He ate very fast and left after a while.

By the time Jun Chen and the others walked out of the cafeteria, he had long since disappeared.

Jun Chen is [-]% sure that Ye Xiaoyan is avoiding him.

Realizing this, he wasn't angry...but sad.

But he hid his sadness very well, pretending not to know anything.

That's fine, just wait a little longer, maybe he can completely forget about him...

He really didn't want to like a man, really didn't want to.


Before the pk, Ye Xiaoyan and Jun Chen hardly had any interaction.

Ye Xiaoyan and Jack got closer and closer.

It should be said that it was Jack who was getting closer and closer to him.

Jack is like a big brother, tolerating him, guiding him, and being his friend.

Although she couldn't trust and trust him as much as An Sen, Ye Xiaoyan was still very grateful to him and cherished him as a friend.

It's just that whenever he thinks of Anson, there is a place in his heart that still aches faintly.

That kind of pain made him feel more uncomfortable than the occasional tingling in his chest.

So, he didn't care much about the stabbing pain in his chest.


In a blink of an eye, the day of pk soon arrived.

Everyone is very nervous, not knowing who their opponent will be.

Ye Xiaoyan misses Aixi a little at this time.

If only she was here.

When the lottery was drawn, he could ask Assy to help, avoiding PK with Anson and the others.

he doesn't want to fight them


Early in the morning, Misha gathered them together.

There was a box next to her, and she said to them: "The lottery will start now, and the pk will start after the lottery is completed. Six outstanding students will be selected today."

Her words solidified the atmosphere even more.

"Line up and draw lots." Misha didn't talk nonsense, and started directly.

They lined up to draw their number plates.

Which number and which number pk have already been written out.

So whoever he draws will be his number plate.

Jun Ai was the first to draw lots, and she took out a round sign with number 4 written on it.

Next is Leshan, he is number 2.

No. 1 vs. No. 2, No. 3 vs. No. 4, and so on...

Seeing Le Shan's number plate, Jun Ai breathed a sigh of relief, and didn't have to compete with him anymore.

Jun Chen was number 7, and they breathed a sigh of relief.

Then Junqi is... No. 3.

He will fight Junai.

Jun Ai immediately put down her face, "Why am I pk with my second brother?!"

Jun Qi was also very distressed, "I'll smoke it again."

Jun Chen stopped him, "Everyone can only smoke once, there is no other way, you can pk with your sister."

"But I will definitely lose!" Jun Ai cried and said, "I would rather pk with Mike than with my second brother."

The second brother is stronger than the eldest brother, how can she be his opponent.

Le Shan was dissatisfied: "I'm better than you, too?!"

Jun Ai pouted, "Not necessarily."

"Hmph, if you don't believe me, let's find some time to discuss."

"Okay, you decide the time, I'm free anytime."

Jun Chen is speechless, have you deviated from the topic...

Everyone has finished smoking, except for the last person who has not smoked.

That person is Ye Xiaoyan.

Jun Chen looked over, there was actually no need to draw, he was the last one, and the last number plate with number 11 was his.

Number 12 is for new students.

That person is one year older than Ye Xiaoyan, but he has been training on the island for three years and is physically strong.


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