Thinking of this, Chang Sheng suddenly heard the innate master he had killed before, the guy from Linmeng City, and the junior brother of Deacon Wu of the Zhensheng School, it would be great if he knew how to steal the world at that time!

"There is also Jiangyang thief Li Chuan, after he is imprisoned, I will find a chance to suck him up too!"

After thinking about the breakthrough of strength, Chang Sheng's mind sank into his body, and he suddenly discovered again after sinking.

"En? I have an extra seal in my body? This Ou Peng also practiced the secret technique. Could it be the secret technique for the rebirth of his arms?"

Chang Sheng's spiritual consciousness swept across the seal.

"So it's this secret technique!"

After watching Ou Peng's seal, Chang Sheng finally knew the reason why Ou Peng's arms could grow rapidly after being broken by himself.

"Gu Tianmo, if you hadn't reminded me just now, I would have had some accidents. This kid knows a secret method called rebirth with severed limbs!"

"After the limbs are broken, including the nose and ears, after falling off, the limbs or the fallen parts can be regrown through secret methods. The slower the growth, the less the innate qi will be consumed, and the faster the innate energy will be consumed. More zhenqi! No wonder Ou Peng looked a lot more sluggish after I broke his arms again just now, I think he consumed a lot of innate zhenqi to regenerate his arms!"

After listening to Chang Sheng's words, Gu Tianmo felt a little strange in his heart: "This guy at the innate third-layer realm actually knows this kind of secret technique. It's not easy to imagine his identity."

"Yes, his identity is indeed unusual. He is the grandson of the second elder of the Zhensheng School." Chang Sheng squatted down and searched Ou Peng's body, and replied: "According to the memory of his seal, This secret method was taught to him by his grandfather, the second elder of the Zhensheng sect. It is said that only the second elder and Ou Peng, his most beloved grandson, will know this secret method in the entire Zhensheng sect. He doesn’t even know this secret technique! It’s really terrifying that the second elder can create such a technique, I really don’t know what level he has reached!”

"A person who can create this kind of secret method has at least reached the indestructible state!" Gu Tianmo's tone was full of confidence.

Chang Sheng couldn't help being stunned: "Gu Tianmo, why are you so sure that people who have reached the Immortal Realm can create this exercise? Also, what level is the Immortal Realm? Could it be that the Immortal Realm is behind the Xiantian Realm? "

"Haha, the Immortal Realm is behind the Xiantian Realm, and you really feel Chang Sheng's words! The difference between the Xiantian Realm and the Immortal Realm is a thousand miles away!" Gu Tianmo laughed loudly, and continued to explain: " Immortal Realm, you can tell by the name, it is to let a person knock down the immortal level. The secret method of rebirth of broken limbs you mentioned can grow back after the limbs are broken, but if the internal organs are smashed, But it can't grow!"

"Perhaps this secret technique is too amazing for you to think about, but as long as you defeat the Immortal Realm, let alone the limbs are broken, even if the heart is dug out, the Immortal Realm can still grow another heart in an instant. It is the real immortality! This so-called secret method of rebirth with severed limbs is obviously created according to the characteristics of the immortal state, and only after reaching the immortal state, it is possible to create this kind of secret method after knowing the secret of immortality, so that People in the innate realm can practice!"

"Immortal Realm..." Chang Sheng muttered to himself, then raised his head suddenly, and looked at Gu Tianmo with horror on his face: "Gu Tianmo, people in the Immortal Realm can even regenerate their hearts, so doesn't it mean that they will never die?" Can't kill him? The second elder of the Zhensheng faction has reached this level!"

"People in the Immortal Realm naturally have a way to kill them, but how to kill a person in the Immortal Realm is too far away for you. If you really provoke a person in the Immortal Realm now, then be ready Let someone collect the corpse for you. It is easier for a person in the Immortal Realm to kill you now than for you to kill a person in the Qi Entrainment Realm!"

Chang Sheng's eyes widened instantly, and he looked at Gu Tianmo in horror: "This person in the Immortal Realm is so terrifying!"

Looking at Chang Sheng's frightened eyes, Gu Tianmo laughed and said, "Don't worry, it's not so easy to meet people in the Immortal Realm, and the Second Elder of the True Life Sect, he must not have reached the Immortal Realm, otherwise they The Zhensheng faction is not limited to the current scale! Moreover, his secret method of rebirth from severed limbs must be incomplete, and he probably obtained that secret method from other places by accident."

Chang Sheng was surprised again: "Such a powerful secret method is not yet complete?"

"Of course it's not complete. This secret method is obviously created based on the secret of the Immortal Realm's immortality, so naturally it should be the same as the people in the Immortal Realm. It can rent the five internal organs to regenerate, but this secret method can't do it. It's not all that!"

