Dr. Ed accepts it as soon as he sees it.

He asked the bodyguards to open the door, and they stepped forward to suppress the crazy Jiang Yufei, and then Dr. Aide injected the antidote on her body.

In the end, Jiang Yufei was still in pain, and the antidote didn't help her at all.

She was rolling on the ground, screaming terribly all the time.

"It seems that the experiment was successful, and the antidote didn't work. You can inject her with another antidote." A doctor stood aside and said.

On the night they captured Jiang Yufei, they extracted her bone marrow and used it to create a new antidote.

The new antidote hasn't been used on Jiang Yufei yet, so I don't know if it will work.

If it doesn't work, their experiment has failed.


Dr. Aide nodded. He took a new antidote from a doctor and injected it into Jiang Yufei's body.

Jiang Yufei's pain gradually decreased, and her eyes became more focused.

Dr. Ed asked the bodyguards to carry her to the bed, and they stood around her.

After more than ten minutes, Jiang Yufei's pain was basically gone, and her breathing also stabilized.

Dr. Aide pushed his glasses and asked her lightly, "Does it still hurt?"

Jiang Yufei had cold eyes and a cold expression.

She didn't want to go through the pain just now in this life.

She didn't answer, and Dr. Aide simply checked her. The heartbeat was normal and the body temperature was normal. He took blood for testing.

Jiang Yufei has been lying flat, until now, she has not come out from the shadow of the pain just now.

People who have never experienced that kind of pain can't understand her mood. It's simply that life is worse than death, and the heart is ashamed!

"It seems that the experiment was successful." Dr. Aide suddenly let out a voice of surprise.

"Hurry up and call the boss and tell him the good news."

Jiang Yufei listened to their words blankly, without much reaction.

After making the phone call, Dr. Ed came to her and said, "The virus has invaded all your bone marrow. You must inject the antidote once a year, otherwise you won't last for two years. There is no antidote to completely cure this virus. , you can only inject the antidote to suppress the virus every year, do you understand clearly?"

"..." Jiang Yufei secretly grasped the bed sheet tightly.

Dr. Ed also said: "However, the antidote we have developed here is only enough for you to use for two years. After two years, matching bone marrow must be extracted to save your life. We surveyed bone marrow databases around the world. After all, no one matches your bone marrow. Your mother isn't yours either, but maybe your brothers and sisters can match yours."

Hearing this, Jiang Yufei didn't understand everything, she was just a fool.

She turned her eyes, stared at Dr. Ed and said, "Nan Gongxu's purpose is this. He originally planned to use it on my son, and then use it to threaten another son, right?"

She always thought that this experiment was developed for Junqi.

The result was developed for Anson.

Jun Qi has always been under Nangong Xu's control, he doesn't need to threaten Jun Qi.If An Sen is poisoned, he can use Jun Qi to keep threatening An Sen.

Because An Sen's life is tied to Jun Qi's body, they have the same gene, and their bone marrow is an absolute match.

If Anson is disobedient and does not listen to him, he will not give him the antidote.

Nangong Xu originally planted a virus in An Sen's body that could control him. Perhaps that virus could be cured, so he came up with this absolutely incurable virus.

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