In the early morning of the next day, Zhao Ziyang did something surprising. He led Wu Nan to hunt and kill more than a dozen hares, and then let the mercenaries set up a fire and have a barbecue, without any intention of continuing on their way. mean.

"That, that boss, isn't this good?" The sickle finger pointed at the green smoke rising upwards and said to Zhao Ziyang: "It will be discovered by the Estonian military."

"It's okay." Zhao Ziyang said with a smile: "This primeval forest is extremely deep, and this bit of smoke will not be found."

Naturally, the forest will not be discovered when it grows large, and the smoke will be absorbed by the dense branches and leaves above the head, but it is too risky to do so.

After eating the rabbit meat, Zhao Ziyang lazily led the team to move on, but the speed became extremely slow. He looked here and there, and climbed up the tree again, as if he was Go on an outing.

"Boss, what are we here for?" Tiger Shark asked Zhao Ziyang impatiently.

The other mercenaries also looked at Zhao Ziyang, who bent down and grabbed a small snake for fun, with puzzled faces. They felt very strange, was the boss's brain stimulated by something, and was he playing some tricks?

"Special soldier, I like you more and more." Seth said with a smile on his face: "The air here is fresh, especially the meat quality of the hare is very good, um, this is a very good outing. Can we come next summer? I Think summer will be better than it is now, I love this place."

The picnic-like march made Seth very satisfied. This guy's physical fitness is not very good. His life is nothing but the computer, and he doesn't even do the routine morning exercises every day.If you let him run, he will throw you a sentence: maintain tactical satellites overnight.

Who would bother him after saying these words? The most valuable thing in the entire mercenary group is the tactical satellite, which is responsible for the detection, warning, and tactical strikes of lurkers.

So Seth was too weak, and this kind of walking march was just what he wanted.

"It's okay, we still have a lot of time, so we are familiar with the terrain." Zhao Ziyang stood up, threw the little snake to Seth and said, "Make soup at noon."

"Happy to help you." Seth was playing with the little snake with a happy face.

The other mercenaries curled their lips to express their helplessness, but they believed in Zhao Ziyang, since they said so, they should do so, it was better than being extremely nervous all the time.

In one day, Zhao Ziyang led the mercenaries around the jungle, and finally chose a place to set up camp for rest and adjustment.Of course, the dinner was even richer, with all kinds of game.The saber became a tool for them to grill slices of meat, and no one thought about the upcoming battle, and they should relax when it should be relaxed.

"Guys, get ready to work." Zhao Ziyang said to the mercenaries.

"The outing is over." Seth shrugged.

"Seth, this is your job." Zhao Ziyang handed a hand-drawn topographic map to Seth.

"Let me see what this is." Seth turned over the topographic map and looked at it for a long time, but only understood the curves and the points on the curves.

"There are a lot of wireless monitoring equipment and monitoring equipment installed in this jungle. This is for the needs of the game. I just searched for these according to my memory. You can take care of the next work."

"Small." Seth threw a piece of chocolate into his mouth, pulled out the laptop and started the system intrusion work.

It was only now that the mercenaries realized that Zhao Ziyang led them around not for an outing, but to find all these things and clear the way. If they marched rashly, they would be overheard by the training base of the Estonian army.

These devices are used all year round and are maintained at regular intervals to ensure that the conditions of the contestants are informed as soon as possible.The route they take is the race route, which is relatively the safest route.

It is a very small problem for Seth to get these monitoring devices and listening devices. He soon invaded the other party's system, adjusted the screen automatically and repeatedly switched, and the monitoring equipment also adjusted and automatically switched repeatedly.

"OK, everything is done."

"Okay." Zhao Ziyang stood up and extinguished the bonfire in front of him, put on a camouflage net, and whispered with a look of fighting in his eyes: "Let's go!"

The mercenaries immediately entered into a fighting state and marched forward in the dark.

No one cared about the bright bonfire, because Zhao Ziyang would never make such an obvious mistake, he had other plans.

A group of people marched from south to due north, made a circle in the middle and turned from west to east, and finally arrived at the west side of the supply station, hiding their figures in the dense jungle.

Blade, who climbed up a big tree in front of him, put on night vision goggles to take a look at the supply station.

"Irregular buildings, extending 150 meters from north to south, and 100 meters from east to west. Four buildings lean on the four corners, a connecting bungalow building in the middle, and a small heliport on the south side."

"Understood, enter the latent state." Zhao Ziyang's voice came from the radio, and he fell into the grass with his whole body.

A miniature reconnaissance plane flew from Seth's hand to the top of the jungle, making a circular reconnaissance around the area.The satellite reconnaissance plane has a 360-degree camera equipment, and all the images are clearly displayed on the receiver in Seth's hand.

After a circle around the periphery, the miniature reconnaissance plane flew silently towards the supply station for in-depth reconnaissance.

"Connect seven people in the one-story building, one person in the machine gun tower in the southeast corner, one person in the sentinel watchtower in the southwest corner, one person in the northeast and one in the northwest, and the strength of the squad is strengthened. It is preliminarily determined to be a regular garrison." The information is reported.

According to the normal general establishment, there are ten soldiers in a squad, and eleven or twelve soldiers in the strengthened formation. There are differences between countries, but not very big.The eleven soldiers at the supply station are obviously a garrison force that will not be used after the game. After all, it is impossible to have games and training here all the time.

