The strongest mercenary across the line of fire

Chapter 145 Arriving at the station

The North Caucasus, also known as the "Pre-Caucasus", refers to the area north of the Greater Caucasus Mountains and south of the Kuma-Manech Lowlands, which belongs to Russia.In the North Caucasus, an armed conflict broke out between North Ossetia and Ingushetia due to territorial disputes. In November 1991, Dudayev declared Chechnya an "independent sovereign state."

In order to maintain national unity, Russia launched the first Chechen war in 1994. In August 1999, Chechnya illegally invaded Dagestan, and Russia once again raised the banner of anti-terrorism.In October of the same year, Russia launched the second Chechen war, taking away the lair of Chechen terrorists.In order to retaliate, Chechnya has carried out a series of bloody terrorist activities in various parts of Russia in recent years, among which the North Caucasus is the area where Chechen terrorist organizations are rampant.

In the turbulent North Caucasus, there is an ethnic group that is still famous until now, and they are the Cossacks.Maybe you don't know the customs of the Cossacks, but you must have heard of Cossack cavalry and Cossack mercenaries.They serve the Russian army and local powerful departments, and carry out anti-terrorist activities against Chechen armed forces in the North Caucasus region.

The Cossacks spontaneously established the "Military Association". Participants only need to pay a membership fee of [-] rubles to join, and they have uniform uniforms and weapons.The most outstanding advantage of the Cossacks is that they have a natural love for weapons and loyalty to their mission. In March [-], [-] Cossack paratroopers who suppressed bandits in Chechnya fought fiercely with [-] bandits for three days. Illegal militants, they fought with stubborn bandits to the last moment, only [-] survived, which moved the whole of Russia.

Russian President Vladimir Putin pushed the Federal Council to pass a bill to hire Cossacks to form anti-terrorist special forces to maintain law and order in the volatile Caucasus region and fight terrorism.If the bill is passed, about [-] Cossacks will be able to join these troops.The move means the Cossacks are returning to their traditional role as defenders of Russia after being snubbed by the Soviet government for more than [-] years.

The Cossacks used swords and horses to spell out their honor. The North Caucasus is their territory and has become the biggest nemesis of the Chechen terrorist organization.

It took a week for the forty or so mercenaries newly recruited by the Warrior Mercenary Group to arrive in the North Caucasus region.This is the temperate grassland in the west of the North Caucasus region, on the edge of the city, and the climate is much better than Estonia.

When forty dizzy mercenaries jumped out of the car, what appeared before their eyes was a mercenary garrison.This mercenary garrison is not only the garrison of warrior mercenaries, but also other mercenaries stationed here. It is a bit similar to the type of the French Foreign Legion, and it is a complex.

"Warriors, you will be stationed here in the future." The mercenary leading the team pointed at the mercenary and said loudly: "Here are all mercenaries like you, and you can communicate and learn from each other here. After you are stationed, listen to the instructor’s orders and study hard. Perhaps only in this way can you increase your chances of survival. Well, get out of the car now and start roll call. Don’t talk or laugh, otherwise you will be punished according to military discipline.”

"Hahaha, so there is another garrison, and it is just like the real thing. Isn't what we are doing is fighting with guns?" A mercenary with a scar on his face said nonchalantly, as if he was used to these things up.

As soon as this sentence was finished, the mercenary of the team leader ran directly in front of him and kicked him to the ground.

"Damn it, you dare to beat me!" Scarface jumped up from the ground and was about to fight with the leader.

However, a pistol made him shut his mouth obediently, and raised his hands to show that everything was okay.

"Kukov, I know your details. You are a felon arrested in Belarus. You once killed a whole family for money. You have the capital to be proud. But you are no fart here. If you don't obey If you order, then I will use military discipline for you, and I promise that it will be more unbearable than the punishment you received in Belarus." The leader removed the pistol from Scarface's head, took two steps and pointed back at him: "You You should cherish your freedom, otherwise you will die very embarrassingly."

Scarface Kukov shrugged his shoulders, and said indifferently: "Well, I will cherish my freedom. In order to live, you are the boss. You can do whatever you want."

"Very well, remember my name. My name is Hanks. If you have any comments, you can find me directly. I will be your instructor for the next half month." The leader Hanks waved his hand and said loudly: "I Warriors, tell me what you want?"

"Money! Money! Money!" Forty mercenaries of different shapes yelled out their hearts.

"Tell me again, can you trample on everything for money? Including laws and morals?"

"Yes! We can, we can do anything for money!"

"Very good, come with me now, let's start the real life of a mercenary." After Hanks finished speaking, he led forty mercenaries in four lines to the mercenary garrison.

This mercenary garrison occupies a huge area, about several thousand square meters.The garrison faces south, and there are four entrances and exits. The east and west sides are all mercenary camps.

In total, there are no less than thirty mercenary regiments, but most of these mercenary regiments are just third-rate mercenaries just like the warrior mercenary regiment.But they are numerous, whether you are a robber, a bandit, a drug dealer or a death row prisoner, as long as you are willing to make money, they will provide you with opportunities.Of course, when you make money, they also make money,

"Jack, from...hell, well, you can go for the medical examination." A female soldier in camouflage at the recruit reception desk gave Zhao Ziyang a surprised look, and threw him a sign for the physical examination.

