"Fake, lied to me?"

Chang Sheng muttered to himself, his face suddenly changed, and he threw the ingot made of mud in his hand, hitting Zhang Shan's face.


With a sound, the mud ingot fell on Zhang Shan's face, exploded instantly, and flew away in all directions.

"You lied!" Chang Sheng didn't let go of his hatred after hitting Zhang Shan with mud. He jumped up from the ground and punched Zhang Shan hard.

Before Zhang Shan could react, a huge fist had already landed in front of him.


The hard fist hit Zhang Shan's bridge of nose. Immediately, blood spattered from Zhang Shan's nostrils, and he flew back a distance of three or four meters before falling.

"I hate it when people lie to me!"

Chang Sheng roared angrily, picked up the blue and white bowl on the ground, chased Zhang Shan who was lying on the ground, grabbed the bottom of the bowl, and slapped Zhang Shan hard on the forehead.

Suddenly, a round hole the size of a thumb appeared on Zhang Shan's forehead, and the flowers flowed out slowly, then faster and faster, and after a while, it covered Zhang Shan's entire face.

Chang Sheng held the disconnected porcelain bowl, like a lunatic, and kept patting Zhang Shan's forehead. After a while, the porcelain bowl was completely rotten and there was no place to grab it, so he threw away the porcelain bowl, Directly changed to fists.

Zhang Shan desperately covered his face with his hands, and begged for mercy loudly: "Young master, please forgive me...I dare not lie to you anymore."

Chang Sheng rode on Zhang Shan's waist like crazy, he didn't listen to Zhang Shan's words at all, and he didn't care about the snot coming out of his nose.

"How dare you lie to me! How dare you lie to me!"

Several servants around, looking at the crazy Chang Sheng, looked at each other, each hesitated, and rushed up.Although I am usually jealous that Zhang Shan can cheat Chang Sheng's money so easily, after all, Zhang Shan will still give them some benefits if he has money. Let's help them if they change their gang. Besides, Zhang Shan has to repay Zhang Shan if he saves Zhang Shan. no.

Four or five servants rushed up and grabbed Chang Sheng, some grabbed Chang Sheng's arms, some grabbed Chang Sheng's waist, and Li De even put his hands under Chang Sheng's armpits, hoping to support Chang Sheng and save Zhang Shan.

"Get out of the way!" Chang Sheng shook his body from side to side angrily.

Li De only felt that with Chang Sheng's shaking, a strong force came along his arm and rushed into his body in an instant. Suddenly, his body shook and flew out.


He fell hard to the ground, and Li De looked up. The other servants who rushed up with him also fell to the ground just like him.

"This idiot Sheng has gone crazy, and he can't stop it at all."

After a while, Zhang Shan was beaten beyond recognition, his eyes were swollen, and there were blue marks outside, his face was even more blue and purple, blood and nosebleeds flowed from the top of his head, and the blood at the corner of his mouth was mixed. Together, the whole becomes a blood man.

Gradually, Zhang Shan's begging for mercy became smaller and smaller, and there was no more sound. Even the hands that had been gathering in front of his face to protect him hung down, lying motionless on the ground.

Chang Sheng still couldn't let go of his hatred, and his fists kept dropping.

Piao Miao saw at a glance that Zhang Shan had died long ago, but Chang Sheng was still beating, and finally walked forward and pulled Chang Sheng up.

"Okay, Sheng'er, don't fight anymore."

"No, he lied to me. Sheng'er hates others to lie to me the most. He should fight!" Chang Sheng struggled hard, trying to break free from Miu Miu's hand, and stepped forward to continue hitting Zhang Shan, but Miu Miu felt smooth to the touch. Ruoruo's boneless hand did not loosen at all.

"Touch, touch."

Unable to move his hands, Chang Sheng stretched out his legs and kicked Zhang Shan hard on Zhang Shan's face where his mouth was not his mouth and his nose was not his nose.

"I let you lie to me, let you lie to me..."

Chang Sheng's feet were still kicking in the void until they were completely pulled away by Misty.

At this time, a few servants at the side saw Zhang Shan who had already changed beyond recognition. Hitting the face, that face is still a face, it's just a meatloaf!horrible!It turns out that the anger of fools and honest people is more terrifying than that of ordinary people!

In the future, you must not provoke him, it's too scary!

"Very good, Chang Sheng, you are becoming more and more mature, yes, if you want to survive in this world, you need to look like this, be decisive!"

In Chang Sheng's mind, Gu Tianmo praised, then seemed to feel tired again, and then disappeared. He wanted to continue communicating with him about how to deal with the city defenders, but he didn't have time.

Miu Miao grabbed Chang Sheng and talked nicely for a long time before Chang Sheng gradually stabilized.Taking out a handkerchief, helping Chang Sheng wipe off his snot, Miu Miao turned her head and told several servants: "He is dead, take him out and bury him, and clean up the room."

"Yes." Li De and the others quickly responded respectfully. Misty is the family's worship, and her mother is a highly respected alchemist. It is said that even the patriarch is somewhat courteous, and her status is much higher than they don't know. !

