Lan Ke'er curiously followed some people's gazes and looked behind Chang Ganyi.

"This woman is..."

Lan Ke'er stared blankly at Miu Miao who was standing in the crowd. She had always been conceited of her beauty. Ever since she was a child, she had never seen a woman who could compare with him in appearance, but today, she was in a small The county town saw a woman who was not inferior to her in appearance!

"The strength of this woman... she is still a master of the eighth level!"

After Lan Keer saw the misty realm, she was stunned again. The woman who looked a year or two older than her was not only outstanding in appearance, but also frightening in strength.I am only 17 years old, and this woman is only eighteen or nineteen years old, but she has already ascended to the eighth level. This kind of talent will be one of the most dazzling talents in Mengshan City, not to mention that she is such a beautiful woman.

"An eighteen or nineteen-year-old who can kill a congenital, uh, a half-step congenital expert, an eighteen or nineteen-year-old beauty who has sublimated to the eighth level, and three innate experts, what kind of terrifying family is the family I am in now!"

Lan Ke'er is really more and more curious about the Chang family, why does such a family stay in the county seat, they have already gone to Mengshan City, the prefecture's capital.

Just when Lan Ke'er was wondering, the servants of the Chang family finally packed all the goods. Chang Gan Yiman glanced at the several carriages full of goods, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Okay, everything is ready, without further ado, let's set off now. You all have to remember, you must listen to Guo Feng and Misty's words on the way!"

The servants and servants behind Chang Gan Yi Chong gave a blessing. His words conveyed a meaning and promoted Guo Feng's status.

Guo Feng is very smart, and no one in the entire Chang family is aware of this.However, Guo Feng's status is too low. Although Guo Feng is Chang Sheng's confidant, no one in the Chang family will offend him, but this does not mean that others will respect him!Therefore, he, the patriarch, wants to help Guo Feng improve his status. Along the way, Guo Feng needs to make up his mind. It is impossible for others not to listen to him!

After finishing speaking, Chang Ganyi turned his head to Misty and Lan Ke'er again: "Miss Lan, you two get into the carriage, there is a lot of dust outside."

These two women are so beautiful. If you just ride a horse outside like this, you don't know how many troubles you will cause. To avoid trouble, let them get in the car.

"En, yes." Lan Ke'er replied crisply, secretly grateful to Chang Ganyi, unexpectedly, this patriarch is quite considerate, but she is wearing a skirt, and it is too inconvenient for her to ride a horse.

Smiling at Chang Ganyi, Lan Keer walked towards the carriage.

The faces of the Chang family servants, servants, and county government officers behind them all showed regret. The two beauties were about to get into the carriage, and there would be one less beautiful scenery along the way.

Disappointed in their hearts, everyone looked at Lan Ke'er who had already walked to the carriage, and their hearts suddenly became hot again. This beauty is wearing a skirt, and she looks good when she gets on the carriage.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the hem of Lan Ke'er's skirt, but until Lan Ke'er stepped into the carriage and entered the carriage, they were disappointed to find that although the beauty seemed to be indifferent when she got into the carriage, they didn't even look at it. To the wonderful place imagined.

Outside Fengdu City, a long convoy was advancing in an orderly manner along the official road. In front of the convoy were the servants of the Chang family and two policemen, behind them were all the carriages, and at the end were other police officers from the county government. At the front of the convoy was Chang Sheng on a horse, because his weapon was too heavy for the horse to bear, so the black iron rod was placed on a carriage with the least cargo.

"I said, Chang Sheng, you are such an idiot. The sun is scorching outside here, and there are two big beauties standing on top of each other in the carriage over there. You don't know how to run inside, but stay here foolishly basking in the sun." , You say you are stupid!"

As soon as the convoy walked out of the city gate, Gu Tianmo's voice rang in Chang Sheng's mind.

Hearing this, Chang Sheng was stunned for a while, and thought, yes, there are two stunning beauties in the carriage, and one of them is full of affection for him, so he is really stupid not to go in and sit in it!

"Gu Tianmo, what you said is not wrong, I should go in and sit."

Chang Sheng replied to Gu Tianmo in his mind, turned his horse around, and walked in the direction of the carriage.

In the carriage, two women sat on one side, silent.

Miu Miao is not a sociable person, facing the strange girl sitting beside her, she really didn't know how to speak.

On the other side, Lan Ke'er couldn't bear the dullness in the car, looked at the ethereal and beautiful face, and said crisply: "My name is Lan Ke'er, what's your name?"

"My name is Misty." Misty heard his words, and said his name softly.

"You are Misty!" Lan Ke'er exclaimed when she heard her name from Misty's own mouth. She had heard Misty's name countless times when she met Chang Sheng for the first time.Unexpectedly, she turned out to be Misty, no wonder Chang Sheng always talked about Misty when he opened his mouth!

