silly elixir emperor

Chapter 77 Flaws

After using the secret method as a master of the innate realm, the innate qi in his body is consumed extremely quickly, let alone a half-step innate guy, he uses the secret method that can emit [-] catties of strength, the consumption must be faster than himself! . "

After Li Chuan searched for Chang Sheng's flaw for a long time but couldn't find it, his heart became ruthless, he stopped looking for flaws, and turned to fight with Chang Sheng.He has to wait until the spiritual energy in the opponent's body is exhausted, and then kill the opponent!

Chang Sheng waved the black iron rod in his hand, and drops of sweat appeared on his forehead.Although he has a slight advantage, there is nothing he can do about the opponent for a while. The most important thing is that the crazy power consumes too much spiritual energy.Now half of the spiritual energy in his body has been consumed, but judging by the opponent's appearance, he is still able to handle it with ease, so it is not an option to continue fighting like this!

Looking at the beads of sweat on Chang Sheng's forehead, Li Chuan smiled in his heart. Counting the time, the other party's aura was almost exhausted. If so, it was time for him to fuck.


Li Chuan slashed hard, and took the initiative to attack Chang Sheng.

"Fool, how long can you hold on? Haha? I heard that you have a very beautiful senior sister. Hurry up and throw away your stick, so that you can meet your beautiful senior sister soon!"

While frantically waving the big knife in his hand, Li Chuan used words to lure Chang Sheng into being fooled and threw away the weapon, but this fool seemed to be smarter than he imagined, and he never threw away the weapon.

Seeing that nearly a hundred moves have been passed, Li Chuan felt a little anxious. After fighting for so long, [-]% of the spiritual innate qi in his body has been consumed. How to deal with it? , he should have exhausted his aura.

Li Chuan couldn't help doubting whether his tactics were right. At this moment, Chang Sheng suddenly withdrew the black iron rod and jumped back.

"Huh? Backed away, the other party's aura must have been exhausted, the opportunity has come!"

Li Chuan swung his knife and went straight.

Chang Sheng barely blocked Li Chuan's slash, and sneered in his heart. He could see that the other party wanted to exhaust his spiritual energy and kill him.It's true that his aura is about to be exhausted now, but besides aura, he still has the aura of prosperity!

In Chang Sheng's body, the flourishing age that represented the neighborhood of Chang's family suddenly shrank. Suddenly, in Fengdu City, above the most prosperous neighborhood of Chang's family, only Chang Sheng could see the rich aura of prosperity that seemed to be attracted by something. Fleeing out at high speed, the speed is tens of thousands of times faster than lightning piercing the sky.As soon as the idea of ​​absorbing the aura of the prosperous age came into Chang Sheng's mind, the aura of the prosperous age had already flowed into his body.

"Damn, don't you want to exhaust Lao Tzu's aura? Well, then I will consume it with you. In addition to aura, I also have the aura of the prosperous age, and the aura of the prosperous age does not only come from a neighborhood, even if the aura of the prosperous age in this neighborhood When the qi is exhausted, I will be able to replenish the spiritual energy in the body by extracting all the prosperous qi from other places in the Chang family! Let's see who consumes more energy than whom!"

Chang Sheng felt the aura of prosperity in his body, and felt that the aura of prosperity was much purer than the aura in his body before, and what was even more miraculous was that the aura of prosperity entered his body, and as he continuously circulated the madman energy , The impurities in the body that have always remained are also slowly being discharged.

"Using the spirit of prosperity in battle still has this effect?"

Chang Sheng had a question in his heart, and raised the black iron rod in his hand to shoot again.


Li Chuan made a crisp sound when the long knife in his hand collided with the black iron rod, but his body shook backwards.

"What's going on? Isn't the aura in this fool's body exhausted? Why has he become so alive again? And his aura is much purer than before, and its purity can be compared with my innate qi."

Li Chuan didn't have time to think about it. After Chang Sheng's blow, the attacks followed one after another, even more violent than before!

"This... yes, this must be the flashback before the idiot exhausted his aura! Just support yourself for a while."


"I still have [-]% of my innate qi left, why hasn't that fool's aura been exhausted yet? Hold on for a while..."

"Only [-]% of the innate qi is left. What's the matter, the fool still has aura? No, when my innate qi is down to [-]%, I have to consider running away."

The more Li Chuan beat his heart, the more frightened he was. Finally, when there was only [-]% of the innate qi left in his body, he felt the desire to run away. One hit, and run away!

Li Chuan gritted his teeth, and swung the long knife forward in his hand, trying to turn around and run away quickly.However, the black iron rod was like a shadow, firmly following him, and he had no chance to escape, so he had no choice but to consume the innate qi in his body little by little.


Suddenly, the long knife in Li Chuan's hand collided with Chang Sheng's black iron rod many times, and finally shattered. It wasn't that the knife was dead, but that the innate qi in his body was exhausted, and he couldn't continue to wrap the long knife!

The long knife shattered, and the next moment, the huge black iron rod in Chang Sheng's hand hit his chest hard!


