"Back to young master, my name is Ba Lang, which is the name chosen by the boss."

Barron then said, "Besides me and Baron, there are a few other people who are the boss' confidantes. It can be said that we are also the boss's dead men."

"How many?" Le Shan was puzzled.

Barron laughed and said, "Of course the boss's dead men are not limited to us. But we are all the leaders of the dead men."

"So how many dead soldiers exist now?"

"Including us, there are 30 people in total."

"So few people?" Le Shan frowned, showing dissatisfaction, "Do you know how many killers and bodyguards the Nangong family has?"

Baron said proudly: "What's the matter with them having a lot of people? We alone can withstand many people. There are not many powerful killers in the Nangong family. There were many powerful killers more than ten years ago. But now, we Tried it, they are not very good."

"You mean the temptation from Saudi Arabia?"

"Yes. Moses and the others attacked the company in Saudi Arabia not only to avenge the boss, but also to test. None of the killers sent by Nangong Wenxiang at that time were their opponents."

Le Shan was a little puzzled, don't they know that Moses and the others are dead?

He told the truth: "I heard that they have been caught."

"We know this. But being caught doesn't mean anything. Moses and the others are not the most powerful dead soldiers."

Le Shan was a little startled.

Moses and the others are not the most powerful, but Barron and the others are the most powerful?

I heard that Moses and the others were already very powerful.

The killers that grandpa sent for the first time were not ordinary people, and Ye Xiaoyan was sent for the second time.

Le Shan knew that Ye Xiaoyan was very diligent and good at kung fu before.Later, he was selected to train secretly, and his kung fu would naturally be better.

In his opinion, Ye Xiaoyan is considered the top killer.

If Baron and the others are stronger than Ye Xiaoyan...

It seems that it is not so easy to deal with Barron and the others.


Le Shan looked skeptical: "Are you really that good?"

"Of course, we used to be the boss's most capable subordinates." Baron said proudly.

Le Shan still didn't believe it: "Really? Then let me see your abilities!"

After speaking, he attacked Barron.

Baron fought with him, and Baron watched calmly from the side.

Le Shan has been training on the island for so many years, so his skills are naturally not bad.

At the beginning, he was able to fight Barron a few tricks, but later on he felt his own disadvantage.

When he was at a disadvantage, he stopped.

Barron asked him concerned: "Young master, are you not injured?"

Le Shan shook his head, "I'm fine. Very good, your skill is indeed very powerful, and you are the most powerful person I have ever seen. I guess you are even better than Misha."

Barron said with a smile: "If it was back then, maybe I would not be Misha's opponent. Now that Misha is older, she may not be my opponent. There is a big difference between women and men in terms of strength. But I am not the strongest, Balang is the strongest."

Le Shan looked at Ba Lang.

Ba Lang raised his left hand and said calmly: "That was once, my left hand was injured, it is only suitable for quick battles."

Le Shan nodded: "How many dead leaders like you are there?"

Barron didn't answer but asked instead: "Young master, are you willing to trust us and let us follow you?"!!

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