silly elixir emperor

Chapter 696 Arriving at the Monster Race

"No, I went to the Yaozu overseas to investigate something!" Chang Sheng looked into the distance with both eyes, Ke'er, it's been a long time.

Yuge nodded and said: "In that case, I will arrange for you to set off with them tomorrow."

In the early morning of the second day, Chang Sheng left the central island with the people who came, and headed towards the overseas monster clan.

Like the 36 islands, the overseas demon clan also live on a piece of islands, but compared to the 36 islands, there are too many of these islands.

To Chang Sheng's surprise, the other 36 islanders sent by him and the big island owner Yuge did not come to the outer islands of the Overseas Monster Race as expected, but to an island near the center of the Overseas 36 Islands. superior.

Chang Sheng felt a little strange. Ordinarily, people from the overseas demon tribe must have very distrust of outsiders. They would let themselves wait for others to come to this place where many important figures of the demon tribe lived. No matter how they looked at it, they felt weird.

While Chang Sheng was thinking, he followed the people from the overseas monster clan who came to meet him and walked forward.

It can be seen that the island is developing very well, but along the way, the buildings on both sides of the road are becoming more and more dilapidated.The people I saw along the way, their clothes were getting worse and worse, and even at the end, the people I saw looked no different from the servants of those small families in the Da Qi Dynasty.There are even some people with scantily clad clothes and disheveled faces, who obviously don't have enough to eat at all, and more and more people appear in front of everyone.

"You will live here from now on." Suddenly, the person leading the way stopped in his tracks and pointed to a house not far away.

Everyone looked in the direction pointed by the other party's finger, and suddenly, exclamations sounded.

An extremely dilapidated thatched cottage that looked extremely small came into everyone's eyes, and there was even a shed beside the thatched cottage.In the shed, there were occasional calls of cattle and sheep.

"You...what did you say, you said this is where we will live in the future?" A person on 36 Island pointed at the house the other said with trembling fingers, his face full of disbelief: " won't Are you kidding?"

"Huh? Are you kidding? I don't have the time to joke with you." The other party snorted disdainfully, and waved his hand impatiently as if sending a beggar: "The house is ready for you, I can't live in it .”

After all, the other party turned around and was about to leave.

Seeing that the other party was about to leave after finishing speaking, all the people on Island 36 couldn't bear it anymore. Which one of them is not a master?Can still be sent, apart from strength, which one is on the 36 islands has no deep relationship.Now, the other party wants to treat them like this, let them live in a house that is obviously in a slum, how can this be possible!

"Is this a house? Take a look at the appearance of this house. It is built of a pile of thatch. It looks no different from the shack next to it. You let us live in this house? You are insulting us!"

"That's right, this house, it is estimated that a slightly stronger wind will blow the whole house to pieces, so you let us live in such a place?"

"Let's not talk about what the house looks like. There are more than [-] people in our group. How can such a small house accommodate so many people? That house can't accommodate even two people. What do you mean?"

People on the 36 islands yelled loudly at each other.

"Why? Is there any objection to giving you a house?" The other party saw the group of people venting their dissatisfaction in front of him, with a deep contempt on his face: "I told you that the place I gave you is to take care of you. I don't want to Live, you can live here, we can move those animals in. I still dislike the small size of the house, and tell you that this house is not just for you, there are also a bunch of waste from you before you!"

"Is there anyone else here? Before we came, there were 36 islanders who were sent here by the island owner?"

Everyone was stunned when they heard the man's words, and the man's words continued to ring out at this time.

"I asked you to come here, not to let you enjoy the blessings. I don't care who you were before, you have to obey our orders when you come here, otherwise, you will die!"

With a cold snort, the other party turned around and left regardless of the group of guys whose faces were darker than charcoal.

It wasn't until a long time after the man left that everyone on the 36th Island who stayed behind reacted one by one. For a while, there was a sound of abuse.

"Damn it. I'm a dignified deputy island owner. Let me live in a room like this? It's ten times better than this place where I raise my horse on the island!"

"Before I came, why didn't anyone tell me that I want to live in such a house!"

"These guys from the Overseas Monster Clan really look down on people. Although we don't belong to the Overseas Monster Clan now, we are also from the Overseas Monster Clan anyway. Counting, we are also people of the same line. The Overseas Monster Clan How could they treat us like this!"

Everyone was complaining one after another, when suddenly, not far away, the door of the house where they were temporarily living that the other party pointed out before creaked open, and then figures rushed out at an alarming speed.

