"Bang bang bang..."

Affected by the ripple-like aftermath, in an instant, the soldiers on the boat accompanying Wu Hufa seemed to be hit by a sledgehammer, and their bodies bounced back suddenly. The soldiers in front knocked down the soldiers behind, and then Knock down the soldiers behind, and the soldiers fall down like dominoes one by one.

At the center of the shock, Wu Hufa only persisted for a second, and then, as if being hit by a meteorite flying from the sky, he opened his mouth and spurted out blood, and his body quickly flew back.

After flying all the way backwards for a distance of tens of meters, Wu Hufa's arm that was just facing the other party's palm burst open, and fell to the ground with a bang, his sinister face was already covered with deep fear.

He even knocked himself into the air with a single palm, and even blew one of his arms, this person's strength... how could he have improved so much, he has just entered Heaven-Defying Immortality!

Seeing that Protector Wu was hit by the opponent's palm, all the soldiers around took a breath of cold air for a moment, and a chill rushed from the back of the spine to the top of the head. Even Protector Wu was not the opponent's all-in-one enemy, so why did I wait for others to rush forward? , This is simply death!

Chang Sheng rolled his eyes, glanced at Yue Yichen, and nodded secretly in his heart, Yue Yichen, this kid, after entering the Heaven-Defying Immortal, his strength has really improved rapidly, his current strength is probably not weaker than He Lianjue at all.

Yue Yichen's strength has soared far beyond the opponent's, and the number of masters against the sky on his side also exceeds the opponent's. He is still fighting at home in his own territory. Chang Sheng doesn't even need to fight, just let Yue Yichen lead a group of men to fight, and it will be stable. Steadily suppressed the opponent, until the opponent's three immortal masters were beaten and fled.

Even if they didn't leave behind some of the magic weapons they carried with them, whether they could escape is another matter.

Protector Wu finally escaped, and Chang Sheng didn't deliberately make things difficult for him.After all, this time, he came to 36 Island to inquire about news, if he killed the other party, there might be trouble.Therefore, it is enough to grab the other party again.

However, after Wu Hufa made such a fuss, Chang Sheng's subordinates worshiped Chang Sheng even more.

Not to mention how powerful Chang Sheng is, the key point is that if you hang out with him, you will have meat to eat.In just a short period of time, you have created two masters who are invincible against the sky. Where can you find such bosses?

On the other side, after Guardian Wu escaped, he flew towards their main island of Que Ling Island while facing the scolding of the other people.

Such a big thing happened, they must report it to the island owner, and they also need to ask the island owner to help them get back the things that were robbed by the other party.

Que Ling Island.

In the magnificently built palace, an extremely burly giant man sat on a special golden chair, looking coldly at the five people prostrated on the ground in front of him.

"What a waste. To be bullied by the people on the small Thousand Snake Island is really embarrassing to the owner of the island! What's even more embarrassing is that you all lost when you went back to find a place. Waste, all waste!"

The giant man was yelling and cursing without cultivation, while Wu Hufa and five people under their feet lowered their heads, not daring to speak out loudly.

After scolding for a while, he finally had enough, and then waved his hand to signal the five people to get up.

"Is that Lu Jiuzhe? The protector of the little Thousand Snake Island dares to provoke the owner of this island. He is really impatient. Come here, pass on the message from the owner of the island, and tell the owner of Thousand Snake Island that he will give the person to him." The owner of this island was tied up and sent here. Since he can't manage his subordinates well, then the owner of this island can only do it for him!"

"Yes." In the darkness, a figure responded, and then disappeared. The speed of his figure was no less than that of Guardian Wu and the others.

On Thousand Snake Island, the owner of Thousand Snake Island looked at the subordinates who came in front of him representing the owner of Que Ling Island, and waved his hand unceremoniously: "Hmph, go back and tell your island owners that they are the subordinates of this island owner. I don’t need the island master of Que Ling to intervene in my own internal affairs. Go back and tell your island masters how the island master manages his subordinates, you don’t need him to teach you!”


Soon, the envoy passed the words of the Thousand Snake Island Master to the Que Ling Island Master verbatim. Immediately, the Que Ling Island Master became furious and smashed a teacup.

"Okay, very good. If you don't teach that kid Qianshe for a while, he's getting fatter. This island owner will let him know what will happen if he refuses this island owner."

The resident of Que Ling Island suddenly stood up from his seat, and shouted to the outside: "Come and prepare the boat, and go to Thousand Snake Island with the owner of this island."

Not long after, the news that the island master of Que Ling led people to Thousand Snake Island in person reached the ears of the island master of Thousand Snake Island, and then the island master of Qian Snake Island summoned a group of men, and sailed to stop the island master of Que Ling Island. a group of people.

Finally, on the sea four or five miles away from Qiansnake Island, they encountered the fleet led by the owner of Que Ling Island.

Far away, before they got close to the other party, an unusually arrogant voice came from the big boat opposite.

"Qian Snake, tell your subordinate, that bastard called Lu Jiuzhe, to roll over to this island owner!"

"Hmph, I don't need you to take care of the island lord's subordinates!" Qiansnake Island lord looked at the burly man on the opposite boat, and his aura was not at all inferior: "It's you who brought so many people to us. Thousand Snake Island, what do you want to do!"

"What to do, don't you know? Stop talking nonsense with the island owner. Your people ran to the island owner's territory for no reason, beat up the island owner's people, and even robbed the island owner's things. Don't pretend you don't know. If you are sensible, obediently send the person out. Then compensate the owner of the island for three times the losses, and the owner of the island will give you a face."

The owner of Que Ling Island shouted loudly to the opposite side, the sound was like a bell tolling, and it was like thunder exploding from the sky, like rolling thunder, shaking on the sea.

The Lord of Thousand Snake Island frowned immediately when he heard the sound, with a look of sarcasm on his face, he sneered and said, "You mean that the owner of this island caused trouble first? You don't know who is the first Provoking right and wrong. If your people hadn’t snatched away the magic weapon of the island lord’s subordinates first, would my people run to your island when they were full? Even dare to snatch what the big island lord bestowed, your subordinates have the guts It's not small!"

The owner of Que Ling Island obviously knew what had happened, and when he heard the words of Island Owner Qian Snake, his face immediately showed deep disdain: "Qian Snake, that's all you've got. Suppressing people. However, the big island lord will not care about your shit. Don't quibble, and send people here quickly, otherwise, don't blame the island lord for calling you ugly!"

"Let this island lord send someone away, why don't you send your person who robbed this island lord first!" Qian Snake Island lord did not show any weakness, and it was absolutely impossible for him to send Lu Jiuzhe away.Although, in the past, when there were conflicts between Thousand Snake Island and Que Ling Island, he just swallowed his anger.But that's because those things were conflicts between his subordinates, neither of the two island masters participated, and he couldn't take the initiative to take action.

But this time was different, Lu Jiuzhe took advantage of the conflict, but the owner of Que Ling Island took the initiative to help his subordinates.

The Sparrow Spirit Island Master is also deceiving people too much.


In the past, our subordinates clashed, and your subordinates took advantage of it, so you didn't do anything.Now that your subordinates are at a disadvantage, you just make a move. There is no such cheap thing in the world.

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