silly elixir emperor

Chapter 79 Beauty

Chang Sheng was startled when he heard Gu Tianmo's words, he was still too careless, if it was really like what Gu Tianmo said, there were traps inside, and he could easily go in, he probably wouldn't even know how he died.

Looking at Li Chuan who was caught and injured, Chang Sheng suddenly swung his arm vigorously, throwing Li Chuan out as if he was still trash.


Li Chuan's strong body easily knocked open the wooden door of the room, and then his whole body slid towards the distance without being hindered at all against the floor of the room until his head hit the wall with a "bump". Swipe stopped.

"Hey, no danger!"

Chang Sheng walked to the door with a black iron rod, and looked into the room with his eyes. The house was rectangular, and the area was not too small. There were two beds placed on the left and right in the whole room. Under the bed on the left, neatly arranged There are two black tin boxes, both of which are locked, and a long and thick iron chain passes between the two locks, and the two locks and the two tin boxes are tied together, and tied to the side. On the ring!

This should be the treasure that Li Chuan searched for recently!Look at the big lock and iron chain. If there is no key, it will take a lot of work even if someone in the innate realm wants to open the box violently.If it were someone else, even if they saw the box, they would definitely not be able to open it, so Li Chuan is not afraid of being stolen if he puts the box openly.

"I don't know how much money there is in it?"

Chang Sheng glanced at the box, looked away, and looked to the other side of the room.

In the opposite corner where Li Chuan falls, there are relatively more decorations here, a table, two chairs, a washstand with a bronze mirror on one side, and a wooden bed that is obviously much better. On the wooden bed, a The woman with her mouth covered is lying on her side.

"What a beautiful woman!"

Chang Sheng couldn't help but exclaimed in his heart. Before he came, he didn't care about the woman Li Chuan caught. How beautiful is Mrs. Yazhai captured by a Jiangyang thief, and he regarded it as a treasure!But when he saw this woman, he realized that it was not too much for Li Chuan to regard this woman as a treasure!

This woman seems to be a little younger than Misty, probably about the same age as herself. There are no ornaments or hairpins on her head, and her long black hair hangs down, falling to her naked body because of the broken sleeves. On the round shoulders, looking down along the shoulders, two snow-white jade arms like lotus roots bloomed an unusual attraction in the dark night.

"What a beautiful woman, it seems, it seems that she is only a little bit worse than Senior Sister Misty, and the clothes on this woman, the fabric is obviously the best material, her background must be very unusual." Chang Sheng took a deep breath, stepped into the room and walked towards the place where the woman was.

On the bed, the woman looked in front of her in horror. She hadn't had a good night's sleep since she was captured by that gangster.Every night, I dare not sleep soundly, for fear that the big thief's wolfish behavior will tarnish my innocent body.Tonight, the thief went out, so he finally managed to sleep a little more peacefully.Unexpectedly, not long after falling asleep, a loud and crisp sound suddenly sounded, waking him up, and then he saw the Jiangyang thief who had arrested him fall into the house in a state of embarrassment, and fell heavily to the ground.

"Could it be that someone came to save me? Someone sent by my father?"

Hope just popped up in the woman's heart, but when she saw the person who walked into the room from the door, her heart sank to the bottom of the valley, and a look of horror appeared on her face.

With the moonlight coming in from the door, she could vaguely see that it was a boy who was about her age, but that boy was holding an extremely huge black stick in his hand. It looked at least eight or nine hundred years old. Heavy!

"I heard from those storytellers that all the young heroes use swords or fans. People who use such heavy sticks are definitely not good people. Could it be that they are the enemies of this Jiangyang thief, and they have met black people? "

Seeing the boy who was getting closer and closer to her, and hearing the whining sound of the stick resting on the ground, she became more and more frightened.

Although the original Jiangyang Bandit was full of obscenities to him all day long, he hadn't touched her for such a long time, but what about this person in front of him?She is too aware of how attractive her looks are. In the county mansion, when those young masters saw her, they couldn't sell their legs. If her name wasn't Lan Ke'er, those young masters would have rushed up Snatched him home.

But in this remote farm, in this dark night, her identity can't help her at all!

Lan Ke'er watched the boy getting closer and closer to her, her heart beat faster and faster, as if she was about to jump out, and finally the boy walked to the bed.

"Wow, there's a woman!"

Chang Sheng walked to the bed and looked at the woman on the bed, and shouted, with a silly look of joy on his face: "Senior Sister Misty said that no woman would like a big villain, and the woman who is a big villain must be caught."

Lan Ke'er looked at herself with a smirk on her face, the young boy who was talking to himself, his bright eyes widened in disbelief, this turned out to be a fool!

