silly elixir emperor

Chapter 815 The Finale

Chang Sheng is already the master of this square world, in this world, he is the strongest existence, all his thoughts are the laws of this world, after he makes a shot with all his strength, his power is astonishing.

In the sky, the silver light seal was hit by Chang Sheng's full strength, and it was instantly shattered from the middle, turning into small pieces and falling downwards. However, the largest piece of it was whistling. , flew out of the space.

"Chang Sheng smashed the blade so easily. His strength is really terrifying, but fortunately, although it was shattered, the blade still pierced the space."

True Monarch Tiandan fixed his eyes on the space cut by the blade, waiting for the arrival of the turbulent flow of time and space. The next moment, a black ball suddenly flew from the broken space.


Chang Sheng felt something flying in the space outside, and immediately looked back, but saw a black ball the size of a fist falling from the broken space.

From this black ball, he didn't feel any dangerous breath, on the contrary, he felt a familiar breath in this black ball, like a breath without words.

Chang Sheng raised his hand and grabbed the black ball, but looked at Zhenjun Tiandan with puzzled eyes.

Looking at Zhenjun Tiandan's attack just now, he clearly wanted to use that mysterious light mark to kill himself, but the light mark pierced the sky, and it just flew out of such a harmless ball. What does Zhenjun think?

"How could this be, why is it not the turbulence of time and space, why is it such a thing!"

Zhenjun Tiandan looked at the ball in Chang Sheng's hand in despair, and his whole body collapsed.This was his last hope and his greatest ultimate move, but in the end it became a joke.

"Tiandan Zhenjun, do you have any means now? You have lived long enough, people like you should not continue to live to harm others, for the sake of the new world, for the people of the new world, so, You still go to die!"

Chang Sheng waved his hand suddenly, and in the sky, a huge palm exuded endless terror, and fell down instantly.

"No... I am the True Lord of Tiandan, I am the strongest in the world, I cannot die, I..."

In the shout of Zhenjun Tiandan, the palm fell down, and the sound stopped abruptly.

"It's over, it's over."

After Chang Sheng slapped Zhenjun Tiandan to death with one palm, he looked up at the sky.

"Now is the time for heaven and earth to become one!"

Chang Sheng raised his hand and pulled towards the sky, and immediately, everyone felt that the earth began to tremble, and the sky above their heads was moving downward, oppressed, and the sky and the earth were approaching.

The earth goes up and the heavens go down.

After three days and three nights, the heaven and the earth finally collided after they kept getting closer.

This time the collision did not make any sound.

The heavens and the earth blend together perfectly.

"The heavens and the earth have finally merged!"

Chang Sheng is more than one breath, this is the new world he created, which is ten times larger than the original Tianyuan Shenzhou Continent plus the area of ​​the Heaven Realm.

A new world was created, and from then on, no matter whether it was the people in the heavens or the people on the mainland of Tianyuan Shenzhou, they all entered a brand new life.

Two years later.

In the territory of the Daqi Dynasty in the new world, although Chang Sheng created his own new world, and this new world is his, he still prefers to be in the territory of the Daqi Dynasty.

In his own home, Chang Sheng sat in the courtyard with his three wives, constantly teasing her four children.

Since Chang Sheng had given birth to a pair of siblings two years ago when Chang Sheng was breaking through, Kou Ziyao and Lan Ke'er had also given birth to him a son and a daughter.

Suddenly, just as the few people were enjoying themselves, a black shadow suddenly appeared in the courtyard out of thin air.

"Chang Sheng, you are really leisurely now!"

Gu Tianmo's old and familiar voice sounded.

Turning around, Gu Tianmo had already come to the eldest son Miu Miao gave birth to him, hugged Chang Sheng's eldest son, and said to Chang Sheng with a smile: "Chang Sheng, you are the most leisurely person among all the people now." One."

"If you look at Fang Shuwen, I won't say much. Since he took over Fang Yuanfu's throne a year ago and became the ruler of the Daqi Dynasty, he has worked hard and been busy with government affairs all day long. Even his cultivation has been gradually neglected by him. But as an emperor, being busy with government affairs and seeking a better life for all the people in the country is what an emperor should do most.”

"Not to mention Fang Shuwen, who is the busiest, let's look at Guo Feng. Guo Feng has just founded a new college. He spends all day in the college either researching knowledge or teaching disciples. He is equally busy. And He Lianjue and that lucky one Yue Yichen, whom I even envy. The two of them even teamed up to travel around in the new world you created."

"After all the calculations, the most leisurely person is you, Chang Sheng."

Hearing what Gu Tianmo said, Chang Sheng shook his head and smiled wryly: "Gu Tianmo, you are so wrong. I am not the most leisurely person, but I am the busiest person. This big world has only been built for two years. There are still many things that need to be perfected.”

"In the world, after these two years, everyone has gradually adapted to the new life, and there are even many people like Yue Yichen and He Lianjue who have gone to explore and even settle in the endless new world. However, this interior still needs to be constantly filled to make it more stable."

"And outside our big world, there are endless other worlds. These worlds are also full of opportunities, and may even intersect with our big world. I must continue to study and improve our world in order to make our world completely Fend off the dangers of other great worlds while reaping the opportunities of other worlds."

Chang Sheng talked to Gu Tianmo a lot in one breath, then took a breath, and finally concluded: "So, Gu Tianmo, I am very tired and have a headache."

"It's a headache!" Suddenly, Lan Ke'er's voice suddenly sounded: "Outside, there are two older sisters who keep coming to the house."

"Two women? What kind of women?" Gu Tianmo suddenly became interested.

"One's name is Xie Shiwen, and the other's name is Yuge. It's such a weird name." Lan Ke'er tilted her head and said the names of the two women. Although she has become a mother, Lan Ke'er is still like a child who can't grow up .

"Fisher song? Isn't this the island spirit? Why did she come here too? And Xie Shiwen, hehe, that woman, but the woman that any man wants, Chang Sheng, you..."

"What about me? I have nothing to do with them. I have a wife now, and I still have three good wives. I love them very much. I am very satisfied. I..."

Chang Sheng started to talk incessantly, but before he finished speaking, Miu Miao interrupted his words.

"Okay, stop acting. Chang Sheng, you and Gu Tianmo's acting skills are really bad. The three of us have agreed long ago to let you marry the two of them."

"Hey..." Chang Sheng stretched out his hand to touch the back of his head and giggled.This smile seems to have returned to the past, the days when he was acting stupid.

(End of the book)

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