super unscrupulous student

Chapter 1053: The Descendants of the Zhang Family Are Missing 2

"That's good! I just want to go back to Youzhou tomorrow. There are things waiting for me to deal with over there. I feel relieved to have you here! Finding Dabian is not such a simple matter, at least for now we need a Opportunity!" Zhuo Yifan said helplessly.

"You want to go back to Youzhou?" Hua Yun was obviously a little surprised, wondering what this kid is up to?

"Yes! I have to go back to deal with some things, but I will be back soon! Since Dabian has probably mastered the way to open the box, I was wondering if I could go back after I found Dabian. Fortunately If you can come over right away, it will allow me to get away temporarily!" Zhuo Yifan said with a wry smile, wondering if Hua Yun would agree.

Hua Yun on the other end of the phone was obviously silent for a while, and then slowly said: "Go early and come back early! The matter here has not been dealt with yet, just don't forget about the business! The matter in Youzhou Arrange it the next time you go back, don't have any worries!"

"Master, what do you mean?" Zhuo Yifan didn't know what Hua Yun meant by this sentence?What does it mean to arrange things in Youzhou first?No worries?Could it be that Zhao Zhengming was killed after I returned to Youzhou?Isn't this too heaven-defying?The only way to quickly solve the hidden dangers in Youzhou is to get rid of Zhao Zhengming, but that will offend the entire Zhao family.There will even be a counterattack from the entire Zhao family, and the storm will become bigger and bigger by then!Zhuo Yifan couldn't figure out the meaning of Hua Yun's words!

"You know some things, don't you? I am not competent as a master. Now I have nothing to teach you! You have to go on your own in the future! You were not strong enough before, so I dare not let you go too far." Presumptuous, but since some things are unavoidable, and others are still reluctant, you should show some color to those clowns! Your opponent should not be Zhao Zhengming, I think you know this very well!

"I understand, master! Don't worry, I will take care of it!" Zhuo Yifan's heart began to surge again.What Hua Yun said meant to let himself solve the problem in Youzhou once and for all!It looks like it's time for me to move my muscles!

"Okay! Let's do this first! I'll rush back to Youzhou tomorrow!" Hua Yun agreed lightly, and then hung up the phone.

Zhuo Yifan put away his cell phone, but frowned.After being reminded by Hua Yun's words, Zhuo Yifan had some insights!I really never thought that Zhao Zhengming would be dealt with when I went back this time, I just thought about arranging Shen Jiayi's affairs.In this way, perhaps the time is ripe to take action against Zhao Zhengming now!After all, he already knew his identity, and to him, Zhao Zhengming was not worth mentioning at all.This kind of little person actually wants to jump up in front of him, so how can he mess with him in the future?

"What are you thinking?" Looking at Zhuo Yifan's pensive expression, Xia Yun couldn't help asking curiously.

"It's nothing! It's time to move around!" Zhuo Yifan came back to his senses and smiled indifferently, but felt extremely comfortable in his heart.Once you have figured out some things, some troubles are no longer troubles.At the very least, Zhao Zhengming is no longer a threat to him now!Compared with force, he is not qualified; compared with power, the hidden power behind him is enough to crush him!Even if these forces don't show much relationship with him now, they can make Zhao Zhengming unable to stand up if they use some tricks in the dark!

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