Couldn't help cursing in a tender voice: "Beast, I thought he was so pure and ascetic, he didn't even have a woman around him, who would have known that a bitch would be able to torture people to death, but..." There was a shy look on his face Hong Chao, "Although the technology needs to be improved, but it is strong enough, strong enough, hard enough, durable enough,...hey...why do I think about this lewd thing..."

Xiahou Huan'er stretched out her hand to cover her hot cheeks, her mind was filled with the ups and downs of last night, and she wanted to bang her head to death.

It really is a color embryo.

She hurriedly changed her clothes, washed her face with cold water, and suppressed the turmoil.

Damn, you can't eat meat easily, no, you know the taste after eating.

one by one

In the huge cafeteria, there are already many high-level zombies who are ready to eat. Those who can stay in the zombie camp are all high-level zombies. Although they are all ferocious and violent zombies in their bones, they are not like the low-level zombies outside, who attack people casually.

The Persian cat has already prepared Xiahou Huaner's lunch.

When she stepped into the cafeteria, Xiahou Huan'er was horrified when she saw the zombies with mouths full of blood and raw flesh.

Having lived with Dongfang Xing for a long time, she forgot that they ate live blood and raw meat directly, watching them eat with gusto.

That scene, that atmosphere, was just like a group of wild beasts drinking blood.

Her stomach kept regurgitating acid, and she almost couldn't help vomiting.

But fortunately, there is a special dining place for officers in the canteen, so you don't have to eat with them.

Only senior military officers and their family members with military service are eligible to sit here.

Her identity is the woman of the corpse king, of course it is more than enough.

There were more than a dozen zombies sitting inside, she recognized Wild Rose, Han Hai, and Iron Fury.

When Ye Qiangwei saw her, her coquettishly dressed face did not hide her contempt, and she was still struggling to ask her for leave.

Han Hai lowered his head and ate silently, as if he didn't see it.

A funny smirk lit up on Iron Fury's blustery face.

They ate cooked food, but it is not known what kind of meat was on the plate.

Xiahou Huan'er was sitting at a separate table, not seeing Dongfang Xing, a little disappointed.

The Persian cat served her soup and rice, and was dedicated to his duty: "Master, I specially prepared this lunch for you. I hope you enjoy your meal."

Xiahou Huan'er looked at the meat on the plate, and recognized that it was ordinary meat, and then said reassuringly, "Thank you, I can do it myself, you can go to work."

As soon as the Persian cat left, Tie Nu immediately walked over with his own plate, sat down opposite her, and said with a grin, "Hi, sister-in-law."

Picked up?

Xiahou Huan'er was taken aback for a moment, but the "sister-in-law" made her feel sweet.

He smiled and said, "Captain Tie, hello!"

Iron Fury, who is usually rough and used to it, was actually a little reserved at the moment, stretched out his hand and scratched his head, and said straightforwardly: "I'm a rough person, if I say something that makes you sick, I hope you don't mind."

Xiahou Huan'er covered her mouth with a light smile and said, "Why, I think you are very cute."


Three black lines floated on Tie Nu's forehead, is this a compliment?

But he has a straightforward personality and doesn't mind, he said with a simple smile: "Sister-in-law, I admire you very much, I have been with Wang for hundreds of years, I have never seen him fall in love with anyone, and I have never slept with any woman, even that A wild rose, she tried every means to seduce her..."

Tie Nu became more and more excited as he talked, and stepped hard on Wild Rose's painful foot.

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