Chang Sheng stood in front of Lan Ke'er, looked up, down, left, and right, and suddenly stepped forward and grabbed the cloth strip in her mouth, with another smirk on his face: "Wow, Chang Sheng remembered, Senior Sister Misty and Chang Sheng As I said before, there is a thing called a hero saving the beauty, and Chang Sheng is now a hero saving the beauty!"

As he said that, Chang Sheng took a careful look at the girl, with a puzzled expression on his face again: "But you don't look pretty at all, and you look like a ghost. Is Chang Sheng a hero saving the beauty?"

"What? I'm not pretty? I'm like a ghost? You fool, do you know what it means to be pretty? You actually said I'm not pretty!" Lan Ke'er exclaimed when she heard Chang Sheng's words, and both sides stared at each other. Looking at Chang Sheng, she didn't know why, ever since she found out that the other party was a fool, the fear in her heart disappeared instantly, and now when she heard the other party say that she was like a ghost, she just resumed speaking, she didn't even think about it. She opened her mouth to refute it, but as soon as she said it, she regretted it in her heart.

"This person is a fool. A fool can't be a bad person. Then I will probably be saved by him. I actually called my savior a fool..."

"You called Chang Sheng an idiot!" Chang Sheng raised his hand instantly when he heard the word idiot: "Don't think that Chang Sheng doesn't know that an idiot is a curse word! Chang Sheng hates being scolded the most, Chang Sheng I want to kill you!"

As he spoke, Chang Sheng raised his palm and threw it at Lan Ke'er's face.

"Do not……"

Lan Ke'er looked at the falling palm and exclaimed, this idiot turned out to be a violent idiot, because others would kill someone if they were a idiot!Why is he so pitiful? He was captured by Jiang Yang's thieves, and he was about to escape from danger, but if he escaped, he would be beaten to death!


A violent palm wind blew across his cheeks, and Chang Sheng's palm was about to fall, when suddenly, his hand stopped in mid-air.

"No, Chang Sheng can't hit you, Senior Sister Misty said, men can't hit women!" Chang Sheng gave Lan Ke'er a hard look, and withdrew his palm.


Lan Ke'er let out a long breath, fortunately the Misty Senior Sister in the population who called herself Chang Sheng, fortunately she was a woman, otherwise she would have been beaten to death just now.However, he is really violent, it's better to go home quickly, if not, it's better to see other people, anyway, you can't stay alone with him, it's too dangerous to be with such a fool!

Thinking about it, Lan Ke'er said crisply: "Chang Sheng, your name is Chang Sheng, right? Who did you come with? Can you call someone else in?"

Did she know that Jiangyang Bandit was a master of the Xiantian Realm, and he also had four younger brothers who were at the peak of the Ascension Realm. It's just a teenager who is about her size, so it's impossible for him to be the opponent of Jiangyang Bandit.Judging by his clothes, he should be a son of a wealthy family, most likely he is a young master, maybe his family wiped out this robber, and he, the young master, ran in first.

Hearing Lan Keer's words, Chang Sheng suddenly opened his mouth and gave Lan Keer two thumbs up: "Hey, you are also very smart, and you know that Chang Sheng's name is Chang Sheng."

"I know that Chang Sheng is called Chang Sheng..."

Hearing Chang Sheng's words, Lan Ke'er couldn't help but burst out laughing, this idiot is so cute, he can say it like this, he can take a mouthful of Chang Sheng's, even a idiot can I know his name is Chang Sheng.

"I know you are also very smart, smart Chang Sheng, quickly let your family come in, I was hit by someone's acupoints, I can't move, I feel very uncomfortable, don't you want to be a hero, you let your family come to untie me Acupuncture, you are a hero."

Lan Ke'er looked at Chang Sheng's child-like appearance, and tried to speak in a child-like tone. In this case, a simple person should be able to understand it.

"Family? Chang Sheng's family is asleep, and Chang Sheng's house is far away." Chang Sheng shook his head in embarrassment.

"Your family is not here? So who beat this bad guy? Chang Sheng, can you find him?" Hearing what Chang Sheng said, Lan Keer was taken aback, and then realized that Chang Sheng might have come with someone else , perhaps his master.

Hearing this, Chang Sheng straightened his chest and said loudly: "The bad guy was beaten by Chang Sheng!"

"You hit me?" Lan Ke'er was stunned, and then said: "Chang Sheng, don't lie, your sister Misty said that it is not a good boy to lie to others."

She remembered that every time Chang Sheng opened his mouth to say that Senior Sister Misty had said it, it seemed that he listened to what Senior Sister Misty said very much, so let him tell the truth quickly with Senior Sister Misty's words.

"Chang Sheng didn't lie!" Chang Sheng puffed up his face, lowered his head and kicked Li Chuan who was lying on the ground: "You said, did Chang Sheng hit you?"

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