Among the servants, two people were assigned to carry Zhang Shan's body to dispose of it, and another person was responsible for cleaning the remaining blood in the room.In the room, Chang Sheng's gold ingots and the money that Zhang Shan had won were all quietly placed on the ground, but the servants didn't dare to move any more. The scene where Chang Sheng beat Zhang Shan to death was too terrifying Well, he doesn't seem to be following in Zhang Shan's footsteps. As for the future, if you don't want to die, you'd better not lie to that fool again.

Li De ran to the big housekeeper. If a servant died at home, he must report to the big housekeeper. This is the rule.

In the antique study room, Chang Ganyi sat on the bamboo chair, stroking the hollow carvings on the bamboo chair with one hand, after listening to the butler's report on what happened in the family today, including Chang Sheng's killing of a servant, he spoke lightly Said: "If you die, you will die. It is no big deal for the master to kill a servant. What's more, the servant who dares to deceive the master should be executed according to the law of the dynasty!"

The Misty Room is not far away, she grew up with Chang Sheng from a young age.Walking through the winding corridor, turning a corner, a small courtyard appeared, this is where Miu Miao lived with her mother who had a very high status in the Chang family.

"Come on, Xiao Sheng, wash your hands first." Walking into the room, Miu Miao personally fetched a basin of water and brought it in front of Chang Sheng. In terms of her status and her mother, she arranged for a few servants to come to Chang Sheng again. It's normal, but both she and her mother rejected the servants arranged by Chang Ganyi.

Chang Sheng's hands were covered with red blood, and some of the first stained blood had already solidified, but Chang Sheng wanted to take his hands out after a little washing.

"No, it needs to be cleaned."

Miu Miao stretched out her jade fingers like green onion, held Chang Sheng's hand and pressed it back into the basin again, helping Chang Sheng to scrub.


After Miu Miao helped wipe his hands clean, Chang Sheng suddenly stroked the back of his hand, crying out for pain with an uncomfortable expression on his face.

"Pain?" Miu Miao was stunned for a moment, and washed his hands for himself, so that it wouldn't hurt his hands.By the way, the back of his hand hurts from beating Zhang Shan. He made a person's face look like that. It's no wonder his hand doesn't hurt. It's just that he was only focused on beating Zhang Shan at that time, so he didn't notice the pain.

"Hey, senior sister, let me blow it for you and it won't hurt anymore." Piao Miao grabbed Chang Sheng's hand with a gentle face, and put it to her mouth, her cherry lips parted slightly, and let out a few breaths.

A faint fragrance hit, and Chang Sheng felt the unique fragrance of a girl. Before and after reincarnation, it was the first time he had such close contact with a stunning beauty, and he couldn't help being slightly drunk. After a while, he said: "It seems, really It doesn't hurt so much, it really works."

Seeing Chang Sheng's earnest face and innocent innocent smile, Piao Miao sighed in her heart, "Why is it that Chang Sheng's spiritual wisdom just doesn't open? I hope this time I can help him. No, It’s definitely possible, this time things are different.”

"Come on, Sheng'er, wait here obediently, Senior Sister has something good for you." After finishing speaking, Piao Miao left Chang Sheng's side, opened the door, took a closer look around the courtyard, closed the door again this time, and pushed down the room In the middle of the day, he ran to the window again, leaned sideways, put his ear to the window, listened carefully for a long time, and only went to the bookcase after confirming that no one was there.

"What is Misty going to give me?" Chang Sheng looked at Misty's movements, and became curious in his heart. It must be unusual for her to be so careful.

While showing a silly smile, Chang Sheng never took his eyes off Miu Miao.

Piao Miao walked to the bookcase and pressed lightly on the edge of the third shelf from the top to the bottom of the bookcase. I don't know where it was pressed, and heard a slight "click".

"Strange, the place where the sound sounds doesn't seem to be coming from behind the bookcase." Chang Sheng noticed that Miu Miao walked away from the bookcase, walked to the side of the bed, grabbed a carved maple leaf on the bedside, and gently turned it up After a moment, there was another "click" sound.

Next to the bookcase, a circular hole that can accommodate one person is exposed on the ground.

"Is there an underground secret room?" In Chang Sheng's mind, an idea just popped up, and his hand was already held by Misty,

"Sheng'er, the good stuff is underground, senior sister goes down first, and you will follow senior sister down later."


Like an obedient child, Chang Sheng nodded his head heavily, as if he was about to drop his jaw with all his strength.

And in his heart, Chang Sheng became more and more looking forward to the good things Miu Miao said, "It takes two places to open the passage leading to the underground, what is this thing, it is so mysteriously hidden."

Chang Sheng followed Miu Miao and walked down the artificially paved steps step by step. There were about a dozen steps, and the front suddenly opened up, and it turned out to be an underground secret room.

The secret room is about the same size as the ethereal room above. The four corners of the secret room are lit with four oil lamps, and the top is covered with shining stones. They are not particularly precious night pearls, but some of which are not particularly expensive. A tall but shining stone.

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