silly elixir emperor

Chapter 95 Sneak Attack

"Little girl, you are not my opponent."

Facing the sharp sword pierced by Miu Miao, Liu Keqing looked very relaxed, while dodging Miu Mi's attack, he still spoke leisurely: "Girl, just obediently capture her with bare hands, then you and I will be at ease."

As soon as Liu Keqing's voice fell, his expression suddenly changed. A gust of cold wind blew from behind him.

Guo Feng had already killed him, closed the folding fan tightly in his hand, and pointed towards Liu Keqing's back in the air. Since he started practicing Haoran Zhengqi song, he spent all his money to continue to ask someone to make a folding fan made of steel sheets.

There is a master sneak attack!

Feeling the strong wind behind him, Liu Keqing focused her eyes, and her figure quickly flashed to one side. At the same time, the sword in her hand met the sword pierced by Miu Miao, and brought Miu Miu to one side. The way Miu Miu took the opportunity to sneak attack.

Guo Feng started to sneak attack after seeing Misty's attack. He thought that he would sneak up on him from behind, plus Misty, the two teamed up, no matter what, Liu Keqing would suffer a big loss when he came up.Unexpectedly, Liu Keqing defuses their attack with a gesture of his hand.

After Liu Keqing dodged the first blow of the two people's joint efforts, he stepped on the ground and stared hard at the first moment. After a moment, he turned to the other side and turned to look at the two of them. It's a big taboo to be attacked from the back!

"Come on, the two of us join forces to take him down first!"

Seeing Liu Keqing turning around, Guo Feng didn't allow himself to think about it, and immediately shouted at Misty, and rushed towards Liu Keqing from one side.

Piao Miao saw Guo Feng, who was erratically moving towards Liu Keqing, immediately drew his sword to catch up, but felt very surprised.

"Didn't Guo Feng just start practicing martial arts not long ago? Why did he become so powerful all of a sudden? Judging by his appearance, he has obviously reached the level of sublimation!"

Piao Miao looked at Guo Feng in surprise, only to see Guo Feng retracted his arms into his arms, and then flicked his wrists outwards for an instant.The folding fan that had been tightly closed suddenly opened, like a flower suddenly blooming, and suddenly released a dazzling light. An aura of greatness with endless righteousness burst out at the moment the folding fan opened, sweeping towards Liu Keqing.

"What a strong righteous spirit, this is a Confucianism cultivator!"

Liu Keqing's face changed again. Most of the people in the world, including himself, cultivated the skills of cultivating immortals. Besides, there are many evil sects who are cultivating demons. , the method of cultivation with the largest number of practitioners.But in addition to these two cultivation methods, there are some cultivation methods with a much smaller number of practitioners, such as Confucianism cultivation is one of them.

The small number of practitioners is not because those exercises are too poor, but because the requirements are too high.Just like Confucianism cultivators, Confucianism cultivators must be talented and proficient in Confucian classics, and they need to be familiar with the sayings of sages. In addition, there are many requirements, and the conditions for cultivation are far more stringent than those of immortal cultivation.Moreover, even if these conditions are met, it is not necessarily possible to practice the art of Confucianism.

Most of the skills of Confucianism cultivation are in the hands of the scholar-bureaucrats in the court. Even the famous generals of those dynasties may not necessarily have the skills of Confucianism cultivation.And more importantly, these scholar-officials have always felt that only their superiors can practice Confucianism. If people from poor families practice Confucianism, it is a blasphemy against Confucianism and saints.

In addition, only Guozijian has the skills of Confucianism cultivation. Guozijian is the holy place that all the students of the dynasty yearn for.Dynasty has hundreds of thousands of students taking the exam every year, but Guozijian only admits more than a hundred people every year.Not all of these hundreds of people can learn the art of Confucianism.

In any case, in short, those who can learn the art of Confucianism are all people with status.

Liu Keqing spat out the palm of his left hand, which was not holding the sword, and let out an aura of awe-inspiring aura, but the long sword in his right hand drew a strange arc, bypassing the sharp sword stabbed by Miu Miao, and stabbing Miu Miu's chest with one sword.

Liu Keqing defended Miu Miao and Guo Feng's joint attack again, and in just two short fights, he had already judged the opponent's strength.

"It's true that a girl can ascend to the eighth level, and this guy who looks younger should have the strength to ascend to the fourth level! He has such strength at such a young age, and there are two such beautiful girls by his side. With a pure aura of grandeur, I think this kid is a descendant of a certain family!"

While defending Miu Miao and Guo Feng's attacks, Liu Keqing was thinking quickly, "The young master's family is very snobbish, but the other party's family must be even more snobbish, so the trouble will be bigger. The more that kind The bigger the family, the more they protect their weaknesses. If I offend them, there will be no good fruit to eat! Unless..."

Liu Keqing swept his eyes across the field, unless he waited for someone to kill everyone, and no one would know that they killed them, then naturally nothing would happen!This is the only way to do it for now!

