Sworn not to be a wife: the arrest of the young wife around the world

Chapter 1688 The Ascaris in Daddy's Stomach

"Why don't you let me tell?" Jiang Yufei asked suspiciously.

Qi Ruisen was deliberately stopping her just now, she didn't understand why he wanted to stop her.

If she announced that An Sen had renounced his inheritance rights, Nan Gongxu would no longer have An Sen's idea.

Qi Ruisen pursed his lips and said, "I know what you're going to say. I don't want Ansel to inherit the family either, but you can't say it in front of them."


"Do you think those people really support Ansel? They are all descendants of Nangong Longyi, but they are just protecting their own interests. If they know that you made the decision for Ansel, they will definitely not let you go."

Jiang Yufei frowned, she really didn't think of this.

"You can make Anson give up on his own initiative."

"That's not okay. Ansel is a child. If he inherits the position of Patriarch, they can control him. They won't agree with him giving up. In their view, Ansel must inherit, otherwise Nangong Xu will inherit. You don't want to do anything in the future Say, let them fight. Don't worry, if Nangong Xu disagrees with Ansel's succession, he will not inherit it."

Jiang Yufei nodded knowingly: "He probably won't let Ansen inherit it, he will inherit it himself."

"It's hard to say. Maybe he will support Ansel to sit in that position, but the control is all in his hands."


Jiang Yufei frowned worriedly: "I really hope he doesn't do that."

Qi Ruisen wanted to say that maybe he would do that.

Not wanting to make Jiang Yufei worry more, he still didn't say anything.

After Ah Nan listened to what they said, a gloomy look flashed across his eyes.

He had to hurry up and find the whereabouts of the other child.

When the child is found, then they have nothing to worry about.


city ​​a——

Ruan Tianling finally agreed to let Ansel out for some air.

Moran felt sorry for him being locked up for so long, so she offered to accompany him to play outside.

Ansel doesn't have much interest in going out to play.

He was still angry with Ruan Tianling, and he always had a cold face.

But in his words, I would rather go out to play, my lord, than spend time with Ruan Tianling at home, so he agreed to go outside for a walk.

Ruan Tianling threatened him with a full play: "If it's not for Miss Mo's sake, I won't allow you to go out. Just listen to me, if you dare to escape, the responsibility is entirely Miss Mo's!"

Ansel despised him: "Are you still a man?"

Ruan Tianling was very calm: "You are not a man, so I naturally don't use a man's way to deal with you."

Ansel was angry: "Who said I'm not a man anymore?!"

"The birds don't even grow, are you sure you're a man?"

Ansel is embarrassing, Uncle Awei, are you sure you are not the roundworm in my dad's stomach?

This tone, these words, are exactly the same.

Ansel fought back not to be outdone: "What are you proud of, when I become a real man, your bird will be useless!"

Awei almost didn't laugh.

I really want to know what kind of expression the boss will have on his face if he learns that his son said such things to him.

Because of Moran's presence, Awei had no choice but to get angry: "Stinky boy, if you dare to talk back again, you won't even think about going out!"

"Hmph, if you can't say it, I'll threaten you, bandit!"

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