silly elixir emperor

Chapter 90 The Kind Girl

The yamen servant cursed secretly, glanced at Misty and Lan Ke'er again, and quickly turned his head away.Although the beautiful daughter is beautiful, he dare not keep looking at her.The two beauties and the fat Chang Sheng are fools, fools are unreasonable, and their thinking cannot guess.God knows if that fool would go crazy and beat himself up if he found out that he was looking at his woman.Just be careful, don't look at it for too long at a time!

Chang Sheng said that he wanted to help Miu Miao and Lan Keer set up a tent, but in fact he was completely dishelpful. With his presence, it took a long time for the tent to be set up before it could barely tie a foot. At this time, it was almost completely dark up.

"Chang Sheng, don't play dumb here and play with these two dolls, we are being followed, be careful!" Gu Tianmo's old voice suddenly sounded in Chang Sheng's mind.

"What? Being followed? Gu Tianmo, how did you find out!" Chang Sheng was shocked when he heard this!I and the others were actually being followed. Who was following them? Could it be that someone wanted to rob the prison car?Or is it that the big man who has been trying to deal with him has sent someone here?

"When I, the ancient Tianmo, offended many people when I was in Tianyuan Shenzhou, it was commonplace to be followed. Over time, I also did some research on stalking and anti-stalking." Gu Tianmo sneered in Chang Sheng's mind, Said: "In the eyes of my ancient demon, the people who follow you are so good at tracking, that is to say, you inexperienced boys can't find it. Chang Sheng, pay attention to the one 50 meters away on your right. Riding on a bay red horse, wearing the clothes of the Escort Bureau."

"Him?" Chang Sheng turned his head to look at the person Gu Tianmo said upon hearing the words.

"Did you see, this guy looks like a member of the Escort Bureau. After he came here, he has been looking around, as if observing the terrain around here, but in fact, when he pays attention to you group of people, he is far away. Much longer than four weeks of watching."

As Gu Tianmo was talking, the man dressed as an escort suddenly shook his head and sighed loudly: "Hey! The road ahead is too narrow, and there are lush forests on both sides. If the escort rushes forward, it will be troublesome if they are ambushed. It’s better. It’s better tomorrow morning, when it’s dawn, I’ll find out the way ahead, and then start. I have to go back and inform the escort.”

With that said, the man turned his horse's head and retreated towards the path behind him.

Seeing this, Gu Tianmo said to Chang Sheng, "Hurry up, Chang Sheng follows him, and you will know where the person following you is by following him."

"Okay! I'll find a reason to leave alone!" Chang Sheng answered in his heart, stood up suddenly, covered his stomach and yelled at Misty, "Senior Sister Misty, Chang Sheng is hungry."

"Xiao Sheng hungry?" Misty raised his head to look at the sky, and walked towards the position of the carriage: "Xiao Sheng, there are a lot of delicious food on the carriage, Senior Sister Misty will bring it to you!"

"Those things are not delicious at all, so Chang Sheng doesn't want to eat them!" Chang Sheng shook his head vigorously, looked at the bonfire not far away, pointed at the leg of lamb that kept turning over, and said loudly to Misty: "Chang Sheng They want to eat meat, Senior Sister Misty, where do they buy their meat from?"

"There are no meat sellers in this wilderness." Misty shook her head, and said to Chang Sheng: "Their meat should be hunted by themselves."

"Hunting? Chang Sheng knows, and Chang Sheng is going to hunt too." Hearing Misty's words, Chang Sheng yelled, stopped talking, and turned around to find his own black iron rod.

Lan Keer was squatting on the ground, when she suddenly heard Chang Sheng say that she was going to hunt, she stood up from the ground at once, with her two straight and round legs tightly together, she shouted to Chang Sheng: "Chang Sheng, wait a minute!" Me, I'm going to go hunting too." She grew up so much, she hasn't hunted once, and she finally got the chance this time, how could she miss it.

As soon as the crisp voice fell, Chang Shengkang turned around and ran out with his shoulder on his shoulder.Just kidding, I want to find those who are following me, how can I take Lan Keer there.

"Chang Sheng, you didn't wait for me! Ke'er won't play with you anymore!" Seeing Chang Sheng's figure quickly disappear from sight, Lan Ke'er angrily raised her foot and stomped on the ground twice.

On one side, Guo Feng looked at Chang Sheng who was leaving, and wanted to speak, but opened his mouth but made no sound.Although Chang Sheng left, Misty is the eighth level of sublimation, and when he woke up today, he also entered the fourth level of sublimation, so he would not encounter any danger here.If the young master wants to go hunting, let him go.

Chang Sheng left from the crowd, and after chasing him not far, he finally found the bodyguard in front of him. Although this bodyguard was riding a horse, he didn't let the horse go as fast as it could.

"En? That fool? How did he catch up? Could it be that he found out that he was following them? But isn't he a fool, how could he find out that he was following them!" The man dressed as a bodyguard looked back at Chang Sheng and scoffed in his heart One sound, chasing after himself, he is riding a horse, can he run with two legs and four legs?

