"That's right!" Chang Sheng nodded secretly, and said to Guo Feng: "I have already locked my apprentice's fire and water protection to you, and you will not be in danger if you take it into the alchemy furnace. Even if you focus on cultivation, the only thing you need to pay attention to is that you must always recite the verses of the song of righteousness, treat yourself as a elixir, and infuse majestic righteousness into the elixir. Cultivate awe-inspiring righteousness, and sing the song of righteousness, and your body will be upright ..."

Listening to the verses of the Haoran righteousness song uttered from the mouth of Zhenjun Wangdan on the opposite side, Guo Feng believed in the identity of Zhenjun Wangdan again in his heart.

"He knows the formula of Haoran Zhengqi Song, and he can take out the top-quality condensing qi pill, and he can also give me the things that the young master carries with him. Thinking about it, his identity should be real."

Guo Feng looked down at the water and fire lock on his body, and heard that as long as there is a magic stone that provides energy in this thing, it is really water and fire, just like the name.Now that True Lord Forgotten Pill gave him medicinal materials and the unrivaled Qi Condensing Pill, it shouldn't be a fake.

Guo Feng pondered in his mind for a while, and finally believed in the identity of True Monarch Wangdan, swallowed one by one medicinal materials and took the superb Qi Condensing Pill, and then jumped into the alchemy furnace.


With the sound of metal collision, the lid of the alchemy furnace was closed.

In the alchemy furnace, Guo Feng saw the jumping flames jumping towards him, and instinctively dodged back, but the flames on the furnace wall did not come from one direction, he dodged a ball of flames backwards, and his body was still burned by other flames. arrive.

"En? These flames really can't hurt me." After Guo Feng found that he was safe and sound, he was taken aback for a moment, and then sat down with his legs cross-legged, calming his mind, and the formula of Haoran Zhengqi song came out of his mind.

"There are tens of thousands of mansions in Ande, and it is enough for my hut to be broken and frozen to death."

"I don't keep the name of the past and the future, but only seek the world..."


Sentences of lyrics full of righteousness came out of Guo Feng's mouth, turning into streams of righteousness that only he could see, rushing into the body, entering every corner and cell of the body.

This awe-inspiring righteousness is constantly flowing in the body, as if it is warming its own body.Guo Feng found that the meridians in his body, in the dantian, became more and more pure under the warmth of righteousness, and the meridians gradually opened up, as well as the pores, skin, and bones. , Every part of the body is constantly changing under the warmth of Haoran Zhengqi, becoming stronger and tougher.

The most miraculous thing is that Haoran Zhengqi Song does not pass through a place, and it must force a large amount of black liquid out of the body. These are impurities and filth in everyone's body.

"It's really terrifying to cultivate the Grandeur Righteousness Song like this. I'm at the Entraining Qi Realm now, but the Grandeur Righteousness has actually begun to transform my body, which can only be done in the Body Training Realm! There are also those impurities. It is said that many masters of the Innate Realm There are a lot of impurities in my body, but judging from the removal of impurities in my body, it is estimated that the impurities in my body can be eliminated just after I reach the sublimation state. Haoran Zhengqi is indeed the nemesis of all filth!"

Guo Feng sat in the alchemy furnace, immersed in special cultivation.

After Chang Sheng added some medicinal materials and wood charcoal to the alchemy furnace, after ensuring that the alchemy furnace would not be extinguished, he quickly left the cave, changed back to his original attire, returned to Chang's house, and wrote a letter with the title forgotten. Dan Zhenjun's letter.

When the ink on the rice paper dried, he immediately ran to his uncle Chang Ganyi's study with the letter.Although the uncle is the leader of another patrol team now, he is the patriarch of the Chang family, and he is still a natural master. He just orders any of his subordinates to take care of the patrol members. There is no need to lead the patrol team himself.

In the study, Chang Ganyi sat on a seat carved with straight patterns, frowning as he looked at the bill handed in by the housekeeper and accountant.

"Those guys in the county mansion are really outrageous. They lost money again this month. They dare to ask the family for money, and they want 100 million at a time. It's justified!"

Chang Ganyi slapped the table angrily, and suddenly Chang Sheng's familiar voice sounded outside the door.

"Uncle, uncle. Grandpa with a white beard asked me to give this to you." Chang Sheng pushed open the door, walked into the room with his head poking around, holding a piece of rice paper in front of Chang Ganyi.

"Huh? Fairy with white beard?"

Chang Ganyi suddenly heard the words of the white-bearded fairy, the anger on his handsome face instantly disappeared, and a gleam of joy appeared in his eyes, and Zhenjun Wangdan wrote him a message again!Counting down Zhenjun Wangdan’s messages, for the first time, he took Chang Sheng away from the family, and after Chang Sheng came back, the Chang family got a lot of pills, and Fang Xianyun also got them. A recipe that people will easily leak!It was also because of that time that the Chang family survived the crisis!

There was also a second message, and that time it was Zhenjun Wangdan who directly asked Chang Sheng to bring two books of high-grade Huang rank martial arts!

The third time I left a message, that time it was even more accurate and I was sure that Chang Sheng would win, let him gamble on his wealth!

