It can be cured and it cannot be cured!

Li Mingxi said solemnly: "To be honest, his condition is very serious, and I can only do my best to treat him."

Her words were very euphemistic, but in fact she meant that there was no hope of a cure.

Long Jiuge was a little disappointed: "Even you can't cure him?"

"Mr. Long, his condition is really serious. If you hadn't taken good care of him, I think he would have already..."

Long Jiuge asked in a low voice: "How sure is Miss Li that she can cure him?"

"Mr. Long, do you want to listen to the truth?"


Li Mingxi said apologetically, "It's only two percent at most."

In fact, she was [-]% sure of curing Long Jiutian.

But she won't cure him.

He is not dead, and she will not kill him again, nor will she take his life.

However, it is impossible for her to cure him.

Li Mingxi said the possibility was very low, but Long Jiuge still showed a joyful expression.

"Miss Li is really two percent sure?"


Long Jiuge said happily: "The doctors in the past were not even [-]% sure. Miss Li, if you are really [-]% sure, then your medical skills must be amazing."

Li Mingxi: "..."

She should say only one percent!

Also, she is not very skilled in medicine, she just likes to treat such intractable diseases and treat such difficult cases.

She is very interested and researching in this area, so she is better than others.

Li Mingxi smiled embarrassingly, but regretted it in her heart.

But even if there is a [-]% certainty, it may not be able to cure Long Jiutian...

Of course, if the Long family is in decline, she doesn't mind curing him. Anyway, at that time, she doesn't have to be afraid of the Long family anymore.


Knowing that Li Mingxi was [-]% sure of curing Long Jiutian, everyone in the Long family was very happy.

They also strongly invited Li Mingxi to live in Long's house and serve Long Jiutian 24 hours a day.

Li Mingxi naturally rejected their request.

She has her own life, she will not sacrifice anything else for Long Jiutian.

The members of the Long family knew that Li Mingxi's status was not simple and that she was not short of money, so they didn't dare to force her.

In addition, she was the only one who had hope of curing Long Jiutian, so they dared not offend her.

So they could only respect Li Mingxi's choice and let her spend six hours a day treating Long Jiutian.

But today, Li Mingxi needed to check Long Jiutian again and figure out a lot of things, so he worked at Long's house all day.


After dinner, Long Jiuge personally drove Li Mingxi back to the hotel.

In the car, Li Mingxi said to Long Jiuge: "Mr. Long, I want to make a suggestion."

"Miss Li just say it." Long Jiuge was a little more polite to her now.

"Mr. Long, you also know that my work, family, and friends are all in City A, and I can't stay in City B for a long time. So I hope you can transfer the patient to City A so that I can treat him."

Long Jiuge frowned: "I'm afraid this is difficult. Miss Li can live in City B, and we will buy you a house for Miss Li to settle down here."

Li Mingxi smiled lightly: "Mr. Long, I will not leave city a to settle in another city. Besides, I have my family, and my husband's career is also in city a, and he doesn't allow me to leave, do you think so? "

Long Jiuge remained silent, showing no intention of compromise.

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