"So? Do you want to say that if you kill me today, I actually brought my own destruction?" Chang Sheng smiled contemptuously, pointing to Yingwuhou and said, "Yingwuhou, don't think that if you become a true king, you will be killed by yourself." Can kill me. Today, I will make you the first True Monarch to be killed by an Earth Immortal face to face!"

Chang Sheng and Ying Wuhou were confronting each other above Tianyuan Mountain, and at this time, in every corner of Tianyuan Shenzhou Continent, except for the sky where the two were located, there were scenes of the two confronting each other.

Hearing Chang Sheng's words, Marquis Yingwu burst out laughing: "Chang Sheng, don't think that you have always been able to cross borders to kill people. Now, you can cross borders and fight with me. Before this true king, he was also able to cross borders and kill people all the time. They are fighting against each other. But since the real king became the real king, the real king knows that it is possible to fight across borders in any realm, and only the real king can't."

"Today, I will let you know what I am, and I will let the whole world see how you died."

Marquis Yingwu said, raising his hand and pointing to the sky, and said: "Ben Zhenjun has already used the secret technique, the battle between Ben Zhenjun and you, people all over the world will see, they will see the strength of Ben Zhenjun, and even more Will see how you die."

"A very good idea, I didn't think of it before." Chang Sheng heard the sound, but suddenly clapped his hands: "Let the whole world see how Zhenjun lost to the Earth Immortal, this is the best idea. gone."

"Yelang is arrogant!"

While Chang Sheng was talking with Marquis Yingwu, countless people were watching the two through the images in the sky.

Under the sea, the mysterious guardian sect of the Evidence of the Earth.

The elegant head looked at Yushi in front of him, and behind him were all the disciples in the sect.

"Master, after Chang Sheng and Ying Wuhou fight this time, the certificate of the earth will definitely be handed over to the winner of the two of them?"

Suddenly, behind the lady, a voice sounded.

Hearing this voice, the lady did not turn her head, but nodded.

"However, it is almost certain that Marquis Yingwu will win this battle, so shall we also give Marquis Ying the certificate of the land? Marquis Yingwu betrayed the land."

"Even if Marquis Yingwu wins, the certificate of the earth must be given to him." The lady's voice seemed very helpless, but there was a bit of firmness in the helplessness.

"It won't be long before the war between heaven and earth will start again, and this time, it may be the most dangerous time for our earth in these years. With the war between heaven and earth, the source of the earth is continuously being taken away, and the strong people born on our earth have become more and more powerful. There are fewer and fewer. If you want to reverse the disadvantage, the only way is to get together the certificates of the earth and let one person use all the certificates of the earth, so that our earth will have life."

"Although Yingwu Hou has betrayed the earth, he is still a man of the earth. And he is also the most talented person on the earth. Just give him a period of time to stabilize his realm, and when the war between heaven and earth, we The earth side still has to count on him."

When the noble lady said this, she sighed in her heart. It's a pity that Chang Sheng was born. If Chang Sheng could be born a few years earlier, or kill Ying Wuhou before Yingwuhou became a true king, the certificate of the earth would definitely be given to Chang Sheng. Yes, this is also the best case.

After all, the current Chang Sheng is the most recognized person in the earth, but unfortunately, he now has to face the heroic Marquis who has become a true king.

And this battle is a battle related to the owner of the Evidence of the Earth, and other powerful people on the Earth will not participate in it.

Let Chang Sheng face Ying Wuhou alone, Chang Sheng has almost no chance of winning.

Just as she sighed, among the jade in front of her eyes, Marquis Yingwu suddenly moved.

I saw that Yingwu Hou raised his hand suddenly, and in the sky, countless dagger-like brilliance shot out from his hand, shooting towards Chang Sheng at an astonishing speed.

"My God, what a speed!"

"This speed, is this the true king's strength? Facing such a fast attack, we have no possibility of dodging at all."

Behind the lady, all the disciples were stunned when they saw the speed of Marquis Yingwu's attack. The speed was really astonishing, and it seemed that it was just Marquis Yingwu's random attack.

However, in the next second, among the jade stones in front of them, Chang Sheng swayed in place in the face of Yingwuhou's attack, and escaped Yingwuhou's attack without even flying away. an attack.

"How did Chang Sheng escape so easily?"

The girls instantly petrified.

"The attack was so fast that we didn't react at all, but looking at Chang Sheng's movements, he seemed to be able to dodge these attacks with ease."

"Chang Sheng has completely seen through the trajectory of Marquis Yingwu's attack, so he was able to avoid Marquis Yingwu's attack by staying in place."

A deep sense of powerlessness instantly spread among the women, and some of them have cultivated for hundreds of years and have become Earth Immortals.

But the same Earth Immortal, Chang Sheng was able to dodge Yingwu Hou's attack so easily, but they couldn't even see the trajectory of the attack clearly. The gap between them is really not ordinary!

The sky above Tianyuan Mountain.

