silly elixir emperor

Chapter 86 Another purpose

Chang Ganyi sighed helplessly, and said: "At that time, my foundation was still too shallow, and those four old guys have been in the family for so many years, and they have bought a lot of people. Moreover, Mengshan City is too far away, and I am far away. For the team leader, there are many things that need to be dealt with personally, and there is no way to get out to investigate in person. Over the years, I have also sent people to Mengshan City to investigate, but the people who went to investigate are without exception touched their noses. "

"Just a few days ago, the sons of the four elders in Mengshan City wrote again, saying that Fangshi could no longer support it, and the family needed to send some silver. I was already planning to send someone to investigate. Anyway, the four The old guy has already been cleaned up, and no one will stop me if I want to investigate again. But it happened that the county master came to me that day to discuss setting up a patrol team, and I also need to consider who to investigate. For this kind of thing, I must find someone I can trust. Okay. The people who investigated the previous five were probably not bought by them. So, the matter was delayed like this."

When Chang Ganyi said this, he lowered his head and paused for a moment, then raised his head again to look at Misty and Guo Feng: "Now, since Chang Sheng is going to escort the Jiangyang thief to Mengshan City, it's just right, you go and investigate, what are those guys doing? What are you doing! With such a good location, it is absolutely impossible to lose money every year and still need money from the family!"

"Uncle Chang, don't worry, we will definitely investigate this matter!" Piao Miao looked at Chang Ganyi with a firm face. As a member of the family, she didn't think about the family, but was selfish and only cared about herself. What she hated the most It's the moths of these families!

"Well, well, it's good for you to know about this matter, don't make it public, lest they take precautions. And, Misty, when you go to investigate, don't force yourself, use your brain more, Guo Feng is very smart, When the time comes, you should listen to his opinion more." Chang Ganyi said another blessing with uneasiness.Then he waved his hand and said, "Okay, Sheng'er, you and Guo Feng should go get ready first, Miu Miao, you stay, I still have something for you."

Hearing Chang Ganyi's words, Guo Feng's face remained unchanged, he turned and walked out the door, it was obvious that the patriarch wanted to leave Misty behind and hand over some important things to her!

Chang Sheng yelled with dissatisfaction on his face: "Uncle, you are biased, why did you give something good to Senior Sister Misty, and you didn't give it to Chang Sheng!"

Immediately, Chang Ganyi's handsome face showed a look of embarrassment, he was really careless, and even said that in front of Chang Sheng, with Chang Sheng's character, it's no wonder he had no objections.

Seeing the troubled face of the patriarch, and then Chang Sheng's dissatisfied face, Misty smiled softly, and said softly to Chang Sheng: "Xiao Sheng, Senior Sister Misty has something good to take, aren't you happy? Let's talk , Senior Sister Misty’s stuff, isn’t it yours, when will Senior Sister Misty give you something good?”

"It seems to be like this." Chang Sheng bowed his head and thought for a long time, finally agreed with Misty's words, turned and left the room.

Chang Ganyi finally heaved a sigh of relief, it's still Piao Miao who can restrain Chang Sheng.

"Yiaomiao, this time you go to Mengshan City, I have prepared 400 million taels of silver to put in the convoy, and you are responsible for taking care of the money. In addition, I have 200 million taels of silver notes here, and you have also collected them."

Chang Ganyi handed over a stack of thick banknotes to Misty. Although Chang Sheng was his closest person, how could he safely hand over the money to Chang Sheng? Misty was the best candidate.

Outside the study, Guo Fengyi left the study and did not go back to his room in Changsheng’s courtyard on the same road as Chang Sheng, but walked quickly to the room where his father lived. He was about to leave Fengdu City, so he had to tell his father first of.

Passing through the pavilions and corridors along the way, Guo Feng quickly walked to his father's room.

"Father, the young master is going to Mengshan City, the prefecture, and the patriarch ordered the child to go with him. The child will not be able to take care of you during this time, you must take care of yourself alone."

In Guo Feng's father's room, Guo Fengyin went to the patriarch to send him, Miu Miao, and Chang Sheng to check the accounts, and briefly explained what happened this morning.

"What? The patriarch left Misty and asked you to leave first, are you dissatisfied?" Father Guo frowned when he heard Guo Feng say that Chang Ganyi left Misty, and glared at Guo Feng angrily.

"How could my boy be dissatisfied! The patriarch did nothing wrong. If it were a boy, he would do the same thing. After all, the boy has only been in Chang's house for a short time, and the young master is a fool. The most suitable person is undoubtedly Misty." Besides, the patriarch let him come in with Misty and the young master. This is already a sign of trust in the child, and the child does not need to have any dissatisfaction!" Guo Feng looked at his father, and expressed his thoughts firmly in his voice. He really has no dissatisfaction with Chang Ganyi's approach.

