards Chang Sheng and the two.

"Brother Lu, it really is Brother Lu!" The man suddenly exclaimed after approaching.

As the man's voice sounded, the soldiers surrounding Chang Sheng and the two took a step back. One of the guards who seemed to be the leader obviously knew the person coming, and he looked at him suspiciously.

"General Li Mo, do you know him?"

"I know!" Li Mo nodded and said, "He used to be the deputy owner of Huolian Island on our 36th island, and his name was Lu Jiuzhe. But, hasn't Huolian Island been destroyed by Marquis Yingwu? Why did you run away again? Came out?" After speaking, Li Mo's gaze fell on Chang Sheng.

Chang Sheng sighed, shook his head helplessly and said: "Hey, it's a long story. When I went far away and mixed with the soldiers, when the Marquis Yingwu attacked, he regarded me as an ordinary soldier, so I escaped by chance. He was killed, and then fled to the Daqi Dynasty, and he was able to return to our 36 Island today."

The surrounding guards saw the two talking, and one by one finally confirmed that the other party was really a person from Island 36 and not an enemy spy, and they also retreated automatically.

Chang Sheng looked at the guard who walked away, and then his eyes fell on Li Mo. According to Lu Jiuzhe's memory, this Li Mo is one of the four most powerful islands among the 36 islands, except for the most powerful central island. The people on Thousand Snake Island.

The friendship between the two is only superficial, and their acquaintance is also accidental, not even familiar.However, right now, he wants to inquire about the situation on Island 36, especially the ruins on Island 36, so Li Mo should make good use of it.

Chang Sheng clasped his fists at Li Mo, and said, "It's really unexpected that after leaving Island 36 for a while, the changes in Island 36 are so great, and the guards on the Central Island are obviously much stricter than before. .”

"Hey... there is no way to do this." Li Mo sighed, and slowly said: "Brother Lu has wanted to leave 36 Island for a long time, and he doesn't understand the current situation. Now our 36 Island is really in a crisis. It's autumn."

"Huh? How do you say that? Even if Yingwu Hou is powerful, our Island 36 will not fall into such a situation!" Chang Sheng said in shock: "After our Huolian Island was destroyed, could something big happen? "

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