"Thank you." Zhao Ziyang held the sign and walked towards the physical examination room.

"Hey, hell, did you see that chick? Damn, I've never seen one with such big boobs. To tell you the truth, I almost reached out and touched her." Sare's face was full of lewd smiles, and he couldn't stop Licking lips.

"I'm sure, if you reach out and touch it, you will definitely have your hands chopped off." Zhao Ziyang smiled and continued, "Didn't you see that little girl's palm? The root of the thumb and index finger are full of calluses, which is caused by frequent shooting." Yes. Also, have you noticed the color of her cheeks? It is a wheat color that does not belong to the white race, but she is white, so it can only explain one problem: you often go on missions, such a girl, how dare you provoke her ?”

Sa Lei thought about it for a while, then turned his head to look again, and felt that what Zhao Ziyang said was very good, it seemed that was the case.

The drunk who was in the same room with them glanced at Zhao Ziyang several times, then walked over and stretched out his right hand to Zhao Ziyang: "My name is Monk."

Zhao Ziyang would not refuse the friendliness of others, so he stretched out his right hand and shook Monk, which was regarded as a formal acquaintance.

"Hey, buddy, we've known each other for a long time, I think it's time for a urine test." Victor stared at the urine test over there, with a strong excitement in his words.

The four of them walked to the urine test place. The person in charge of the urine test here was a female nurse. There were really a few of them who were very good in shape and appearance.

"Beauty, can you get me two?" Victor said to the chubby young nurse with a smile on his face, "I'm good at holding my urine, so I pee a lot, you know, usually such a man's function They are all very powerful, and they are absolutely superb in bed, hehe."

The female nurse glanced at the wretched Victor, threw a urine test box to him, and said with a smile on her face: "Sorry, there is only one per person, but you can choose to urinate and drink it down, but remember to give the last one to I'll do it."

Victor choked, opened his mouth to say something but ended up not farting.

At this time, Sare had given the urine to the nurse and was lying on the bed for a full-body examination.

"My abdomen hurts a bit." Sare said to a beautiful nurse with a painful expression on his face.

"Is it here?" The nurse gently pressed his lower abdomen with her hand.

"No, a little further down."

"Here?" The nurse pressed his belly button.

"No, no, go a little lower." The pain on Sare's face turned into enjoyment.

"Is it here?" The nurse's hand has pressed three inches below the navel.

"Oh..." Sare let out a moan that sounded like pain: "Go down, go down a little..."

"That's right here." The female nurse saw Sare's erect lower body, and reached out to grab it.

"Aww..." Sare cried out in pain, and ran out clutching his crotch.

The surrounding mercenaries let out a burst of laughter.

The recruits need to undergo a physical examination, and the quality of these mercenaries is not assured here, so the physical examination is necessary. One is to confirm that there is no infectious disease, but to confirm that there is no history of drug abuse.As for other aspects, it doesn't matter, whether you are old or young, as long as you can carry a gun, you are a qualified mercenary.

After the physical examination, forty mercenaries stood in the huge playground and waited for the results of the physical examination. Those who failed the examination would be told to leave, and those who passed the examination could stay.

Zhao Ziyang stood at the end, seeing a group of loose guys standing there in front of him, he couldn't help showing a smile on his face.He thought it was a joke that these guys could also be mercenaries. If these guys were put on the battlefield, they would definitely lose their lives in the first round of artillery fire.

They weren't soldiers at all, and they didn't have any military knowledge at all. From the conversations along the way, he knew that these guys couldn't get along.For example, the third one in the second row, that kid is a thief, he seems to have accidentally stolen the head of a high-ranking official and was sent to prison. warrior.

The fifth in the third row, that guy is also a thief, who specializes in stealing women's bras and panties, and when he is caught, he finds that he has an entire room full of stolen goods.No way, this guy simply chose to become a mercenary.

Among these people, the murderers are the most. In order to escape legal punishment, they simply joined the mercenary regiment to enjoy another kind of freedom.

This is a third-rate mercenary regiment. The mercenary mortality rate here is extremely high. Usually, the entire army will be wiped out after a battle.But mercenaries who survived three battles are undoubtedly talented, and such people will survive longer because they know how to protect themselves.

"Warriors, congratulations!" Hanks, who strode over, said loudly to the recruits: "You have passed the physical examination, congratulations on becoming a member of the Warriors. Now what everyone has to do is to get their own weapons Equipment, and then enter your dormitory according to the number, and tomorrow morning we will conduct a 15-day recruit training."

"Hey, Hanks, is there any salary for these fifteen days?" A mercenary asked loudly.

"Of course." Hanks said with a slight smile: "The fifth of every month is the time for you to pay your salary. Today is the 27th. Eight days later, you will get your first salary."

Money is always very attractive. When you really become a slave to money, you will find that it is more pleasant to lie on a woman's belly without touching money.

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