"Shut up!"

With a loud shout, the figures rushing out of the previous houses stopped in front of everyone.

Everyone quickly saw the appearance of the person who came, and suddenly, exclamations sounded again.

"Guardian Zhang?"

"General Li?"

"Island Master Liu? Why are you here?"

Relying on Lv Jiuzhe's memory, Chang Sheng quickly recognized two or three of the people in front of him, who were other people he didn't know. In Lv Jiuzhe's memory, he also had some vague impressions, knowing that the other party was from Island 36.

It seems that the person did not talk nonsense before, the big island owner Yu Ge sent a group of people before sending himself and others.

"How many of you are dying?" To everyone's surprise, when the other party saw them, they didn't reminisce about the old days with them. Instead, they yelled loudly: "What do you call them? They are members of the holy clan!"

"Holy family? Oh, oh, yes." Everyone heard the words of these seniors, and they all reacted immediately.

What these overseas monster races hate the most is that others call them monster races, and even most of the overseas monster races, as long as they hear others call them monster race.They will immediately attack and kill each other.They like to call themselves saints, and they like to hear others call them saints.

"Island Master Liu, when did you come here? Why don't we know anything about it? Also, do you live here?" After coming here for a while, a person Chang Sheng remembered seemed to be from some island. A guardian took the initiative to ask an island owner they had recognized before.

Hearing the words of this guardian, all the eyes of everyone who came this time fell on the island master Liu at the same time.

"Hey..." Island Master Liu heard the other party's question, and instead of answering in a hurry, he let out a long sigh before speaking slowly.

"It's been a month since we came here. As for you who don't know, that's because the big island owner asked for secrecy. Apart from us who came here, only the big island owner knows we're here. Come to think of it, the big island master intends to use us as a secret force, so outsiders don't know our existence."

Island Master Liu walked towards the thatched hut he rushed out before, and said, "As for where we live, haven't you seen it?"

Island Master Liu asked back, with a wry smile on his face: "I know, if you have doubts, you must be wondering why we live in this kind of place. But if we don't live here, where can we live? Are they fighting? That would be death!"

"When we came here, we also expressed our dissatisfaction when we were dissatisfied with letting us live in thatched huts like livestock sheds. But in the face of our dissatisfaction, the other party was even more rude! The two most dissatisfied at that time , the person who resisted the most was directly sealed by their secret method. After being beaten violently, he was hung on the city wall and exposed to the sun for ten days. Because the dripping water was not exhausted, and with the previous injuries, They were actually exposed to the sun and died alive. Those are masters who defy the sky, and they were sunburned to death like this!"

After Island Master Liu said this, his body trembled visibly. From the looks of it, even though he didn't say anything about himself, thinking about it, although he didn't die, his fate wasn't much better.

After a pause, Island Master Liu continued to speak: "Not to mention just the place to live, but also the daily meals. The food they give is even worse than what the servants eat. Of course, they will not give We're full."

Island Master Liu said this, and looked up at the newcomers on Island 36, and found that everyone had expressions of indifference on their faces, and he suddenly smiled in his heart.

"I know what you are thinking? Isn't it just food? In our state, what if we don't eat for a few days? But what if it takes a long time? Also, I know, you must be thinking too. What kind of food can't be obtained. There should be strange beasts on this island. Even if there are no strange beasts on the island, there are still plenty of fish in the surrounding sea that can be caught. You will never be hungry or eat badly. .”

"We thought so too at the beginning, but the other party didn't allow us to catch the strange beasts on the island, and they didn't allow us to catch the fish in the sea. They didn't allow us to touch anything around here. In their words, Everything here is theirs. We are outsiders, we can't touch their things."

The more Island Master Liu said, the more ugly his face became: "Also, do you think they would be so kind to let us come here to help us improve our strength? In fact, they are more of using us. You should already know that the island There are many children of important figures in their saint clan. We are actually here to serve as sparring partners for the children of those important figures."

"Of course, we can improve our strength as a training partner. After all, we are always being beaten. How can we not improve our strength. If our strength does not improve, the Great Island Master will not send you here again. But , this sparring partner is extremely dangerous. In fact, I am not the first batch to come here, I am the second batch. Counting the first batch of people, we have a total of 50 people here in the two batches, but Now, apart from the six who left, there are not even 20 people alive here."

"In short, wait until tomorrow, and you will know."

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