The man swung his whip hard and slapped the horse's buttocks. The horse suffered from pain, and immediately neighed in a deep voice, and suddenly sped up and galloped.

"I still want to run!" Chang Sheng looked left and right, and there was no one else nearby. The madness in his body was running rapidly, and his figure flashed, and he caught up with the man dressed as a bodyguard in an instant.Although he is definitely not as fast as a horse after running for a long time, but he can speed up instantly. As long as he still has innate energy, his speed is definitely faster than a flattery's running speed.After entering the innate realm, the madness can increase the strength by [-] catties. The greater the strength, the faster you will be!

Running to the bodyguard's side very quickly, Chang Shengcong jumped up suddenly, jumped into the air and stretched out a hand like an eagle catching a chicken, and grabbed the man dressed as the bodyguard from the horse.


Falling from mid-air to the ground, Chang Sheng kicked hard on the ground with one foot, jumped again, and fell into the woods on one side.

"Hey, what happened here!" The bodyguard was caught by Chang Sheng and dragged to the side of the forest, and in order to react to what happened, Chang Sheng had already thrown him to the ground.

"Tell me, why are you following us!" Chang Sheng stepped on the bodyguard's chest and looked at the bodyguard below him viciously.

"Huh? He's not a fool?" Hearing Chang Sheng's question, the bodyguard was suddenly startled. Seeing Chang Sheng's swallow in front of him, he didn't look like a fool.It turned out that he was not a fool, but what did the news from the school say that he was a fool?

The bodyguard raised his head with difficulty, and looked at Chang Sheng with a panicked expression: "Hero, you must have misunderstood, I didn't follow you, I was just a bodyguard, I just came back from exploring the way ahead, and I didn't follow you. "The bodyguard tried his best to make his words sound more real. The other party captured him so easily. He must not be an opponent. In order to save his life, he must not say that he was following him.

"You're a bodyguard, inquire about the way forward, do you think I'll believe it!" Chang Sheng took out an honesty pill from his bosom, and stepped on the bodyguard's right foot hard.Suddenly, under the pain, the bodyguard opened his mouth, at this moment Chang Sheng's wrist flicked, and the honesty pill in his hand was still accurately inserted into the bodyguard's mouth.

"What did you give me!" The bodyguard only felt something like a elixir fall into his mouth, and he instinctively wanted to spit out the elixir. This elixir melted in his mouth, so he didn't even give it Time to spit it out.

After the bodyguard said a word, he suddenly closed his mouth, lying on the ground in a daze, the brilliance in his eyes gradually faded...

"Since you don't want to tell the truth, I can only help you tell the truth. I never expected that the Honesty Pill that I made before I left would come in handy so soon."

Seeing the bodyguard's appearance, Chang Sheng knew that Honesty Pill had played a role.

"Tell me, who are you, why are you following me, how many of you are following me, and where are they all now?"

The eyes of the person who looked like a bodyguard were completely dull. When he heard Chang Sheng's words, he was like a walking corpse. Without any consideration, he replied: "My name is Ma Kai, and I am the apprentice of the second elder of the Zhensheng Sect. The head of the sect ordered us to follow the little martial uncle to rob the prison van, and at the same time the master also ordered us to kill everyone who escorted the prison van. Now the junior uncle is waiting for me to go back five miles west with other brothers and sisters to report Inquiry news."

It turned out to be the real school again!

Chang Sheng frowned, stared at Ma Kai and continued to ask: "Why did you Zhensheng faction come to rob the prison car!"

"Because the Jiangyang thief Li Chuan in the prison car is a member of our Zhensheng faction, so the leader asked us to rob the prison car."

"Li Chuan is from the Zhensheng faction!" Chang Sheng was completely shocked by the bodyguard's words!Even Gu Tianmo in his mind was shocked by the news.

"Chang Sheng, the Honesty Pill you refined took shape in a day. Will such a pill not be effective?"

"No, although I refined the real low-grade honesty pill, it will definitely make him tell the truth, and his words are not lies!" Chang Sheng said to Gu Tianmo with certainty.

"So, Li Chuan is really a member of the Zhensheng faction!" Gu Tianmo's voice was full of surprise: "An accident happened to Li Chuan, and the Zhensheng faction sent people to rescue him. Obviously, Li Chuan is a member of the Zhensheng faction. , not the Jiangyang Bandit who defected from the sect privately and turned into a bandit! He is so courageous that the Zhensheng faction sent people out to pretend to be Jiangyang robbers and rob money all over the world! What do they really want to do, rebel! "

Hearing Gu Tianmo's words, Chang Sheng also reacted, no wonder the Zhensheng faction is coming to save people, even robbing the prison car, Li Chuan is a member of the Zhensheng faction, once this matter is exposed, the end of the Zhensheng faction must be extermination!Even if their Zhensheng faction is strong, they dare not confront the whole country. As soon as the imperial army arrives, the Zhensheng faction will die, so no matter what, the Zhensheng faction must rescue Li Chuan.

"It seems that the task of escorting me this time will not be easy!"

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