More than 2000 Fenglan fruits, how is this a comparison of wealth!The sum of all the property of the Luo family accepted is not as high as the value of these phoenix fruits!

No, the two are simply not comparable!Fenglan fruit has a price but no market at all, even in the county government, there is no Fenglan fruit for sale!These feng lan fruit can definitely bring the family to a whole new, higher height!


Chang Ganyi felt like he was going crazy!

"This is Fenglan fruit!"

Suddenly, a familiar and high-pitched voice sounded behind him. Chang Ganyi, who was already crazy, was startled suddenly, and a drop of cold sweat broke out on his forehead. He actually let someone walk behind him without noticing. ...

Chang Ganyi turned his head in an instant, and Fang Xianyun's horrified face appeared in his eyes.

Fang Xianyun didn't pay attention to Chang Ganyi at all, and stared blankly at a garden full of fruit trees. The fruit looked like Fenglan fruit, but what kind of fruit tree was it?Why has she never seen this kind of fruit tree?How could Fenglan fruit grow so many?

Is this really Fenglan fruit?

Fang Xianyun couldn't recognize that she stretched out her hand to caress this fruit that looked like Fenglan fruit that was relatively close to the ground.

"It's really Feng Lan Guo!"

Fang Xianyun had just made a judgment in her heart, and the hand that was stroking Feng Languo paused.

"Huh... that's not right! The ripe Fenglan fruit contains more aura than this fruit!"

Fang Xianyun whispered to herself, although the voice was low, but Chang Ganyi still heard it, he is a congenital master, his eyes and ears are far more sensitive than ordinary people.Hearing Fang Xianyun's voice, the surprise on his face disappeared instantly, and he looked at Fang Xianyun eagerly: "You said this is not Fenglanguo? How is it possible? The mature Fenglanguo recorded in the family book is Like this.

"I didn't say it wasn't a feng lan fruit!" Fang Xianyun frowned, looked at the feng lan fruit in front of her without turning her head, and said doubtfully: "I have seen a few ordinary ripe feng lan fruits with my master. The aura contained in the Misty Fengguo is far more than the Misty Fengguo in front of us, it should be almost ten times that of the Misty Fengguo in front of us."

"You mean, these feng lan fruits in front of you are not normal! Only [-]% of the aura of ordinary feng lan fruits, so their value." Lan Guo is useless...

"Value? You don't know how to calculate the value by yourself? The spirit energy is [-]% of that of ordinary Fengliu fruit, so it is naturally [-]% of the value of ordinary Fengliu fruit! Insufficient spirit energy does not affect the medicinal use of these Fengliu fruits. A large amount makes up for it.”

Fang Xianyun said angrily, and put all her energy on the magical fruit tree in front of her. This tree is obviously not a feng lan fruit tree, but how can it grow feng lan fruit?Moreover, a tree bears more than 20 fruits, even if five of these feng shui fruits are equal to one ordinary feng shui fruit, then the average fruit of a tree is equal to growing four or five feng shui fruits!

"Dong dong dong..."

Just when the two looked at Feng Languo in front of them, each in shock and doubt, there was another sound of footsteps behind them.

"Feng Lan Guo!"

As soon as the four elders stepped into the garden, they were immediately attracted by the Fenglan fruits all over the yard. Their eyes were shining brightly at the red fruits, and their faces showed incomparable greed.

There are so many Fenglan fruits, there are at least 2000 of them, if you steal dozens of them and buy them, you won't get rich immediately!Or steal a few hundred?That way, you don't need to stay in Chang's house anymore, you can go out and start a new family directly!

Behind the four elders, more and more people in the family came to the Fenglan Orchard smelling the strong fragrance, looking at the Fenglan fruits all over the yard, they all gasped in shock, looked at the orchard stupidly, Lost thinking for a while, until...

"Wow! So many people! So many fruits!"

An innocent cheer sounded from outside the yard, Chang Sheng threw the black iron rod in his hand to the ground, made a "bang" sound, and ran to the outermost Fenglan fruit, jumped up, Grabbing a Fenglan fruit, without thinking about it, he took a bite.

"Bah... it's really unpalatable!"

Chang Sheng spat out the Fenglan fruit in his mouth, frowned and looked at Chang Ganyi: "Uncle, this fruit is not fragrant at all, it's so unpalatable!"

Chang Sheng pretended to be stupid, and secretly sighed in his heart. On the surface, he was greedy and ate the fruit, but in fact he wanted to confirm the exact medicinal properties of Fenglan fruit.He knew that after this grafting, the feng lan fruit would grow and mature quickly, and it would also grow a lot, but the medicinal properties, that is, the aura, must be inferior to the ordinary feng lan fruit, but he did not expect that there was such a difference, and it happened that only the ordinary feng lan fruit [-]% medicinal properties!

The conditions are still too simple, otherwise the medicinal properties would definitely be more than so few!

Chang Sheng's dumbfounded appearance directly drove everyone nearby crazy.Unpalatable!This is Fenglan fruit, how can it be judged as delicious or unpalatable?