These three messages, which one did not bring great opportunities to the Chang family!I don't know why this fourth time left a message, and what can it bring to the Chang family this time?

Chang Ganyi found that even if he had become an innate master, his heart still couldn't help beating wildly when he heard a message from the white-bearded fairy to him.

Stretching out his hands tremblingly, Chang Ganyi carefully unwrapped the rice paper that was crumpled by Chang Sheng.

"I see that Guo Feng, the litigant of Rufu, and his apprentice Chang Sheng are very kind, but their bodies are weak, and the experience they brought with them will return after three days,--Zhenjun Wangdan."

The characters on the rice paper are still full of immortal flavor like that.

Chang Ganyi looked at the words on the rice paper and was stunned for a moment, then suddenly understood the meaning of Zhenjun Wangdan in the next moment.In any case, nephew Chang Sheng is a simple person, so he can be easily deceived outside. It would be much better if there is a shrewd Guo Feng around.Thinking about it, True Lord Wangdan hoped that Guo Fengchang would be with Chang Sheng in the future, and be as stunning as a military man. Then he saw that Guo Feng was weak, so he took Guo Feng away to improve Guo Feng's strength.

"Zhenjun Wangdan really has nothing to say to Sheng'er!"

Chang Ganyi sighed in his heart, looked at Chang Shengyu in front of him and said earnestly: "Sheng'er, your white-bearded grandpa and master are really kind to you, remember, you must listen to him, and you must listen to him in the future." Repay him well."

"Chang Sheng remember it!" Chang Sheng giggled and ran out of the study.

For three days in a row, Chang Sheng led a patrol team to patrol several neighborhoods of his house several times during the day, then left immediately, sneaked into the cave to take care of the alchemy furnace, and went home at night to practice the Immortal Technique of the Prosperous Age.After three days, although Fengdu City hadn't regained its prosperous aura, the prosperous aura of the Chang family, especially the neighbors of the Chang family, was steadily rising!

In the hidden cave, in the huge alchemy furnace, loud sounds kept coming out.

"Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the country. If a man is alive, he should be..."

Suddenly, the recitation stopped abruptly.

"The elixir in my body has been completely refined, no, it should be said that part of it has been completely refined, and the other part has been stored in a righteous way. Now I am at the peak of body training...!"

Guo Feng recalled the process of practicing in the past three days, and the heart that kept rational and calm all the time could not be calmed down.It took three days to cultivate to the peak of physical fitness, how can this cultivation speed be described as fast!Not to mention Fengdu City, but the entire county, I am afraid that apart from Young Master Chang Sheng, there will be no other person who can practice faster.

"The most surprising thing is the impurities in my body. In the past three days, the impurities and filth in my body have been excreted with the help of Haoran Zhengqi Song!"

Guo Feng glanced at the water and fire lock on his waist, there were not many magic stones left in it, and it was useless to practice here now, it was time to go out.

Guo Feng felt the changes in the strength in his body. He kicked his legs lightly on the ground, and his whole body jumped up in an instant. Before he could reach out to open the furnace cover, his head was already on top of the furnace cover, and he pushed the furnace cover down.

"Uh... Well, my strength has grown so fast that I can't control my body. It seems that sometimes growing strength is not a good thing."

Guo Feng touched his slightly aching head, glanced at the alchemy furnace behind him, and reincarnated to leave. Immortal Wang Dan said that on the third day, when he finished his cultivation, he would open it by himself.

At the same time that Guo Feng was leaving for Chang’s house, Lin Yuanzhi took out a picture scroll and handed it to Lin Lu: “Go and give this picture scroll to Li Chuan first, it contains a detailed topographic map of Fengdu City, especially Chang’s. , Tell him that it is almost time to act tonight, and things will change if it is too late. I will go there myself when the time comes."


At night, Chang Sheng sat cross-legged on the bed and took a long breath after practicing the Prosperous Age Immortal Technique.

"Damn it, if it weren't for the five robbers who came to Fengdu City, the people's hearts of the people in Fengdu City would be greatly affected, and the spirit of prosperity would become a rule of the world. Now I can completely empty out the impurities in my body, and then break through and become a congenital master in one fell swoop. Yes! But now, I'm just staying in the half-step innate realm!"

Chang Sheng let out annoyance, blew out the candles in the room, and was about to take off his clothes and go to sleep, when suddenly, there was a moderate sound outside the door into his ears.

"Well? Who?"

Chang Sheng was startled, and quickly jumped to the window, opened the window and looked out, under the faint moonlight, a figure fell into view.

This is a guy wearing a ghost mask. When he saw the window was opened, he stretched out his hands and made a funny face. His voice condensed into a line, and he gently shouted at Chang Sheng: "Hey, big idiot, come and catch me!" me."

After shouting, the masked man suddenly turned around and ran outside Chang's house.

"This is a master, at least he has reached the peak of the Ascension Realm, otherwise he would not be able to condense his voice into a thread." In Chang Sheng's mind, Gu Tianmo suddenly appeared and said to Chang Sheng: "Chang Sheng, it is obvious that this person wants to luring you out."

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