Qi Yunmo (Evan) is in a good mood recently.

Because his father disciplined him less severely.

He no longer needs to live under his father's control, but he also knows his identity, so he has not let go of his efforts.

Without his father's control, he worked harder. This is the difference between passive effort and active effort.

This result was naturally what Qi Ruigang saw with satisfaction.

And he also had a new understanding of this son.

It turned out that he was not as useless as he imagined, in fact, he didn't really think Evan was useless.

He can proudly say that his son is better than many rich second and third generations, even better than the rich first generation.

He thinks he is useless because he expects too much of him.

After all, evan is only 18 years old, still very young, but he uses his current achievements to measure evan's ability, which is definitely not fair.

In the past, he was too eager, but he will take his time in the future. I believe that in a few years, Evan will definitely become even better.


Two years passed in a blink of an eye.

Two years later, Qi Yunmo has become more mature and capable.

Currently, he is already independently managing a company under Qi's name.

And Qi Ruigang also started looking for his future wife.

Qi Rui just took a stack of information about famous ladies from aristocratic families, and handed it to Moran: "Look at it, and then choose one for the boss."

"what is this?"

Moran took it in doubt, and she opened it to see that it was full of photos and information of young and beautiful girls.

These girls all have a lot in common.

Has a family background, ability, good looks, and is about the same age as Evan.

"You are going to choose a wife for him now?" Moran was surprised.

Qi Ruigang nodded, "Choose from now on, let alone a few years."

Moran closed the file and said in disapproval: "Evan is still young, and he is not in a hurry to find a partner. He is currently focusing on work, so how can he have time to deal with feelings?"

"If you don't choose now, these girls have all been picked away. I also see that there are a few good ones, and I plan to help him catch up."

"You want Evan to marry for profit?"

Qi Ruigang was dissatisfied: "What is for profit? What's wrong with these girls? Could it be that he doesn't look for this, but for other crooked ones? Don't let the good ones go, go for the bad ones, is he still my son?!"

"What's good or bad." Moran glared at him, "I mean, let Evan find it himself, he must find one he likes."

"Among so many people, he will always take a fancy to one."

"Not always."

"If you let him choose by himself, he will definitely like one or two." Qi Ruigang said confidently.

In order to dispel his thoughts, Moran nodded in agreement.

"Okay, I'll let him choose. If he doesn't even like it, you can't force him."

"His wings are stiff now, I can't control him." Qi Ruigang muttered.

Since loosening his grip two years ago, that kid has grown up like the wind.

To be honest, if he wants to control him now, he may not be able to control him.

Qi Ruigang's heart was both sad and relieved...

Now he finally understood how the old man felt towards him back then.

Sure enough, is he old too?

Thinking of this, Qi Rui just turned dark, and he stood up suddenly: "As soon as he comes back, let him choose! That brat!"

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