silly elixir emperor

Chapter 801 Calculation

When Chang Sheng saw this butterfly phantom, he sneered in his heart. Sure enough, the previous phantom of the butterfly was not that simple.

After the butterfly phantom appeared, it didn't immediately use Chang Sheng's body, but instead, a bewitching light shot out from his eyes towards Chang Sheng.

As soon as his eyes came into contact with this bewildering light, Chang Sheng suddenly felt dizzy.

"Not good, mental attack!"

Chang Sheng said something bad in his heart, and quickly restrained his mind, but the butterfly's attack was really weird. With his extremely strong mind now, it took him a breath or two before he stabilized his mind.

Taking advantage of Chang Sheng's trance, Yingwuhou and Qianhuan Zhenjun exerted their strength at the same time, breaking through Changsheng's defense almost in no particular order. rushed over.

Seeing this, Chang Sheng laughed more and more in his heart. He only played these tricks. Hou Yingwu really went further and further on the road.

"Earth Proof!"

Suddenly, Chang Sheng stretched out his hands, two palms, each holding a token!


"The proof of the two lands!"

As soon as the certificate of two lands came out, Marquis Yingwu and Zhenjun Qianhuan were shocked, how could Chang Sheng have the certificate of two lands?

Marquis Yingwu only had one piece of evidence of the earth, and now facing two pieces of evidence of the earth, his body slowed down.

Although he also has the certificate of the earth, under the pressure of the two certificates of the earth, he still clearly feels that his strength has been suppressed.

On the other side, True Monarch Thousand Illusion became even worse.

He was originally a person from the heavens, and it was no wonder he was not suppressed so badly when he fought against people who had the certificate of the earth in the Tianyuan Shenzhou continent.

For a moment, True Lord Qianhuan felt that at this moment, it seemed that even breathing became difficult.

"No, run!" Qian Huan Zhenjun said badly, turned around, and wanted to escape, but after his strength was suppressed, his speed was too slow in front of Chang Sheng.

"You want to run, are you able to run? Leave it to me." Chang Sheng caught up with True Lord Qianhuan in an instant, and raised his hand to grab True Lord Qianhuan's back. He remembered that the Chaos Beast said that it would grab The three phoenix birds that surpassed the True Lord of Thousand Illusions.


With a crisp sound, Chang Sheng grabbed the three pairs of wings on the back of Zhenjun Qianhuan.

These three pairs of wings had long been fused with the body of True Lord Thousand Illusions, and Chang Sheng grabbed the three pairs of wings abruptly.He groaned in pain suddenly.

However, because of this, he was not caught by Chang Sheng, but instead fled forward.

On the other side, Marquis Yingwu also turned around and fled in the opposite direction.

The two fled to one side, and Chang Sheng could only choose to arrest one person.

Without any hesitation, Chang Sheng chased after Ying Wuhou.

Chang Sheng's speed was faster than that of Ying Wu Hou. After a while, Chang Sheng had already caught up to Ying Wu Hou. He was about to stop Ying Wu Hou. Suddenly, the sea water under his feet rose into the sky, and a figure flew into the sky. Attacked Chang Sheng.

"who are you?"

Chang Sheng looked at the man who suddenly appeared in front of him, stopped him and let Marquis Yingwu escape.From the opponent's body, he felt a devilish energy that was stronger than that of the ancient sky demon back then. He had seen this devilish energy before on the battlefield of immortals and demons.

And this person's appearance, it seems, is somewhat familiar.

The other party did not answer Chang Sheng's words, but asked instead: "You are Chang Sheng? Is it you who killed the last blood of my family?"

Listening to the other party's words, Chang Sheng really wanted to say that he had killed too many people. Who knew who the last blood of his clan was, but looking at the other party's face, Chang Sheng suddenly found out who the other party was with? Who looks like it!

"Zhu Zhijing, what is your relationship with the remnant prince Zhu Zhijing from the previous dynasty?"

Chang Sheng looked at the face of the person opposite, and after careful observation, he could still find that he was so similar to Zhu Zhijing.

"Old man Emperor Yan is the ancestor of Zhu Zhijing's clan!"

The old man looked at Chang Sheng and said coldly: "After the ancestor founded the country, he flew away not long after, and then began to retreat. It was not until the old man left the customs that he realized that the situation on the mainland of Tianyuan Shenzhou had changed drastically. It has become the world of what kind of bullshit the Qi Dynasty."

"If it wasn't for our regulations within 33 days outside the sky, we can avenge our clansmen, but we can't interfere with the changes in state power in the heavens and the mainland, our ancestors would have come here to destroy the Daqi Dynasty directly! Fortunately, God bless our clan, Apart from my ancestor, the most talented genius has finally appeared among my clansmen."

"Seeing that the restoration of the country is hopeful, you killed the last blood of my family!"

The person who called himself Emperor Yan looked at Chang Sheng coldly, and said with hatred: "Although Da Qi can't be destroyed, but killing you, 33 days outside the sky, I don't care. Boy, today, the ancestor will let you pay with blood!"

Emperor Yan shouted loudly, and flew towards Chang Sheng.

Chang Sheng really didn't expect to meet such an opponent.

Of course, he knew about the 33 days beyond the sky. In fact, speaking of it, the 33 days beyond the sky can be regarded as a part of the heavens, but they never listen to the management of the heavens, and from time to time hold back the heavens.

