Latitude 40.1872, longitude 90.8239, Tarim Basin, Lop Nur.

The temperature is 46, the wind direction is southwest, the wind speed is 6.5m/s, the humidity is 8%...

This is the hinterland of Canglong Duaner in Lop Nur. The surface temperature is as high as [-] degrees Celsius. There is no vegetation and no life.

A team of six Chinese special forces escorted two experts in the field of biochemistry and marched eastward at an extremely fast speed.Their faces were covered with rust, their dry lips were cleft with blood, and their bloodshot eyes were full of anxiety.

Ten days ago, the Northwest Special Operations Brigade of China received a top-secret mission to go to the depths of the Canglong Broken Ear in Lop Nur to search for scientific researchers who had obtained important items in the scientific field, and escorted them all the way to the NO.13 base.

A sudden desert storm destroyed their communication equipment and lost contact with the headquarters.Under the action of the storm, the sand dunes moved in a large area and the entire terrain was completely changed, putting them in danger of getting lost.

Under the strong sunlight, heat waves transpired in the endless desert, forming a misty water pattern.All water sources have been exhausted. They must walk east across the Tarim Basin at the fastest speed, find wet sand with a small amount of moisture in the edge area for resupply, and then try to contact the headquarters for rescue.

A palm-sized airtight metal box was tightly protected on the chest by a biochemical expert in his 50s, and he walked forward with the help of his assistant.The six special forces took them as the core and escorted them in the center in a diamond shape.

"Captain, this mission..." A hoarse voice came out, but was interrupted by the captain just as the voice came out.

"Shut up!" The captain glared at the soldier who made the sound, and reprimanded in a low growl voice: "Don't tell the secrets you shouldn't tell, don't ask the secrets you shouldn't know, don't read the secrets you shouldn't see! Zhao Ziyang, when you go back, copy the secrecy policy for me a thousand times!"

"Yes!" Zhao Ziyang answered yes in absolute obedience, but his eyes turned to the metal box on his chest that was tightly guarded by the biochemical expert.

This mission belongs to the country's highest-level top-secret mission. No one knows why he came to this damned Lop Nur, and no one knows what is in the metal box on the chest of the biochemical expert.

In short, everything was terrible, and the sudden storm drove them into a desperate situation: the radio station was destroyed, the compass failed, and they could only go out with their legs and a map.

A feeling of uneasiness rose in Zhao Ziyang's heart. From the captain's anxious eyes, he could see the same anxiety as the captain.

The mysterious Lop Nur, the mysterious Canglong Broken Ear.

"Dr. Sun, we must carry out the raid, otherwise we will all die in this desert." The captain approached the biochemical expert, and made an unquestionable request to the other party in a hoarse voice.

There are at least two hundred kilometers away from the edge of the basin, and if you move forward at this speed, it will take at least five days to go out.And during these five days, without water, they will lie in the desert and turn into mummified corpses.

Dr. Sun showed a difficult wry smile, his bloody lips moved slightly, but he didn't say anything.His right hand firmly pressed the metal box on his chest, showing that the contents inside were more important than anything else.

"Zhao Ziyang!"


"Run with Dr. Sun!"


Zhao Ziyang immediately stepped forward to support Dr. Sun, and led him forward together with the assistant.The deep and shallow footprints formed a string behind them, and then they were filled and submerged by the sand blown up by the dry wind, leaving them completely in the uninhabited sand sea.

The vicious sun scorched them mercilessly, and the dry sandstorm kept blowing away the remaining water molecules in their bodies.Under the high-intensity rush of the dehydrated body, their panting became heavier and heavier. With the big mouthful of panting, more and more water molecules in the body passed away.But they can't stop, and if they do, they may not be able to sit still, waiting for thirst to take their lives.

The heat waves evaporating from the surface of the beach in the distance became more intense, and even gave them the illusion of being in the rough sea.The appearance of this hallucination proves that their physical strength has been severely overdrawn, and they can only rely on willpower to persist in the attack.

If you maintain this speed, you may be able to reach the edge of the basin before your body collapses, and you may even meet the expedition team heading to Lop Nur...

A group of figures appeared in the southwest, becoming clearer and clearer, and they could even see the water bottles hanging on their camouflage uniforms...

Some people have water, some people have hope!

The eight people stuck out their tongues and licked their lips almost at the same time, staring at the figure walking towards them in the distance.

The sand in the mouth with dry and cracked lips was chewed by them with their tongues, using the power of chewing to dispel all negative reactions from the body.

Various races, Belleville550ST desert combat boots, desert MCCUU, M4-A1 carbine...

"Hidden! Mercenaries!" The captain suddenly let out a deep and hasty roar.