The second elder looked at the Fenglan pulp spit out by Chang Sheng, felt anxious, couldn't help but jumped out, pointed at Chang Sheng and shouted: "Chang Sheng, this is an extremely precious medicinal material, not food, don't worry about it It’s not bad to eat, do you know that when you just took a bite, you ate up the missing taels of silver! You, you..."

The second elder has been with you for a long time, but he finally came out without you. He has learned to be smart and has been beaten several times. This time, he can't scold Chang Sheng anymore.

The second elder suddenly made a sound, causing everyone's eyes to fall on him instantly, except Chang Ganyi.

Chang Ganyi walked up to Chang Sheng who was frowning, and fondled Chang Sheng's head: "Sheng'er, it's okay if this fruit tastes bad, uncle will give you sweets later."

There was a happy smile on Chang Ganyi's face. It is definitely Chang Sheng's credit that he can harvest so many Fenglan fruits now.If it wasn't for Chang Sheng, why would Zhenjun Wangdan send the fairy monkey to help the family?Without Changsheng, there would be no Fenglanguo. Changsheng is really the lucky star of the Chang family!But such lucky stars, those old guys in the family, they are always responsible again and again!

Turning his head, Chang Ganyi glanced at the four elders, seeing the greedy gazes of the four looking at Feng Languo, and secretly thought in his heart that it was time to solve the problems of these old guys.What Chang Sheng said was right, he was stronger than these four old guys, and he was also the patriarch, so why should these old guys always be buzzing around their ears like flies.

"Second Elder, the fruit tree was made by Chang Sheng's master. Without Chang Sheng's master, there would be no fruit tree. So what if Chang Sheng eats a fruit?" Chang Ganyi looked at the second elder coldly, and strode forward As soon as he took a step, he exuded a compelling aura: "Several elders, I remember that when Chang Sheng planted these fruit trees, you ridiculed Chang Sheng and said how Chang Sheng was a prodigal. But now, the fruit trees have grown into fruit trees. Now, what else do you have to say?"


Several elders wanted to speak, but for a while, they didn't know how to speak.

"Are you speechless? Everyone can see the situation in the orchard today, and it turns out that you are wrong!" Chang Ganyi waved his hand and said, "The four of you are already old and can't keep up with the changes. You too It is not suitable to continue to sit in the seat of the family elder, you should abdicate as soon as possible, and go home to take care of yourselves."


Hearing Chang Ganyi's words, all the people in the orchard, no matter if they were the direct descendants of the family, the descendants of foreign clans, or the guests, were all dumbfounded. Did they hear correctly, the patriarch actually asked the elders to abdicate!

Although they were surprised in their hearts, none of them opened their mouths to speak. Recently, many major events have happened in the family one after another, but everything has proved that the patriarch is the most wise patriarch in the history of the family, and they trust the patriarch.

The four elders don't care whether others trust or not, and they don't care about the family. They care about their own interests.

"Chang Ganyi, what are you talking about? Let us abdicate, do you have the right?"

"That's right, Chang Ganyi. Speaking of which, we are all your uncles. It's fine if you don't respect us, but you have to think about the family. These years, if there were no four old guys from us watching, the family might have died sooner or later." It's over, without us, how can you have a beautiful day now!"

"That's right. Chang Ganyi, it's not that we four old guys are greedy for the position of elder, we are thinking about the family."

Hearing the words of the four elders, Chang Ganyi felt extremely cruel. He had never seen such shameless people, who were extremely selfish, and they kept thinking about the family!

"You four will think about the family? This is really the biggest joke I have ever heard in my life. Don't think I don't know. You occupy the position of the elder because you want to take advantage of the family. Over the years, you have been greedy for the Mo family. money!"

Chang Ganyi's words shocked the four elders, did Chang Ganyi know about their greed for ink?So why hasn't he said anything for so many years?Yes, he is bluffing, everything is fake!

The elders instantly had a judgment in their hearts, and gained confidence, the elder pointed at Chang Ganyi and said angrily: "Chang Ganyi, although you are the patriarch, you can't talk nonsense, and you have no right to deprive us of the position of elder! "

"Am I talking nonsense?"

Chang Ganyi sneered, these elders really didn't shed tears when they saw the coffin, did they really think they didn't find out about their greed for ink?

"Half a year and a month ago, the family purchased medicinal seeds, and you made a profit of 2 taels of silver. Three months ago, the family collected rent, and you made a profit of 1 taels of silver. Two months ago..."

Chang Ganyi suddenly opened his mouth and listed several evidences of the four elders' greed for ink in one fell swoop.

"Because you are the elders of the family, spit out the money to me. I won't bother with you in the past. As for you, you don't have to worry about the family's affairs anymore. You are a lot of age. It’s time to retire.”

"Chang Ganyi, you..."

The four elders looked at Chang Ganyi, both shocked and angry in their hearts, such a Chang Ganyi, he knew about their greed for ink, but kept holding back, and waited until today to find a reason for it to happen again, he was so deeply Scheming!What should I do now?No, you must not give up the seat of the elder.

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