"Why?" Jiang Yufei was puzzled.

Hua Chongsheng said: "I only treat people who are predestined, I can't get close to people I don't like."

Jiang Yufei really wanted to ask, is it because people with excellent medical skills have weird tempers?

The ghost doctor first gave [-] million consultation fees before treating diseases, and Hua Chongsheng only treated people who were predestined.

No wonder they are not famous, because they are not popular.

"Uncle Stupid, you said earlier that we were destined, did you agree to treat me?" Jiang Yufei asked with a smile.

Hua Chongsheng nodded: "You must be cured! You are the person I have met so far, and I am the most sympathetic person."

"It seems that my luck is very good." Jiang Yufei smiled happily.

In fact, her feelings for him are also very congenial.

Ruan Tianling couldn't help but bend his lips.

They all had a hunch that Hua Chongsheng's medical skills would be better than that of ghost doctors.

Maybe he can cure Jiang Yufei's illness.


Hua Chongsheng needed to give Jiang Yufei a comprehensive checkup, but he didn't have any medical equipment.

He proposed to go back to his home and treat Jiang Yufei at his home.

Hua Chongsheng's home is in Provence, France.

It was a very beautiful town, a place familiar to people all over the world.

After Jiang Yufei actually arrived in Provence, she was completely shocked and convinced by its beauty.

Hua Chongsheng's home is very big, a castle built on a hill.

Surrounded by lavender all over the mountains——

It's a pity that it's not the season for lavender to bloom, otherwise it would be very beautiful here.

Hua Chongsheng smiled and said, "Don't regret it, my backyard is full of lavender, you can feast your eyes."

Jiang Yufei and the others followed him to the backyard, and were immediately amazed.

The back garden, which covers a large area, is full of purple lavender.

Although it is not as abundant as the mountains and plains, the lavender here is rich in color, giving people a feeling of being in a purple ocean.

"Uncle stupid, why do you have lavender blooming here?" Jiang Yufei asked in surprise.

Hua Chongsheng looked at the sea of ​​purple flowers swaying in the wind, his eyes were kind of gentle.

"I developed a pesticide that keeps lavender blooming all year round. I need lavender in my back garden forever."

Jiang Yufei could feel his attachment to lavender.

"Uncle stupid likes lavender very much?"

Hua Chongsheng nodded and shook his head again: "Actually, I don't have any flowers that I particularly like, but this kind of flower can give me a feeling of heartbeat, as if there was a story between me and lavender in the previous life."

A thought flashed through Jiang Yufei's mind.

Is the stupid uncle also reborn?

No, there are not so many coincidences in this world.

"Uncle stupid, have you been living in France?"

Hua Chongsheng nodded: "Yes, I have been living here."

"But you speak Chinese so fluently, as if you were a native Chinese."

"I haven't told you yet, I'm an orphan. My mentor is a doctor who can only do research. He is also Chinese, and he taught me Chinese."

"I see." Jiang Yufei nodded knowingly.

Ruan Tianling asked suddenly: "Mr. Hua, where is your mentor?"

Maybe his mentor is even more skilled than his medical skills.

Hua Chongsheng could see what he was thinking, and he said with a smile, "My teacher has passed away for many years. Don't worry, my medical skills are definitely better than my teacher's."

Ruan Tianling smiled reassuringly, "That's good. Then when shall we start the treatment?"

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