silly elixir emperor

Chapter 675 Goodbye Zhu Zhijing

Feeling the unprecedented powerful force, the face of Qianshe Island Master suddenly showed ecstasy, and his eyes glanced at Chang Sheng indistinctly. This Lu Jiuzhe really deserves to protect him. They were all taken out.

Looking up at the island master of the bird spirit in the sky, the island master of the long snake let out a long roar, instantly raised his body, and flew into the air again, waving the snake head stick in his hand.

The next moment, in the sky, phantoms of poisonous snakes flew out of his wooden staff, which really weighed as much as a thousand snakes.


The island master of Que Ling snorted coldly, and swept away with the sledgehammer in front of him.

In an instant, in the sky, behind the owner of Que Ling Island, a huge phantom of a giant that seemed to come from the prehistoric era appeared behind him. This giant held a huge ax and swept away at the snakes in front of him .

Every time the giant hammer sweeps, there will always be pieces of phantom snakes that are smashed and dissipated.

But there are too many phantoms of poisonous snakes in the sky. Although the phantom of the giant has shattered many phantoms of poisonous snakes, there are still many phantoms of poisonous snakes entangled up, flying to this phantom, facing his He opened his mouth and bit down, just like a real poisonous snake.

In the sky, the phantom of the giant quickly dimmed, but it disappeared in a moment.

The owner of Que Ling Island never expected that the strength of the island owner of Thousand Snakes would suddenly improve again. Seeing that his moves were broken, he scolded him hastily and had to grab the weapon in his hand and dance a city wall in front of him. The shadow of the hammer blocked the opponent's attack.

After the two fought again, the strength of the Thousand Snake Island Master had obviously improved a lot compared to before. Not only was he no longer suppressed by the Bird Spirit Island Master, but he even faintly turned defeat into victory and suppressed his opponent.

Gradually, the battle between the two became more and more intense, while the Thousand Snake Island Master had always held the upper hand. However, it seemed that it would be impossible to defeat the Bird Spirit Island Master for a while.

"Wow wow..."

While the two were fighting, there was a sudden sound of paddling boats, more than a dozen boats sailed from a distance, directly inserted into the two fleets of Thousand Snake Island and Que Ling Island. Come in the middle.

"The two island masters, why can't we sit down and talk calmly about why we are fighting like this?"

On the boat that came suddenly, a handsome man yelled loudly at the two people who were fighting in the sky.

In the sky, the two saw a group of men coming from below. The two seemed to have discussed it and stopped at the same time.

"Mirror of Zhu!"

Standing on the boat, Chang Sheng's eyes suddenly opened. The newcomer turned out to be Zhu Zhijing, the remnant prince of the previous dynasty, and it seemed that he was doing quite well now.

If these people dared to intervene directly between the two fleets, their status could be seen, and Zhu Zhijing was the leader of this group of people, and his words directly stopped the two sides.

This at least needs to be equal to the status of the two.

Chang Sheng looked curiously at a person beside him, and asked, "Who is this person? Why didn't I know this person existed before? It seems that he is quite powerful."

"This person, this is the prince!" The person who was asked said in a deep voice: "He joined our island 36 when the people from Biliu Jedi entered our island 36, and the person he took refuge in at that time was Que Ling Island. Master. The strength of the master of Que Ling Island is not the strongest among the four major islands. Among the four major islands, their strength is only stronger than ours. In addition to the people, the number of people joining Que Ling Island is the largest."

"Those people who came out of the Jedi are all rebellious, and the addition of so many people to Que Ling Island is even more troublesome for the owner of Que Ling Island, but the prince relied on his means to subdue Bi on Island 36. Liu Jedi, and then he went to other islands to subdue other people from Biliu Jedi. In the end, I don’t know how he talked with the owner of Que Ling Island. In short, the owner of Que Ling Island agreed with him to leave Que Ling And because he quickly subdued the people in Biliu Jedi, his power is almost no less than that of the four major islands. The only shortcoming is that he does not have an island of his own like the four major islands Otherwise, I am afraid that the four major islands will now be called the five major islands."

Chang Sheng nodded when he heard the sound, but he became vigilant in his heart. Zhu Zhijing would not come to Island 36 for no reason. Did he come here because he wanted to attack the ruins?

As for subduing such a large force in such a short period of time, this is for Zhu Zhijing.Back then in Biliu Jedi, he and Marquis Yingwu subdued a huge force respectively.

It is very possible that Zhu Zhijing just called up his former subordinates again.

"Hmph, it's because some people's subordinates are too unruly!" Island Master Que Ling gave Thousand Snake Island Master a cold look, and said to Zhu Zhijing, "His subordinates actually ran onto my territory and injured my subordinates!" , and then snatched my things. I came this time to ask for someone, but this guy won't let him go, he has nothing to say, he can only speak with his fist."

"My people have no rules? The ones who have no rules are yours!" The Thousand Snake Island Master did not back down and said, "Your people would dare to snatch the magic weapon that the Great Island Master bestowed on my people! If it wasn't for your people to snatch it away My subordinate's magic weapon, will my subordinates come to the door? He is to blame for everything!"