There was a loud bang, which was especially loud in the quiet night sky, and Li Chuan fell down in response. Although he was a master in the Xiantian realm, the strength of [-] catties was not something he could easily bear.Under the impact of a huge force, the blood in Li Chuan's body churned, his mouth opened, and a mouthful of blood spit out.

The stick hit his chest, although it didn't kill him, but half of his life was gone, the ribs in his chest were broken, and the viscera in his body felt a sharp pain from the impact.

From a distance, Lin Yuanzhi saw Li Chuan fall, and his body shook violently. Chang Sheng actually defeated a congenital master. A half-step genius defeated a congenital master. How did he do it?Although he is still a half-step genius, he must not be regarded as a half-step talent, he is already an existence comparable to a congenital master!

"A congenital master, if Chang Sheng comes to kill me..."

Shocked, Lin Yuanzhi yelled and ran, turned around and ran!

There is no need for Lin Yuanzhi to remind him. The moment he turned around, Lin Lu on one side turned around at the same time and ran in another direction. His idea was very simple. Chang Sheng must hate Lin Yuanzhi very much. Lin Yuanzhi ran in different directions, Chang Sheng must chase Lin Yuanzhi, so he can escape!

"I still want to run!"

Seeing the two fleeing, Chang Sheng's eyes flashed a murderous look under his eyebrows, and he slammed the black iron rod on Li Chuan's knee hard, making two sounds of "click, click." After interrupting, he raised his leg and picked up Li Chuan's long knife, grabbed the wounded man and threw it towards Lin Lu far away.Lin Lu once bought three evil slaves from the Chang family to murder him, how could Lin Lu escape!

Under the night sky, under the moonlight, a bright light flashed from the long silver knife, piercing the sky in an instant, and piercing Lin Lu's heart from behind!


With a scream, Lin Lu fell to the ground with a thud.

"And Lin Yuanzhi!"

Chang Sheng's figure flashed, and he quickly chased Lin Yuanzhi. After dozens of breaths, he had already rushed behind Lin Yuanzhi.


With a heavy kick, Chang Sheng directly kicked Lin Yuanzhi into an unoccupied house.

"Lin Yuanzhi, do you think I will let you, who wants to kill me, run away?"

Chang Sheng walked into the room and looked at Lin Yuanzhi with a vicious look on his face.

"I... I didn't want to kill you, it was them, they wanted to kill you, Chang Sheng, it's none of my business." Lin Yuanzhi looked at Chang Sheng who was approaching every step of the way, and explained in panic, Under the tension, he didn't even realize that Chang Sheng's tone of voice was not a fool at all.

"Who are you lying to?" Chang Sheng yelled violently, staring at Lin Yuanzhi's eyes: "Before you asked Lin Lu to collude with my slave to kill me, don't think I don't know!"

" know that!" Lin Yuanzhi answered reflexively, his face changed drastically, and he pointed at Chang Sheng in horror: "You are not a fool!"

"What do you think?" Chang Sheng asked back, strode forward, and walked up to Lin Yuanzhi: "Say, why did you kill me? Who ordered you to do this!"

Knowing that Chang Sheng was not a fool, Lin Yuanzhi knew that he couldn't run away. He closed his eyes instantly and said, "No one ordered me to kill you."

"Do you think I believe it?" Chang Sheng kicked Lin Yuanzhi, and said in a ruthless voice: "Tell me, who ordered you to kill me, so that I can give you a good time, otherwise, I will torture people here There are many means.”

"I said it, no one ordered it. If you don't believe me, there's nothing you can do." Lin Yuanzhi opened his eyes and glanced at Chang Sheng, then suddenly stuck out his tongue and opened his mouth wide to bite down.

"No, he wants to commit suicide!"

Chang Sheng's eyes shrank, and he stretched out his palm like lightning to tightly clamp Lin Yuanzhi's mouth. After confirming that he could not commit suicide, he breathed a sigh of relief.Unexpectedly, Lin Yuanzhi chose to commit suicide in order to keep a secret.It seemed that only that news had any hope of forcing him to tell the truth.

Thinking about it, Chang Sheng put his face close to Lin Yuanzhi, and said softly: "Lin Yuanzhi, you can choose to commit suicide, but I just don't know if your son in the imperial city can also choose to commit suicide like this. What will happen if the son who has been with you for so many years turns out to be your own flesh and blood!"

After Chang Sheng's voice fell, Lin Yuanzhi froze for a moment, and he didn't even feel that Chang Sheng let go of his hand.He was stunned.Apart from him and his mother, there is no third person in the world who knows about his son. How did Chang Sheng know?

"Don't think about how I know it. You should have heard this sentence if you want to be unknown to others. Lin Yuanzhi, now I will give you a chance. As long as you tell who ordered you, then I will I can keep this secret for you, otherwise I will definitely let this secret spread all over the world."

"Why should I trust you?"

"You can only trust me." Chang Sheng came back lightly, looking at Lin Yuanzhi: "Say it or not!"

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