Nangong Leshan turned his head, "The matter of that year has not been investigated yet. The investigators have watched the video many times, and they have not found anyone changing your things."

Beibei was slightly stunned: "That is to say, nothing can be found, right?"


"Actually, I also know that it can't be found out. If it can be found out, it will be found out that year."

"You really don't remember someone touching your stuff?"

"do not remember."

"If this is the case, I'm afraid the truth will never be found out in a lifetime."

Beibei actually wanted to say it.

Even if she found out and could recover anything, she had already paid such a high price.

"It's okay, if you can't find it, you can't find it."

Nangong Leshan was slightly surprised, "I thought you really wanted to find out the truth."

Beibei smiled, "I really want to. But I can't find out at all. In fact, everyone thinks in their hearts that I did it."

Otherwise, how could there be no clues.

Besides, who will frame her?

She has no enemies.

So she really couldn't argue with it, and she knew that no one would completely believe that she didn't do it.

Nangong Leshan pursed her lips and said, "I used to really think that you did it, but now, I'm willing to believe that it wasn't you."

Beibei opened her eyes wide in astonishment, "Why?"


"...Just by intuition?" Beibei couldn't believe it.

Nangong Leshan laughed: "Otherwise, why? If my intuition is wrong, I will admit it."

Beibei couldn't help but red eyes, "Your intuition is right, I really didn't do it, I swear I didn't!"


Since being released from prison, Beibei has been suppressing the pain in her heart.

At this moment, she inexplicably wanted to vent it all.

"Brother Nangong, I used to like you very much. I hated Leng Xin very much, because she snatched you away, and I never had another chance. So I hated her, very much, but I never thought of really hurting you. Her, my biggest idea is to make her look ugly at the wedding, but I didn't expect such a thing to happen. Maybe it's God's punishment for me, so I shouldn't have such bad thoughts. I also think that I will serve two years in prison. I will take it as a lesson, and I will never be self-willed or do wrong things in the future. You know, I have always cared whether you believe me or not. Now that you choose to believe me, I suddenly

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