"Hmph, that's my subordinates wanting a magic weapon!"

"Then my subordinates also need magic weapons to be useful!"

The master of Qiansnake Island and the master of Que Ling Island had just spoken a few words and started arguing again. Seeing that the two of them were arguing more and more, Zhu Zhijing had no choice but to interrupt them again.

"Okay, stop arguing, you two. There is an internal fight between us, and we will fight to the death. This will let others take advantage of it."

As soon as Zhu Zhijing said these words, both of them fell silent.Although Zhu Zhijing didn't say it clearly, everyone knew that he was talking about the other two of the four major islands.

If they fight to the death, the other party can easily subdue their troops, although the most powerful on the 36th island is the big island owner of the central island.But everyone knows that the big island owner is not easy to leave the central island, and the battle on the 36th island, as long as the big island owner is not involved, the big island owner has always been laissez-faire.

"Okay, actually, from my point of view, the two island owners can't tell who is right or wrong about this matter. It's easy to hurt our peace when we fight. I don't think it's better than this. Both sides send people to the ring to fight. How about this? Since the matter was caused by a conflict between one of the two island masters' subordinates, let the two directly fight in the arena."

"Okay, I have no problem with the ring battle!" The Lord of Qianshe Island immediately agreed when he heard Zhu Zhijing's words. If it was in the past, he would not agree to this condition. will be afraid of each other.If you think about it, if the owner of Que Ling Island is more powerful than Lu Jiuzhe, is there still a need for the owner of Que Ling Island to do it himself?

The island master of Que Ling didn't speak, but secretly spoke to Zhu Zhijing.

"Prince, how can you raise such a condition? The subordinates of the Thousand Snake Island Lord don't know what kind of adventure they got, but now they are very powerful. My subordinates are not his opponents. Aren't you letting me lose!"

"Don't worry, I have everything! Island owner, I came out of your island, how could I make you look ugly. You hand over your men to me. I have some special methods here, which are guaranteed to make your The strength of the subordinates has increased greatly in a short period of time, killing that little Lu Jiuzhe will not be a problem!"

"Really?" Island Master Que Ling's heart skipped a beat when he heard Zhu Zhijing's words.

"Of course!" Lu Jiuzhe nodded heavily.

"Okay, I agree!" Island Master Que Ling finally nodded.He is full of confidence in the mysterious prince.

"Wait!" On the boat, Chang Sheng heard that the two sides had settled so quickly, and that they were going to have a ring battle, and his heart suddenly moved. Zhu Zhijing participated in this matter, and he had to get some benefits anyway, and he couldn't let Zhu Zhijing just do it. Good man .

Chang Sheng flew to the side of several people without fear at all, and said in a deep voice: "The ring battle, I want to ask, what if you win this ring battle? What if you lose?"

The island owner of Que Ling looked at the strange face that suddenly came up, and his face suddenly became angry: "Hmph, we island owners are discussing here, how can you speak!"

"How could it not be related to me? I will be the one who will go up to the ring. Do you think I have anything to do with you?"

"Hmph. Well, the owner of this island will tell you that if you win at that time, then this matter will be closed. If you lose, then return all the things you robbed, including the big island at the time. The bronze mirror bestowed by the lord." The island lord of Que Ling thought for a while before stating his condition.

"Haha, it's really funny. Is there any advantage for me to win, but if I lose, I will give you what is already mine. How can there be such a good thing in the world! How can you not pay the price if you lose!" Chang Sheng looked disdainful He stared at the island master of Que Ling on the opposite side.

"Hmph. Fighting with you is to save face for the prince. Do you still want something?" The owner of Que Ling Island turned livid in an instant, and surging mana surged out of his body. It is possible to shoot and kill the opponent directly.

"Lu Hufa is right, this ring battle is too unfair!" The Lord of Qiansnake Island focused his eyes, took a step across the void, and blocked Chang Sheng's body at once. Now he has the elixir Afterwards, his strength was even able to suppress the island master of Que Ling, and he was not afraid of him.

Standing among them, Zhu Zhijing felt tense when he saw that the two island owners were about to fight again. The reason why he came out to mediate the two sides this time was because he was afraid that the two sides would fight too hard and cause both sides to lose.

He wants to subdue the entire 36 islands. By then, these people will be his subordinates, and he doesn't want to lose his strength.

"Okay, let's save face, both of you." Zhu Zhijing quickly stopped the two of them, and then slowly said: "What he said is also reasonable. In the group arena, it is natural that both parties must come up with corresponding conditions."

As he said that, Zhu Zhijing's gaze fell on the person in front of him, who seemed to be Lu Jiuzhe.

"I don't know, what kind of conditions do you want?"

"I..." Chang Sheng was stunned for a moment, he really didn't think about what conditions he wanted, at this moment, the voice of Gu Tianmo rang in his mind.

"Chang Sheng, you want two islands, and it's best to be on the outermost island."

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