"What's the matter, you've heard of me?" Lan Ke'er's reaction made Piao Miao a little strange, this girl probably didn't know herself.

"It's more than just hearing your name." Lan Ke'er's red lips parted slightly, revealing her pink tongue: "I was rescued by Chang Sheng. He kept saying that night when he rescued me. Senior sister Misty said, Misty The senior sister said it. How could I have never heard of your name! You are so lucky to be remembered like this."

When Piao Miao heard Lan Keer's last words, her pretty cheeks blushed, but fortunately, Lan Keer didn't notice her abnormality, and continued on her own: "Sister, Chang Sheng called you Senior Sister, you should be older than me , I am 17 years old, how old are you, sister?"

"Nineteen." Misty said softly with a blushing face.

"Oh, it's really older than me. It seems that my sister's name is correct. By the way, sister Misty, how old is Chang Sheng this year?"

As soon as the words fell, the door of the carriage was pulled open, and a big head stuck out from the door.

"What happened to Chang Sheng?"

Chang Sheng stopped his horse, and just as he got into the carriage, he heard someone say something else, and immediately pretended to be a fool, asking questions while entering the carriage.

"Xiao Sheng, sister Lan Ke'er really asked how old you are just now." Piao Miao smiled sweetly at Chang Sheng, and repeated what Lan Ke'er said just now.

"How old is Chang Sheng?"

Chang Sheng frowned and counted with his fingers.

"Chang Sheng has [-], [-], [-], [-]... [-] this year, and Chang Sheng is [-] this year, right, Senior Sister Misty!" Chang Sheng counted with his fingers for a while, then raised his head with joy and looked at him as if asking for credit. He glanced at Misty, then turned his face to Lan Ke'er.

"Chang Sheng, how old are you!"

"I'm 17 years old."

"Seventeen? Chang Sheng remembers that the eighteenth is the Seventeenth National Congress. Chang Sheng is older than you, so you should call him Brother Chang Sheng." Chang Sheng looked at Lan Ke'er and smiled.

"En, good, Brother Chang Sheng." Lan Ke'er raised her mouth and called Chang Sheng sweetly. She looked extremely cute!Chang Sheng was her savior, but she treated Chang Sheng like that that day, and she still doubted Chang Sheng all the time. She was full of guilt for Chang Sheng.Now that she heard that Chang Sheng wanted to be her brother, how could she refuse!

"Chang Sheng, no, I can't take it anymore! This little girl is so cute, how can you be so lucky to meet such beauties all the time! And you are pretending to be a fool, and a fool still has such a beautiful woman!" The advantage is that you can recognize others as your sister at will, if you are not a fool, you probably would have been scolded by others as a pervert! You are really lucky!" In Chang Sheng's mind, Gu Tianmo ran out again.

"This is a matter of character, there is no way around it." Chang Sheng smiled in his heart, and said to Gu Tianmo quite proudly, he did not expect that his female popularity would be so good after reincarnation, counting the number of women in Linmeng City. That extremely charming young woman Xie Shiwen, he has met three beauties in total.

"Character? What is character?" Hearing Chang Sheng's words, Gu Tianmo was very surprised: "I know top-grade, high-grade, middle-grade, and low-grade. What is this character?"


Chang Sheng burst out laughing in his heart, this Gu Tianmo actually put together the quality of character and the grade of pills, did he think it was pills?

Chang Sheng explained with a smile: “Character is a very, very mysterious existence. It's against the sky. Anyway... anyway, you, a Martian, don't understand what character is."

"Martians! Chang Sheng, I told you that I don't know what Mars is. I am a demon cultivator who ascended on the mainland of Tianyuan Shenzhou, not the Martians you mentioned, and the earth. What is the earth like? One existence, Chang Sheng, tell me about it." Gu Tianmo was full of yearning for the earth, he heard the name of the earth again, and every time he heard Chang Sheng mention the earth, he felt that the earth was extremely mysterious. What kind of existence?

"Earth, the earth is really amazing, and the wisdom of the people on the earth is too profound, Gu Tianmo, let me tell you that you don't understand, let me tell you bit by bit when I have a chance." Chang Sheng heard When Gu Tianmo asked him about the earth, he laughed even harder in his heart. Finally, there were things on the earth that could whet Gu Tianmo's appetite, and he could even make some sarcasm at him, so that he wouldn't tell him all the things on the earth.

Chang Sheng ignored Gu Tianmo and turned his head to look at the youthful Lan Keer, and asked foolishly: "Your name is Brother Chang Sheng, so is it good for Chang Sheng to be an elder brother? You should give Chang Sheng delicious food. Is it right?"


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