What these soldiers have to do is to garrison and maintain, which belong to a relatively comfortable special sentry point.

"Received, cheer up, the Lord will come soon." Zhao Ziyang issued an order.

All the mercenaries hid themselves deeply, blending with the vegetation in the darkness, but their squinted eyes were full of light, waiting patiently.

At about one o'clock in the morning, there was the buzzing of a helicopter from the west. An HD nurse armed helicopter and two CH-53 G transport planes came towards the supply station, and landed at the supply station under the traction of the searchlight of the supply station. field.

These two CH-53G transport helicopters are twin-engine heavy-duty transport helicopters developed by Sikorsky Company of the United States. They can carry 40 armed soldiers or 24 stretchers plus 4 medical personnel at one time, or 4500 kg of cargo.When fully loaded, the maximum speed can reach 222 kilometers per hour.When carrying military supplies, it can carry 2 jeeps or 2 "Hawk" surface-to-air missiles and launchers at a time, or a 105mm howitzer plus a trailer.It has the ability to float on water, can fight in all weathers, and is equipped with an auxiliary power unit, which can provide electric and pneumatic power sources by itself in the field or behind enemy lines.

The G-type was manufactured for Germany. As a support for the Erna assault, the United States presented Estonia with four G-type army transport aircraft with the same performance.

After the helicopter came to a complete stop, a group of soldiers and medical staff walked out of one of them, and the hatch of the other helicopter was opened, and all kinds of medical equipment were transported inside.

"Hurry up, hurry up, carry these stretchers over, time is running out, and the special forces competition is about to begin." An officer shouted to order the soldiers to carry medical equipment.

"Slow down, slow down, this is filled with frozen plasma."

"Captain, a box of medical alcohol has been broken."

"Idiot! Throw it away, there should be a spare."

The brightly lit supply station was full of noise, but it was this noise that made the lurkers look full of doubts.

"What's going on here?" Seth was also dumbfounded, and manipulated the miniature reconnaissance plane to conduct a risky investigation.

The image clearly shows the outlines of the two helicopters, and the red cross on the arms of the soldiers clearly states their identities: the Estonian medical team!

"Seth, investigate Tiger Style." Zhao Ziyang ordered Seth in a low voice.


The satellite reconnaissance plane flew over the Tiger Helicopter in charge of the escort silently, and transmitted the full picture of the Tiger Helicopter.

When Zhao Ziyang saw the Tiger helicopter through the monitor, he immediately issued an order: "Withdraw! Withdraw!"

The mercenaries retreated immediately after receiving the order, but they didn't understand why they retreated.

"Damn it, the real trading place is not here, it's just a transfer station!" Seth cursed fiercely.

"The strangest thing is that there is a competition for special forces all of a sudden." Pandora's voice came from the radio: "There is an unknown high-level special forces confrontation in the Erna assault, but it is definitely not at this time, it should be postponed to November , this place will become the best confrontation venue between the jungle and the ice and snow, but it’s only mid-October now.”

"What's going on?" Swart asked.

"Did you see the Tiger helicopter?" Seth said angrily, "The Tiger helicopter is not a conventional Stinger or Hult, but a nuclear warhead!"

The huge hum of the helicopter sounded, and the Tiger helicopter that had completed the escort mission took off and flew eastward, disappearing in the eyes of everyone.

Seth threw away the monitor, quickly took out the laptop from the backpack, scanned the iris and entered the main interface, operated the computer to connect to the tactical satellite, and waited for the tactical satellite to respond.

After connecting, Seth immediately used the tactical satellite to lock on to the Tiger helicopter flying east, and calculated its route.But at this time, the computer lost contact with the tactical satellite, and the radio completely failed.

"Strong wave interference, the encrypted frequency is available." Seth closed the notebook heavily, and said helplessly: "The network is cut off, and I have no way to decipher the frequency code."

The escorting Tiger helicopter carries nuclear warheads; the sudden confrontation of special forces, what does the connection between the two mean?The first thing everyone guessed was that there were more than two aspects of the nuclear warhead deal, and the third aspect was a high-level person in the Estonian army.Unknowingly, they used the medical team to transport the nuclear warheads here, and then went to the real trading point.

It’s just that the sudden confrontation of special forces has nothing to do with this. The three parties revolving around nuclear warheads can never extend their hands to this global military competition.In this case, it can be determined that the transaction location is also temporarily changed, but it has become more secretive and cautious.

"Retreat quickly, and get out of this jungle before the competition starts!" Zhao Ziyang waved his hands at Pandora and said, "Pandora, you, the scytheman, and the tiger shark must ensure Seth's safety no matter what. helicopter."

"The blade, the rifling, the tough guys open the way ahead, and I and Flashpoint cover behind."


The lurkers quickly rushed south to evacuate this jungle area. They were not afraid of encountering the special forces participating in the competition, but they were afraid that it would be too late to track the Tiger helicopter.

It is not so easy to find a nuclear warhead. There are very few transactions of nuclear warheads every year. The three-month deadline agreed with Gaddafi may only be able to do this.Apart from Gaddafi, the lurkers need nuclear warheads even more, and strikes against them will start at any time.

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