The great formation of immortals and demons is the battle between the heavens and the 33 days outside the sky. Speaking of which, Gu Tianmo can also be regarded as a member of the 33 days outside the world.

However, the same 33 days outside the sky, the strength of the ancient Tianmo back then was much weaker than the person in front of him.

"This mana energy, this is a half-step earth immortal!"

After Chang Sheng saw the strength of the other party, he was surprised. No wonder this person was so loud before, and he opened and closed his mouth to kill a dynasty. It turned out that he had such strength.

"When I was in the Heaven Realm, I had no chance of winning against a half-step Earth Immortal, but in the Tianyuan Shenzhou Continent, I don't know who will win!"

Chang Sheng still dared to keep his hand when facing the ninth-level Earth Immortal Thousand Illusion True Monarch, but facing the half-step Earth Immortal Emperor Yan, he did not dare to hold back any more. Before meeting him, he directly sacrificed two Evidence of the land.

The proof of the two lands came out.In the sky, Emperor Yan's flying speed suddenly slowed down.

Just at this point, Chang Sheng flew over suddenly, raised his fists and slammed down on Emperor Yan, he wanted to try how strong Half-Step True Monarch is!

Emperor Yan suddenly laughed in his heart, did he fight himself hard, this Chang Sheng, this is looking for death, he is a half-step true king, how can his physical strength be comparable to that of a small first-level immortal.

Emperor Yan shrank back slightly, and the magic energy in his body gushed out crazily, and a thick layer of armor-like magic energy suddenly appeared on his body.

The next moment, Chang Sheng's fist fell, and Emperor Yan also punched it out.


In the sky, there was an earth-shattering loud noise.

Amidst the loud noise, the bodies of Chang Sheng and Emperor Yan retreated rapidly at the same time. Where the two of them fought, a strong air current rushed straight to the sea surface, stirring up a huge wave as high as a thousand battles on the sea.

The demonic energy of the armor that had just emerged from Emperor Yan's body was broken inch by inch under the impact of Chang Sheng's huge force, and his arm was even more sore and numb from the shock.

"What's going on, this kid, why is his body so strong, this is not the body that an earth immortal should have."

Emperor Yan looked at Chang Sheng on the opposite side with a blank face. He was also there when Chang Sheng fought against Marquis Yingwu and Zhenjun Qianhuan just now.

He even thought he had seen all Chang Sheng's hole cards clearly, and that's why he appeared.

Chang Sheng is powerful, nothing more than relying on his perception of the way of heaven, and the evidence of the two earths, especially the evidence of the earth.

And he, although he will also be suppressed by the evidence of the earth, he believes that as long as he attacks Chang Sheng in close quarters, he will surely win.

Most of Chang Sheng's battles just now relied directly on the perception of heaven and magic weapons to attack, and there was no melee combat at all.

But now after the fight, Emperor Yan suddenly discovered that he was wrong, and the wrong was serious, and Chang Sheng's body was even more powerful and terrifying.

"The boy is amazing, but this is far from enough. This emperor will let you know why this emperor is called Emperor Yan, and he is the evolution of Yan!"

Following Emperor Yan's words, suddenly, a huge mountain-like tree suddenly grew out of the originally calm sea.

As soon as the big tree grew, it stretched out countless big hands and grabbed Chang Sheng.

The big tree is mighty, much bigger than some small cities. On its body, the countless tentacles like vines are more like tentacles of octopuses, and they grab Chang Sheng from different angles in all directions.

The most astonishing thing is that every tentacle seems to contain a strong law of heaven, and the trajectory of countless tentacles flying in the sky never repeats.

"I want to see how strong this tentacle is!" Chang Sheng took out the Wanfa Pagoda and slammed it heavily at the oncoming tentacle.

Facing the fallen Wanfa Tower, the tentacle automatically dodged to the side as if it had life, and then wrapped itself around the Wanfa Tower.

Chang Sheng only delayed for a while, and soon, countless tree vine tentacles bound him tightly.

"Drink!" Chang Sheng's body was bound, and he spit out with all his strength, trying to shatter the tree vines that trapped him, but under the shock, the tree vines not only did not break, but bound Chang Sheng tighter and tighter. .

"Don't waste your energy."

Seeing that Chang Sheng was trapped, Emperor Yan changed his solemnity before, and showed a crazy look on his face: "Chang Sheng, you are still trapped by me, this big tree, this is my painstaking effort for endless years, unless your Otherwise, you will never be able to break free from this big tree if your strength reaches the level of a True Monarch."

Emperor Yan said proudly: "Chang Sheng, I only came out after watching you fight Yingwu Hou and Qianhuan Zhenjun. I have already seen all your cards. That's right, you have the proof of the earth to suppress me. But my big tree and the evidence of the earth will not suppress it, the evidence of the earth will only suppress all the people and even animals in the heavens, but my big tree is a plant!"

Emperor Yan looked extremely proud.

At the same time, in the bottom of the sea, a female disciple beside Zhang Qin looked at the proud Emperor Yan, with a look of worry on her face: "Chang Sheng is in danger, completely trapped, he can't break free at all, he can only let Yan Di The emperor slaughters!"

"Who said he couldn't break free?" After hearing what the female disciple said, the headmaster sneered suddenly: "Don't forget what Chang Sheng just got. Do you think that if this person who is 33 days away from the sky can threaten Chang Sheng? , will the strong on the mainland not make a move?"

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