Seeing that Chang Sheng escaped his attack so easily, Yingwu Hou showed a slight look of astonishment on his face. It seems that Chang Sheng has improved a lot these days.

However, it was just a tentative attack just now, and the next one is the real attack.

Ying Wuhou raised his hand and flicked in the sky, as if he was holding an invisible dagger in the air.

As his movements fell, the void around Yingwuhou, the entire space did not change at all, just when everyone was wondering.Without warning, the void in front of Chang Sheng suddenly trembled violently.

The void was completely torn apart violently by a force that did not know where it came from, and space-time turbulence like broken sharp blades suddenly flew out of the broken space around Chang Sheng, wrapping Chang Sheng in all directions. .

"This is an attack that directly tears apart the space. The space around you has been blocked. Chang Sheng, let me see how you can hide this time." Marquis Ying showed a smile on his face.

Chang Sheng slightly felt the space around him, and sure enough, the space around him had been completely blocked, and it was impossible to rush out.

However, it is not that difficult to decipher the attack of Marquis Yingwu.

Chang Sheng's clothes floating in the air suddenly shook, and immediately, the surrounding air suddenly began to twist violently, and waves visible to the naked eye spread rapidly towards the surroundings.

The surrounding space, at this moment, is like a collapsed house, which collapses section by section.

As soon as the time-turbulent attacks issued by Marquis Yingwu flew in front of Chang Sheng, they automatically rushed into the collapsed space, and then disappeared.

"Huh? How did Chang Sheng break the attack of Marquis Yingwu?"

In the capital of the Great Qi Dynasty, Fang Yuanfu and the others looked at the scene of Chang Sheng and Marquis Yingwu fighting in the sky, and they couldn't understand their methods.

"It seems to be time and space." Grand Master Fei was silent for a moment and then said: "Marquis Yingwu's attack is to directly cut through the void, and then attack Chang Sheng, because the surrounding void is damaged, Chang Sheng can't dodge and can only block it hard. But Chang Sheng Sheng Que also shattered the void around him, and Marquis Yingwu's attack flew away from the shattered void, to nowhere."

"Void... Looking at the two of them now, it seems that they are still very relaxed. Have they reached this level now? Just a casual attack can break the void."

Guo Feng and the others looked at each other, and what they saw in each other's eyes was incomparable surprise. The current strength of Chang Sheng and Ying Wuhou has exceeded their imagination, making them incomprehensible.


In front of Zhang Qin, her head suddenly sighed: "What a strong understanding of the way of heaven, Chang Sheng is only an earth immortal, and he already has this kind of understanding of the way of heaven. Now it seems that his understanding of the way of heaven is not even inferior Yu Yingwu is waiting."

In the heavenly realm, Chang Sheng's attack surprised all the true kings of the heavenly realm.

"This earth fairy, who of you can have such strength when you are an earth fairy!" An earth fairy with three heads suddenly exclaimed: "I just left the customs, can any of you tell me when, on the earth? Already have this kind of Earth Immortal? If he is allowed to become a True Monarch, then it will be fine."

"Fortunately, their earth is far less united than our heavenly realm. Such a talented earth fairy will be killed by their true earth king. Tsk tsk, this earth fairy is helping us!"

Yingwuhou saw that his two attacks in a row didn't work, and he didn't even make Chang Sheng embarrassed at all. Chang Sheng just cracked his attack lightly. For a while, Yingwuhou's face was a little uncomfortable.

This battle can be seen by everyone.And he is a true king, now facing an earth immortal, he attacked him twice in a row, but he couldn't do anything to him, how could he hold his face.

He knew that Chang Sheng would definitely not be able to compare with ordinary earth immortals, but he did not expect that Chang Sheng was so strong that he thought he could kill Chang Sheng easily, but now, he still didn't know how Chang Sheng could be killed. Sample.

"Chang Sheng, Ben Zhenjun has to admit that you are stronger than I imagined, but so what? The next attack, Ben Zhenjun sees how you block it."

Marquis Yingwu raised his hand and pointed at the sky. Immediately, sharp swords emerged from behind him.

In the blink of an eye, twelve sharp swords had appeared behind him.

Each of these twelve sharp swords is different.

One of them has a thick blade and no sharp edge, like a huge horse-chopping knife, with an endless and heavy aura, like a mountain supporting the heaven and earth, exuding layers of coercion.

Yes, the sword body is slender and the blade is round, like a spear, but it exudes a sharp edge, which seems to be able to pierce through any weak point...

There is also a sword, the body of the sword is like a poisonous snake circling around its body, the tip of the sword is a snake letter, exuding bursts of strange breath...

There is also a sword that looks no different from ordinary sharp swords, but the brilliance on the sword seems to be able to pierce everything in the world, which is breathtaking...

As soon as twelve sharp swords with different auras and shapes emerged from the sky, the aura of the whole world changed immediately.

At this moment, the space where Ying Wuhou and Chang Sheng were located seemed to be torn apart instantly, completely isolated from the outside space, and formed a small space again.

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