Liu Keqing made a decision in his heart, changed his style of only defending and not attacking in an instant, and swung his sword several times in an instant, and the sword shadows suddenly formed a big net, covering Misty and Guo Feng.He is on the tenth level of sublimation, but unfortunately because of the incident in that practice, he can only be regarded as the bottom of the tenth level of sublimation, and it is more prepared to say that he is between the ninth level of sublimation and the tenth level of sublimation.He is not afraid of the opponent's eighth level of sublimation and another fourth level of sublimation, but there is nothing he can do about it for a while.

From afar, the other teams watching the battle looked at the situation here, and each of them took a deep breath.

The people in these two fighting convoys are too terrifying. These three people are obviously masters of the Ascension Realm. Fortunately, they didn't speak up to help the girl just now. Otherwise, who can stand up to the people under the arrogant young master? That is a master who has reached the pinnacle of sublimation!

On the other side, as Miu Miao and Guo Feng were stopped by Liu Keqing, Lan Keer was also stopped.

When Lan Keer found that someone was blocking her way, she immediately stopped, scolded, Qianqianyu grabbed the belt with her hand, her eyes froze suddenly, it's too bad, she saw Pan Xu bullying that girl just now, under the rage, she didn't say much. I rushed up when I thought about it.But Yiclaw Weapon just remembered that he was robbed from his home by the Jiangyang thief Li Chuan. The weapon was thrown away by Li Chuan long ago. How can she have a weapon now!

Taking advantage of the moment when Lan Keer was in a daze, the five servants of Pan's family quickly surrounded him, surrounding Lan Keer in the middle.

Lan Ke'er looked at the five people surrounding her, and snorted coldly with disdain. Even without a weapon, she is still at the pinnacle of body forging. The third floor, in addition to the existence of two body-forging two-tier, she is not afraid of them even with bare hands!


Lan Ke'er clenched her white and tender palms, snorted coldly, looked at the person closest to her, straightened her arms, and punched straight, this punch, fist, wrist, forearm, elbow, shoulder, the whole body The arms are all in a straight line.

"What a chick, how can there be such an attack, the whole arm is more straight, how can it be possible to strike strength."

Seeing Lan Ke'er's attacking posture, the servants immediately felt relieved. Although the girl in front of him looked good, she was too weak. Not only was her punching posture wrong, but he also stared at her fiercely when he was attacking. The place to attack is too obvious.

The servant who was attacked by Lan Keer had been prepared for a long time, and on one side of his body, he dodged the attack of Lan Keer, who was much stronger than himself.

When Lan Keer missed the blow, she immediately raised her right leg subconsciously. Although she didn't have a martial arts teacher, she had seen many people compete in martial arts in Mengshan City. They were all like this.

But the leg was only halfway up, when Lan Keer suddenly thought of something, her right leg immediately fell down, her face showed a look of embarrassment, what she was passing on today was a skirt, if she kicked her leg...

The five servants often followed the young master Pan Xu outside to bully others, and they also fought a lot. All of them had vicious eyes, and they could see Lan Keer's embarrassment at a glance.

"Haha, little beauty, why don't you kick?"

"Little beauty, do you feel sorry for your brother, so you are reluctant to kick him?"

"Little beauty, you don't need to pay attention to them. It's okay, brother stands still and lets you kick, but you have to take off your shoes before brother lets you kick. Hahaha..."

The five servants surrounded Lan Ke'er and laughed and laughed. It doesn't matter that the beauty in front of them is stronger than them. There are many of them, and this beauty is so good. They have nothing to be afraid of.

Not far away, everyone in the Chang family found that the masters of their own family were dominated by the other party and even molested. They were all furious, and rushed towards the direction of the Pan family with their weapons in hand, but the number of the Pan family was obvious. What's more, apart from those who besieged Misty, Guo Feng and Lan Ke'er, the rest of the Pan family immediately met the Chang family's Zhong people. With their superiority in numbers, they immediately gained the upper hand.

Behind them, several policemen from the county government glanced at the two sides in the battle. After a moment of hesitation, they gathered beside Li Chuan, the Jiangyang thief. They were policemen, and their primary task was to ensure that Li Chuan would not escape or be rescued!

The members of the Chang family were still at a disadvantage, and they couldn't help Lan Ke'er for a while, and the direct battle between Misty, Guo Feng and Liu Keqing was beyond their influence.

"Haha, Liu Keqing is too careful, and said that the opponent's team is not easy, and it is not completely suppressed by my Pan family."

Pan Xu saw that his family was gaining the upper hand, and for a while he was in high spirits again. His big hand thought about the servant behind him who had never participated in the battle, but stood behind him to protect him. of."

Finding that Lan Keer is far less powerful than he imagined, Pan Xu smiled and led a servant into the battle circle surrounding Lan Keer.

Lan Ke'er didn't have the upper hand at all, and now with the addition of two people in the body training state, she was completely at a disadvantage, and could only dodge the swords and punches of the opponent. If it wasn't for the opponent not wanting to hurt her, She was down long ago.

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