Xiahou Huan'er wanted to cry immediately, but he really thought she was pregnant.

In the end, he couldn't bear it anymore, kicked him down the steps, and shouted: "Fuck off, you like children so much, give birth to yourself."

After shouting, he stood up and walked outside.

The woman felt a pinch in the bottom of her heart, and Master Xing looked at her back as she left angrily, feeling a little confused.

He squinted his sharp eyes, and commanded Su Qi who was hiding in the dark in a deep voice: "Follow her, don't let her get hurt in the slightest."

Su Qi immediately took orders and quietly followed behind Xiahou Huan'er.

Xiahou Huan'er was aggrieved for a while, and came to the dormitory of the logistics department, asked about the room of the Persian cat, and went to find her.

She was walking on the promenade, and when she saw Han Hai walking towards her, she couldn't help but feel a shock in her heart.

He is an admiral, why come here when he has nothing to do?

Before he came in front of her, she went up to greet him, and she still had a little impression of the good things she did after she was drunk yesterday.

When she was drunk and fell to the ground, it seemed that a man came to help her, and then she vomited on him shamefully.

If she remembers the taste correctly, that person should be Han Hai.

She smiled falsely and said with apologetic face, "Admiral Hanhai, I was drunk yesterday and accidentally vomited on you. I'm really sorry."

Han Hai's eyes were very cold, and he didn't stop. When he passed by her, he said in a piercingly cold voice, "I didn't take it to heart."

Xiahou Huan'er laughed happily: "Haha... That's good, I'm still worried that you will bear a grudge."

Han Hai didn't answer any more, and left quickly without staying for a moment.

Looking at his back, Xiahou Huan'er shrugged her shoulders, curled her lips, her eyes turned cold.

Don't think she was really drunk yesterday, what happened yesterday, although a bit vague, she still remembers, she remembers that she almost mistook him for Dongfang Xing, and wanted to kiss him to confirm, she remembered very much, she wanted to kiss When he was with him, he didn't push her away. If she didn't vomit suddenly, she would really kiss him, and she would feel sick just thinking about it. Regarding the object, she has a cleansing habit and can only identify one.

But she didn't have the slightest impression of the striptease. If she knew, she would be so embarrassed that she would jump off a building.

This zombie is too gloomy, it always gives people a very uncomfortable feeling, Xia Houhuan'er complained.

Then he walked quickly to the Persian cat's room.

When she went in, she was already awake, leaning against the head of the bed, reading an e-book, seeing her coming in, a joyful smile appeared on her pale face.

"Master, if you come to see me, I know you care about me." I was so moved that my eyes were moist.

Xiahou Huan'er scratched her head in embarrassment, and said, "How do you say, you were injured because you helped me be a gun. Are you feeling better?"

The Persian cat nodded immediately and said, "It's much better. It's my honor to protect the owner from disaster."

"Persian cat, if you do this, I will feel that I am one of those cruel and heartless slave owners." Was she trying to make her feel guilty?

The face of the Persian cat turned pale immediately, and said in a panic: "Master, I didn't mean that, please don't be angry, okay?"

Those watery emerald green eyes are like two ponds overflowing with emerald green springs, needless to say, they can already arouse pity from others.

"Come on, I'm not angry, don't get excited, I don't care if you open the wound." Ah, she just has the ability to make her feel a strong sense of guilt.

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