Now that you have no worries about food and clothing, hurry up and plan a way out for yourself.

Of course, they are also leaving a way out for their husbands.

If they become paupers, they still have money to support them, don't they?

However, their ideas were not accepted by the men of the Ruan family.

Because the three men are too strong and excellent, they are very machismo.

They never thought that they would have a day when their wives would be hungry.

In their view, they will let their wives enjoy a lifetime of glory and wealth, so there is no need for them to want to be independent.

And it hurts their male self-esteem.

It seems that they are not capable enough, and they are not given enough.


Men and women diverged and became two factions, and their tug of war began.

Jun Qi is very reasonable, in his opinion, everything about Ding Nanxia should be provided by him, so he will not compromise life or death.

Jun Chen is because of insecurity.

His wife is already powerful enough, if she accidentally becomes the richest woman in the world, his sense of security will drop to a negative number.

Ruan Tianling is used to the past life style and doesn't want to change it, mainly because he thinks that life style is good.

Jiang Yufei occasionally writes novels, goes out to parties to play cards when she has nothing to do, cooks hearty lunch for him, and she stays with him whenever he is free. What a wonderful life like this.

If she starts a business, will she still have time to spend with him?

The answer is of course no!

He was busy enough, and she was busy enough, and they would have less chance to be together.

This is why Ruan Tianling disapproves of her starting a business.

As for whose money he used, he didn't care, it was Jiang Yufei's anyway.

Therefore, the three of them did not object because of money.

Jun Qi is indeed because of this problem, Jun Chen barely counts, and Ruan Tianling uses this as an excuse.

He couldn't say that he couldn't bear Jiang Yufei, could he?

Say it, and the kids would laugh at him to death.

But the three of Jiang Yufei and the others were determined not to change their minds.

Both sides refused to compromise, and the Ruan family was under low pressure for two consecutive days.

Jun Ai couldn't stand the atmosphere, so she ran out and went to Tang En's place.

Tang En has a separate high-end apartment, and most of the time, he lives in the apartment alone.

Jun Ai moved in to live with him.

When Tang En was renovating the apartment, he specially got a room for Jun Ai so that she could come and live at any time.

The two of them are not yet married and cannot sleep together just yet.

But soon, Tang En has been counting the time.


Jun Ai came to him with her luggage and said she would stay here for a few days, but Tang En was very happy.

He hugged her body, and said in a low voice: "Anyway, I'm going to get married in a few months, so you might as well stay here forever."

"I'll stay for a few days at most. If I stay too long, I'm afraid my dad will kill you and beat you up."

"It's okay, a beating won't kill anyone."

"The problem is that if you beat me up, I'll be dragged back."

Tang En: "..."

Jun Ai pushed him away, "I'm going to pack my luggage, you can get me something to eat, I haven't had dinner yet."

"Okay." Tang En kissed her lips, smiled and went to get her something to eat.

He made two plates of pasta and a cucumber salad.

When Jun Ai was eating, he told him about the situation at home.

She warned Tang En: "What will I do in the future, you can't do this."

Tang En muttered, "I can't control you anymore."


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