super unscrupulous student

Chapter 1057 The details of the Long family 2

"If that's the case, then I really have nothing to worry about!" Zhuo Yifan nodded and said.

"However, you'd better not have too much contact and disputes with the people of the Long family, otherwise it will inevitably attract the attention of interested people! The Long family now has three main divisions, one of which is developing in the energy industry. These people are mainly involved in new energy and In the development of rare resources and emerging technology industries, Long Xinhe is considered to be the leader in this area. But this is only one aspect of the huge family of the Long family. From the perspective of the entire Long family, Long Xinhe's weight is still a little lighter. The second area is the development of the tertiary industry. This is also the most fundamental business of the Long family. This area accounts for the largest proportion in the Long family. Relatively speaking, in the business world of the country, the tertiary industry of the Long family The influence is still great! The only one of the four big families that can stand shoulder to shoulder with him is the business of our Xiahou family!" Xiahou Shangyu continued to explain.

"It seems that this Long family is really a giant. People like Long Xinhe are just one of the insignificant little people!" Zhuo Yifan nodded, probably understanding a little bit.

"However, Long Aotian, the real head of the Long family, is a martial artist! Moreover, the main power of the Long family is concentrated on the masters like Long Aotian. Because they are strong and prestige enough, everyone in the Long family is convinced Long Aotian is now a master of the tribulation period, looking at the entire China, the masters of the tribulation period, apart from Long Aotian, only your grandfather Zhuo Qingyuan! This is why your Zhuo family can always occupy the four major families The reason for this place is mainly because of strength!" Xiahou Shangyu continued with a smile.

"So, my grandfather is taking care of Huaxia, and besides this Long Aotian, there is hardly any opponent?" Zhuo Yifan asked excitedly.My grandfather is so awesome, as a grandson, I can follow suit, right?

"You can say that! But this is not absolute! After all, we still have to be bound by the treaty of the four families. No matter how skilled your grandfather is, he can't do it arbitrarily. There are some things that he can't do! Of course, Long Aotian also Same. This is how the balance between the four families is maintained!" Xiahou Shangyu continued to explain.

"It's no wonder that the other families have their ideas on me, because they are afraid that my rapid growth will add a powerful transformation god to the Zhuo family, or even a master in the tribulation stage. At that time, this balance will be broken and their interests will be threatened! That's why they have the idea to kill me!" Zhuo Yifan said with a sneer.

"You can understand it like this! But there is nothing you can do about it! Your appearance has brought panic to many people." Xia Houshang sighed helplessly, nodded and said: "Long Aotian has many disciples. Work in a special department of the country. Like your current national security, it is naturally not monolithic. Although the Song family controls the overall situation of national security, and most of the Intelligence Bureau and the Ministry of National Defense are members of the Zhuo family, many of them belong to the Long family I think you should have experienced this now! When you were in Youzhou, you should have discovered that there were many problems within Guoan!"

"Yes! Master said that, I remembered it. I have always suspected that there will be ghosts in my subordinates!" Zhuo Yifan nodded and said.He also thought that these ghosts came from Zhao Zhengming, or arranged by the Zhao family.Unexpectedly, there is the shadow of the Long family behind this.So, could it be that the Long family is behind the Zhao family?

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