Indulge in the last 10000 days: the corpse king strongly spoils his wife

104. Openly Challenge the Majesty of the Corpse King

The person who is moved by heart is her, and the person who is moved by emotion is him.

Clenching her fists, she bit her lower lip, turned her head suddenly, put her hands around her lips, made a trumpet shape, and faced the corpse king standing on the square without moving a bit, she sank into her dantian and exhausted all her strength , yelling: "Dongfang Xing, you are a pig."

The clear and loud roar cut through the silent night sky and echoed over the zombie camp.

The person who was drinking tea sprayed tea in fright.

The person who was eating was so frightened that he almost choked to death on the food.

Those who were in love were so frightened that they all ejaculated prematurely, and it became a second shot.

In the guarding corps, they were so frightened that they didn't even dare to take a breath.

Even more afraid to look at the corpse king whose temperature has dropped below zero.

I felt a cold sweat in my heart for this girl who was not afraid of death, she was so courageous, she dared to openly challenge the majesty of the corpse king.

After shouting like venting hatred, Huan'er girl was happy, but the next moment, she was scared.

After a period of turmoil, the surroundings fell into dead silence, and the atmosphere became more severe and terrifying.

She yelled at him as a pig in the zombie camp. He must be so angry that he wanted to kill her.

Xiahou Huan'er shuddered, then turned her head, instinctively ran towards the outside.

Don't die, run to death, like being chased by a ghost.

Everyone was waiting to see how the corpse king would deal with that courageous girl, but what surprised people was that the corpse king's figure didn't move at all, standing against the light, shrouded in shadows, obscure.

After running out of the zombie camp, Xiahou Huan'er was still running, running continuously, until she was panting for breath and her legs were weak, then she slowly stopped.

She glanced around and saw that it was desolate, with ruins and ruins.

She found a place in a dark corner and sat down, stretched out her hand to caress her beating heart, calming down her rapid breathing.

"Damn it, what the hell kind of place is this? There's not even a single person." There was nowhere to find a better place to stay.

The night wind was blowing, and there was an eerie and strange atmosphere everywhere, and dangers abounded.

She stood up, found the position of the North Star in the night sky, and weighed the four directions of the continent in her heart, and she decided to go to the East District.

The East End is where humans gather, they are her kind, and she has always wanted to go.

"Hmph, even if I don't rely on you, Dongfang Xing, I can go by myself." After Xiahou Huan'er finished speaking, she immediately turned around and walked towards the East District.

After tossing around for most of the night, it soon dawned, and the east showed a white belly, and golden light projected down.

It was dawn, looking at the bright sky ahead, a gratified smile appeared on her lips, it was great, she did not go to the wrong place.

It didn't take long for her to be overjoyed when she was overwhelmed by the grunt coming from her stomach.

He stuck out his tongue and licked his parched lips, sadly, hungry and tired.

At this time, there was the sound of chaotic and slow footsteps, and when I looked up, I saw a group of low-level zombies with crooked bodies and ragged clothes coming towards me.

Judging by their appearance, they must be looking for food. When they saw her, they avoided her and took a detour.

She touched her stomach, which was so hungry that her chest was pressed against her back, and she felt an urge to follow them to find food, and they would not attack her anyway.

But she couldn't bear the stench of rotting corpses emanating from them.

"Forget it, let's be self-reliant. Maybe we can find something to eat in the future. No matter what, we won't starve to death here." Xiahou Huan'er thought cheerfully, and continued walking.

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