At two o'clock in the morning, the Giza Heights Pyramid tourist area fell into silence. Under the cold light, the Sphinx stood there quietly looking at the starry sky.The pyramids under the moonlight in the distance presented huge black shadows, which looked extraordinarily thick.

You have to know that the pyramids are actually tombs, the tombs that the Pharaoh built for himself.But any area with a mausoleum will make people feel a gloomy feeling, and the Giza Heights, which is rid of the hustle and bustle of the day, is no exception.

An archaeological team dressed in desert camouflage approached the pyramid tourist area quietly, bypassing the guards at night and going deep into the pyramid area.

Ten minutes later, Angel, who was also dressed in desert camouflage, followed in the footsteps of the archaeological team, silently trailing far behind, and followed the archaeological team deeper.

A group of people quickly shuttled through the Giza highlands, away from the Khufu Pyramid, which is the most closely guarded at night, in a short period of time, and turned to the northeast, looking for the pyramid mausoleum that appeared hundreds of miles away.

This archaeological team should have trekked mountains and rivers all year round, and their physical strength is quite good. Everyone including the old Dr. Neil did not rest, and traveled for a full five hours with heavy loads, and arrived at the destination when the sun was rising.

Seeing the archaeological team stop to eat, Angel immediately lay down, reached out and took out an energy bar, chewed it in her mouth, and observed the situation of the archaeological team with a telescope.

The archaeological team that entered the uninhabited area had a total of 11 people, carrying rifles, compass, radios and other instruments, fully equipped, from the package on the back, it should be to carry out some long-term archaeological work in the pyramid.

"Sam, have you seen the pyramid in front of us? That's where we're going." Dr. Neil, who was sitting on the ground drinking water, pointed to a lonely pyramid nearly two kilometers to the northeast and said to Sam: "I checked yesterday. According to the data, this pyramid is a tomb of a Pharaoh who reigned for eight months in ancient Egypt. Cultural relics units don’t pay much attention to it.”

Sam didn't respond, he was looking at other things on the ground in front of him: bones, the ground connected to the pyramid was covered with bones that had been there for an unknown number of years.

These skeletons are basically animal bones, either half-buried under the sand, or exposed to the ground as a whole.There is no way to verify the time of the half-buried bones under the sand, but the time when they were exposed on the ground is definitely not too far away.

"Dr. Neil, I think this pyramid is really inauspicious, we'd better stay away from it." Sam looked worried.

At this time, a burly, middle-aged archaeological team member walked over, carrying a rifle on his shoulder, with a very indifferent expression on his face.

"Sam, we have been to scarier places than this before, but we all got out safely." The middle-aged archaeologist pointed to the gun on his shoulder and continued: "If anything comes, I will The gun blew his head off, hahaha..."

Sam believed what the young players said, but he was still worried.

"Sam." Dr. Neil patted Sam on the shoulder with a smile, looking at the pyramid with both eyes, and said as if lost in memory: "My dream since I was a child is to explore all the remains of unknown civilizations in the world. The ancient ruins under the ice sheet cannot be explored, and the other places have basically been gone. The only one that makes me regret is the mysterious pyramid, and the other is Lop Nur.”

"Lop Nur?" Sam was taken aback.

He has followed Dr. Neil to Lop Nur more than once. There is nothing there, just a dry riverbed, which is really worthless, but he doesn't know why the doctor always goes there.

Angel, who read the words from a distance, narrowed her eyes, she thought that Zhao Ziyang was rescued from Lop Nur, and his body was different from others because he devoured a leaf brought out from the depths of Lop Nur.

"No, no, no, you don't know Lop Nur, it's the most mysterious and dangerous place." Dr. Neil waved his hand, with a frightened expression on his face, and said to Sam slowly: "Many years ago, when I I also went to Lop Nur to explore when you were young, guess what I found there?"

"What?" Sam pricked up his ears to listen, and he could see the difference from Dr. Neil's facial expression.

The memories in Dr. Neil's eyes became more and more intense, and the terrified expression on his face became more and more intense, as if he had returned to Lop Nur decades ago.

"I saw it... hey..." Dr. Neil suddenly sighed heavily and pulled his thoughts back, tried to relax the expression on his face and said to Sam: "Don't ask what you found there, anyway, the danger here is more dangerous than that. Lop Nur is too small, well, let's go."

After speaking, Dr. Neil stood up from the ground, glanced at the skeletons in front of him and smiled, and strode forward with a cane.

"What did he see?" Sam asked the muscular gun-bearer suspiciously.

The team member shrugged his shoulders and said, "Ghost knows what I saw. Anyway, Dr. Neil is well-informed. He said there is no danger here. There must be no danger. Let's go."