Gu Tianmo sneered, and said to Chang Sheng: "Chang Sheng, you open this secret method through the divine sense, I want to study this secret method and perfect him."

"What! Gu Tianmo, you can still perfect such a secret method?" Chang Sheng was stunned, Gu Tianmo was able to perfect the secret method, and from his tone, he was still very sure!

Chang Sheng found that he had known Gu Tianmo for so long, but he still didn't know Gu Tianmo's strength.What realm has the ancient heavenly demon reached?

While thinking about it, Chang Sheng continued to rummage through Ou Peng and the others...

"Did it!"

Chang Sheng stood up suddenly and kicked the dead man.

"Forget you, damn it, you didn't bring any money when you went out!" Chang Sheng was still puzzled, and kicked that man again. These real people are really disgusting, and they don't have any oil on their bodies!

"Forget it, the time to come out is not short. Find a few animals and go back to the camp." After Chang Sheng found out that he had no money to take, he left here quickly and went looking for prey.

In the camp, Lan Ke'er and Misty teamed up to finally set up Chang Sheng's tent.Lan Ke'er often stretched her body and looked at her masterpiece quite proudly. This was her first time building a tent. When she lived at home, how could she do these things? Unexpectedly, she was robbed by Jiang Yang's thieves Walking, going back on the way, but can experience so many interesting things.It's exciting to think that she can still camp outside tonight.

"Hey, what's going on, what's wrong with you, don't you have eyes when you walk?"

Suddenly, a loud curse sounded from behind Lan Ke'er, Lan Ke'er and Misty turned their heads curiously, and looked in the direction of the sound.

"I saw that you were already hiding. You bumped into me with tea. How can you blame me?"

A girl who looked about seventeen or eighteen years old frowned, her almond eyes were wide open, and she glared angrily at the man in front of her who was blocking her way: "Don't block my way, get out of the way."

"Get out of the way? Okay? As long as you pay for my clothes, then I'll get out of the way." The man stared at the girl in front of him with a smile, and kept looking at the sensitive parts of the girl's body with his eyes.

The girl felt uncomfortable being stared at by the other party's wolf-like eyes. She retreated one after another and said angrily, "Why did you bump into the clothes that accompany you!"

"Why did I bump into it myself!" The man turned his head and looked behind him, and said to a few people behind him who were obviously his servants: "Tell me, who bumped into whom!"

"Of course it's you, the young master who hit the girl."

"That's right, I clearly avoided seeing the young master, but this woman bumped me headfirst."

"Looking at the girl's age, it happens to be Huaichun's age. I think she saw our young master Pan Xu, handsome and unrestrained, so she deliberately bumped into her and wanted to take this opportunity to get to know our young master."

Pan Xu nodded in satisfaction, and turned his head to the girl again: "You heard it all, and everyone said that you hit me, so why do you have to argue!"

"They are your servants, so they will naturally help you with their words." The girl turned her head, looked at a few people who had nothing to do with this matter, and bowed slightly: "Everyone, to be fair, did he hit it himself? I even falsely accused me of hitting him."

"He hit..."

As soon as the girl's words fell, a young man immediately opened his mouth, but just after he said three words, his mouth was covered by his obviously much older companion.

"We didn't see anything." The older man finished his sentence with a smile, and immediately pulled the young companion aside, and taught with a smile: "When you are away from home, why don't you use your brain when you talk, look That young master, they are obviously not easy to mess with. We go out to do business, and we are lucky if we don’t get troubled by others. I warn you, don’t take the initiative to make trouble, so as not to hurt everyone!"

The older male educator's younger companion, beside them, and the others looked at the two who left, and turned their heads angrily.

"We don't know anything."

"We didn't see anything."

Everyone shook their heads angrily, expressing that they didn't see it. In fact, they really saw that scene just now. The girl was indeed hit by the young master.But it is obvious that the young master is followed by many family members, and he is so arrogant. He must be from a big family. All the patriarchs run on this road are merchants. Merchants pay attention to harmony and wealth. To tell the truth, offend people for no reason.

Seeing that everyone didn't help her to tell the truth, the girl stomped her feet angrily: "You guys, you obviously saw it, why didn't you tell me!"

"Everyone said it was you who bumped into me, and you still want to force others to say something!" Pan Xu raised his leg and took a step forward, staring at the girl's pretty face lustfully: "Why, you bumped into the young master?" , Wet the young master's clothes again, you don't want to lose money!"

"Pay, accompany, accompany!"

The girl wanted to fight again, but before she could open her mouth, there was already a pulling force from behind her. A rich middle-aged man tugged at the girl's clothes, walked out from behind the girl, and looked at her with a pleasant smile. The young master said, "We will pay."

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