The special soldiers lay down on the sand in an instant, occupying the dune bunker, their guns in a shooting state, sunken deep into the pupils of their eye sockets, revealing the light of battle.

The fully armed international mercenaries appeared here, obviously for the iron box they took out from the hinterland of Canglong Duaner.

What is in the iron box that can attract international mercenaries?

I don't know, no one knows, this is top secret, and they don't have any authority to know.

"No, it's a fake, it's a mirage." Dr. Sun struggled to get up from under Zhao Ziyang's arms, looked at the group of mercenaries in the distance, and said with a self-deprecating smile: "I often go to the desert, I'm almost out of The field of biochemistry has jumped into the field of nature."

Following Dr. Sun's words, the group of fully armed international mercenaries gradually faded in front of everyone's eyes, and finally disappeared.

Yes, it was a mirage.

The special soldiers who had a false alarm got up from the sand and panted heavily. The nervous tension just now once again consumed their remaining physical strength.

"This is a mirage." Dr. Sun's eyes still stayed on the disappearing scene in the southwest, and he said with a worried face: "Usually the refraction of the mirage is reversed, and the scene that appears in the southwest should be in the northeast."

"Distance?" the captain asked Dr. Sun, frowning tightly.

"Maybe a few kilometers, maybe hundreds of kilometers. But the lower mirage of this desert is usually 8! 9.5 kilometers." After Dr. Sun finished speaking, he touched the metal box on his chest and glanced at the tired special soldiers. He sighed deeply.

With a "swish", the captain stretched out his left hand in a gesture of holding the cage.After receiving the sign language instruction, the team members immediately approached the captain.

"Continue to go east!" The captain made a hoarse voice, took a deep look at Dongfang and said: "The reality does not allow us to change the route, and prepare for encounters and ambushes!"

With a snap, Zhao Ziyang stood up, grabbed the young assistant by the collar, gritted his teeth and shouted at him in a low voice: "If you want to live, you'd better tell me the importance of this thing you found, otherwise……"

The assistant glanced at Dr. Sun's figure in front of him, shook his throat vigorously, and nodded to signal Zhao Ziyang to let go of him.

Zhao Ziyang let go of his assistant and stared at him intently.

"This thing has the potential to overturn the entire scientific world." The assistant said this, and then caught up with Dr. Sun.

Zhao Ziyang met the captain's gaze, nodded at the captain, and then continued to support Dr. Sun to move forward, and all the staff became extremely vigilant.

A mirage scene flashed in Zhao Ziyang's mind, and cheeks of various races appeared in front of his eyes.He especially noticed the logo on the mercenary's arm in the mirage: a horizontal rhombus with an inverted V pattern embedded underneath, a bit like a telescope and two eyes staring at you.

This pattern has never been seen before, giving people a very weird feeling.An ominous premonition hovered over Zhao Ziyang's alarm clock, and the sixth sense seemed to warn him of the existence of danger.

A group of people rushed eastward for several kilometers quickly, entering a basin between two sand hills.If they want to pass, they must cross the extremely low-lying basin, and then climb over the opposite sand hill to continue on.

This low-lying basin makes the team feel uneasy: if there is an enemy ambushing on the opposite hill, they will be completely exposed to the opponent's guns when they enter the basin, and they will be killed one by one without any accidents.

The captain made a stop gesture, lay down on the sand hill, took out the binoculars, and carefully observed the terrain in front of him.

There was a dead silence, except for the yellow sand or yellow sand, there was no life.

"Zhao Ziyang protects Dr. Sun, and the others cover alternately!"

Following the captain's order, the four special forces formed an alternate cover formation, and quickly moved towards the basin with their guns, clearing the way for the mission target behind them.

Zhao Ziyang, who was lying on the sand mountain, bit his cracked lip, picked up his rifle, and stared at the opposite sand mountain through the sights.There were no accidents, and the five team members successfully entered the flat area in the center of the basin, preparing to cross the flat ground and climb up to the opposite sand mountain to ensure safety.

The team leader and his team that entered the center of the flat basin became extremely cautious. The five of them fanned out and raised their guns towards the opposite sand hill, stepping forward cautiously with tactical steps.This kind of terrain is the most dangerous, if they don't have no choice, they will never enter this kind of terrain that completely exposes themselves.

"Ten o'clock direction is safe!"

"The eleven o'clock direction is safe!"

"One o'clock direction is safe!"

"Two o'clock direction is safe!"

The captain in the center of the fan waved his hand, signaling to move on, with the muzzle always pointing upwards to prevent a sudden ambush.

A gust of scorching wind blows, and the golden sand rolls like flowing water under the action of the wind, filling up the inconspicuous potholes on the sand, making it flat, delicate and smooth.

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