"That's good! Don't worry, I'm not too old to move, and there are so many people in the Chang family, I will be fine! The patriarch let you go this time because he values ​​you and trusts you. Go together with the young master. You have to remember that both the patriarch and the young master are the benefactors of our Guo family. It is rare that the patriarch trusts you so much. This time, you must be careful along the way and don’t let the young master have any accidents. !"

"Father, don't worry, I will not let the young master have any accident." Guo Fengsan clenched the paper fan tightly in his hand. The young master first helped their family when he was in the most difficult time, and then because of the young master, his own After pouring out the first-class Confucianism cultivation techniques in the world, it was because of the young master, Immortal Wangdan, that he would help him improve his cultivation!I will never forget the young master's kindness to me in my life, even if I sacrifice myself, I will definitely not let the young master have an accident!


In the underground secret room below Misty's room, Fang Xianyun solemnly took out a palm-sized iron box and put it in Misty's hands: "Daughter, you have to be careful on this journey, you put this thing away. Finally, you have to remember , This is for you, not for Chang Sheng! This is something from our Fang family, you know our rules!"

Among the three, Chang Sheng was the fastest one to clean up. He really had nothing to clean up, except for the alchemy stove.

Putting the medicine stove in the box to fix it, Chang Sheng quilted the wooden box on his back.

"By the way, I remember the day I just returned to Chang's house, when Senior Sister Misty gave me the elixir, the iron box containing the elixir was very scary, just like a rainstorm pear blossom needle. I will find a chance to ask Senior Sister Misty for one of that kind Yes, the iron box that can hold the medicine stove!

Chang Sheng thought, left the room, walked to the door of the house and waited.

At the gate of Chang's house, Chang Ganyi stood on one side, and the servants were busy quickly, loading items into the carriage. This time, Chang Sheng and the others were going to stay in Mengshan City for a while, so the preparations were naturally indispensable, and , along the way, some places are very desolate, and you may not see a city after walking for a day, so you must prepare tents and food for sleeping, so there will be more things.

Chang Sheng stood at the door and counted, and there were eight carriages, two of which seemed to be loaded with heavy objects such as money, and the wheels of that cart sank slightly to the ground, and there was another carriage that pulled There is a carriage, which is obviously used for seating people.In addition, there are four carriages for pulling goods, and the other carriage is a prison cart!

Chang Sheng was bored watching the servants busy loading items into the carriage. After waiting for a while, Miu Miao and Guo Feng arrived one after another.

"Everyone is here, and the goods are almost loaded. We only need to wait for the county master and the deputy general of the city to bring people, and then we can set off."

Chang Ganyi took the second housekeeper and several accountants to the side of Chang Sheng and the three of them, looked at the three of them, and was about to give them some final instructions, when suddenly, his gaze froze.

Seeing Chang Ganyi's abnormal performance, everyone followed his gaze and looked over, and there was a loud inhalation sound.

In the eyes of everyone, a beautiful girl in a light blue dress came from not far away. Following her steps, two slender and round legs under her body swung back and forth, making everyone dizzy!

"Who is this girl! In addition to Misty, there is such a beautiful woman in Fengdu City! Moreover, how could he appear in Chang's house!"

Except for Chang Ganyi and Chang Sheng, there was a doubt in the midst of the quarrel!Guo Feng secretly guessed something, the patriarch said yesterday that the young master saved a girl, could it be her?

The girl's steps were very brisk, and she walked over after a short while.

"Suspicion? You have prepared so many carriages early in the morning, what are you going to do?"

Lan Keer looked curiously at the eight carriages and the busy servants.Last night, after she and Chang Ganyi took back the treasure chest of the Jiangyang thief, she was led by her servants to the room specially prepared for her by the Chang family, took a comfortable hot bath, and then fell asleep.But this is Chang's home, not her own home. Even though she was tired for several days and didn't sleep well, she still couldn't sleep well. She woke up early in the morning, and then heard noises coming from outside the door. She was curious Next, he put on the clothes that Chang's family prepared for him, walked out, and walked all the way to the door. Seeing the scene in front of him, he asked without thinking.

Chang Sheng looked at Lan Ke'er in front of him, even though he was used to seeing Lan Ke'er's ethereal beauty, and this was the second time he saw Lan Ke'er, his heart still beat irregularly, and his heart was full of amazement.Especially Lan Ke'er's slender jade legs are white and crystal clear, just like a baby's skin.There is no trace of fat, but it is round and charming. Under the sun, the eyes of people who are shining straight are dizzy.

Unexpectedly, there can be such a beautiful pair of jade legs in the world!

Except for Chang Sheng, everyone, without exception, looked at Lan Keer without blinking, especially the accountant on the far left behind Chang Ganyi. Since Lan Keer appeared, his eyes have been staring at Lan Keer. Ke'er's legs never left again, how did such a pair of beautiful and suffocating jade legs come into being!Such legs make people really want to touch them enough!No, it should be that I can't touch enough, such beautiful legs, how can I touch them enough!

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