The archaeological team continued to move forward, but Sam was caught in a tangle of problems. He was thinking about what Dr. Neil had seen and what would make him look scared decades later.

It was not only Sam who was puzzled by this, but the entire archaeological team was also very puzzled by this, but Dr. Neil didn't say anything about it.

Angel, who was also puzzled, didn't move, watched the archaeological team enter the pyramid two kilometers away, then got up from the ground and moved forward.

The distance to the pyramid was getting closer and closer, and there were more and more skeletons and corpses of animals around, and there were even fresh skeletons with relatively clean skin and flesh.The most peculiar thing is that these skeletons are only spread all over the open area on the front of the pyramid, and there are no other three sides at all.

Curious, Angel squatted down to examine one of the fresh skeletons carefully, and determined how these animals died through the broken bones.

This skeleton is the skeleton of a sheep. After the skin and flesh have been corroded, it presents a complete skeleton. The bones all over the body do not have any scars from beatings. This proves that the cause of death of this sheep is definitely not being attacked by ferocious beasts. The beasts in the area have long since been driven away.

"No fatal wounds?" Angel murmured to herself suspiciously, and then went to inspect the skeleton of another camel, but found no fatal wounds either.

A medium-sized animal like a sheep may have died here due to exhaustion or thirst, but a camel would not die here easily. Everyone knows that camels are known as the ship of the desert, and they will never die of thirst in the desert.

Then if such a huge camel is to die, it must be hit by gravity, or slaughtered with a knife.But the appearance of this camel has never been tied up. After all, a camel is not stupid in the face of a knife, and knows how to struggle and escape.

Angel, who was puzzled, noticed a rabbit with rotten flesh. She held her breath and walked towards the rabbit, opened the fresh corpse of the rabbit lying on the ground, and saw that the rabbit's throat was in a mess: the arteries were broken, bleeding Many deaths!

Seeing the wound, Angel immediately determined the cause of the rabbit's death, and then immediately thought that the sheep and camels, which had no injuries on their bodies, were also killed by their blood vessels being bitten off.

Almost instantly, Angel's complexion changed, she thought of the legend popular among nobles: vampires!

But soon she gave up this ridiculous idea, because there are no vampires in this world, everything is a false reality evolved from legends.

It was not easy for Angel to deny the ridiculous vampire. She knew that what the aborigines said was not alarmist. Perhaps this pyramid really lived with a ghost, a ghost specialized in bloodsucking.

Angel, who was vigilant, glanced around, and only the pyramid surrounded by yellow emptiness was reflected in her eyes, which was very lonely.

But the current solitude exudes a deep sense of death, and Angel, who has been wandering on the battlefield for a long time, is very sensitive to this.

Although there was a trace of uneasiness in her heart, Angel continued to move forward, and soon came to the bottom of the pyramid, and walked close to the pyramid to the only open pyramid gate.

Compared with other pyramids, this pyramid is very rough. It is impossible for the pharaoh who has only been in power for a few months to build his own pyramid properly. It should be built by his successor.Think about it too, as long as the pharaoh inherits, he will spend his whole life building pyramids for himself, so how can he care about other people's pyramids?

Angel, who walked to the main entrance of the pyramid, could clearly hear the conversation of the archaeological team inside the pyramid. They were installing equipment and getting ready for work.

"Dr. Neil, I'll fix the lighting first, and the generator set will take some time to install." Sam said to Dr. Neil, and then there were footsteps coming out of the pyramid.

Hearing this sound, Angel immediately grabbed the boulder protruding above the pyramid with both hands, and sent herself upwards with both hands, then climbed up again, sticking herself firmly on the pyramid stone wall and staring at the entrance and exit below.

Sam held a large mirror in his hand and placed it in front of the pyramid door to refract the light, and he didn't notice the existence of Angel above his head at all.Put the mirrors at a certain angle, Sam walked into the pyramid, placed other mirrors, and used the refraction of light from the mirrors to complete the lighting inside the pyramid.

Angel, who was attached to the pyramid wall, moved slowly, looking for other possible entrances.This pyramid has suffered many tomb robbers, and the broken gate of the pyramid was obviously blown open with gunpowder, which means that the tomb robbers before using gunpowder did not enter from the main entrance, but from other entrances.

A round hole covered by yellow sand appeared in front of Angel. This round hole was located at a height of about 15 meters in the pyramid, and its radius was just enough for an adult to enter.

Quickly clearing away the yellow sand from the tomb hole, Angel pulled out her saber with her right hand and drilled in front of her.There is no way to study how this tomb hole was formed. In short, being able to bypass the archaeological team and enter is what is needed now.

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