super unscrupulous student

Chapter 1087 Yamada’s Entrustment 3

"No! The island country is not much safer than Youzhou, and it is even more dangerous! I have already seen that the reason why Yamada Renchuan is willing to send his daughter to Huaxia to study is probably because of safety considerations! He is in the group of four His status is still unstable, and he has made enemies everywhere, so it can be said that Yamada Yazi's safety may be threatened at any time, so he will not choose to send his daughter back to China!" Zhuo Yifan said with certainty.

"Such a beautiful girl, I'm afraid she will take advantage of you again this time?" Song Zihan curled her lips and snorted dissatisfiedly.Let Zhuo Yifan take care of him?Yamada Yazi let Zhuo Yifan take care of her, and then she probably became his lover!

"What are you talking about? I'm not interested in that island chick." Zhuo Yifan shook his head helplessly and said with a wry smile.

"You just talk about it, who knows what you think in your heart? Not interested? I don't believe it!" Song Zihan curled her lips and said disapprovingly.

"I don't believe it either!" Liu Meng also nodded at this time, and said cooperatively.

Zhuo Yifan looked depressed.These two women are determined to make themselves unhappy today!Can't you stop targeting yourself in this regard?

"Okay! No matter how things develop, tonight's meal is unavoidable! It's time for Liu Meng to book an extra plane ticket! Aristo Yamada will definitely go back with us tomorrow!" Zhuo Yifan smiled indifferently .

"Are you really determined to protect this Yazi Yamada?" Song Zihan asked with a frown.

"Why not?" Zhuo Yifan asked with a chuckle, "Actually, Yamada Yazi is also beneficial in our hands. You heard clearly, it is in our hands!" Zhuo Yifan gestured to Song Zihan with his fists clenched.

"I understand! You want to influence Yamada Incheon's decision through Yamada Yazi! Coupled with Sato Hiroaki's contract with you, even if he doesn't want to cooperate with you, he will consider it!" Song Zihan nodded, and soon I understood what Zhuo Yifan was thinking.

"Smart! As expected of my eldest wife!" Zhuo Yifan laughed, and patted Song Zihan's buttocks, which immediately made Song Zihan coquettish.

"Okay! If Yazi Yamada really wants to go back to Youzhou with us, and you are required to be responsible for protecting her safety in Youzhou, then Yamada Renchuan may cooperate with us! I have no objection to this! But you It's best to keep a little distance from this girl, I don't like island people!" Song Zihan said with a slight frown.

"Where is this? Are you jealous? Don't worry, I don't like islanders either, so I will keep my distance from her!" Zhuo Yifan said with a big laugh.

"Who is jealous? I won't be jealous of you!" Song Zihan curled her lips and said duplicity.

Zhuo Yifan didn't care, and immediately let go of the two women, then stood up and said, "I'll book a box!"

"Hurry up! It's almost time for dinner. There will be no more boxes later, I see where you can invite them to dinner?" Song Zihan urged, feeling as if she wished that Zhuo Yifan would disappear in front of her sooner.

Zhuo Yifan walked out of Song Zihan's room extremely depressed, then went to the hotel's catering department, and booked a large box.It is not clear how many people Yamada Incheon will bring here at night, so it is more reliable to book a larger box.

As soon as he finished his work, Zhuo Yifan's cell phone rang.Seeing that it was an unfamiliar number, Zhuo Yifan knew it must be from Yamada Incheon!

"Hi, I'm Zhuo Yifan!" Zhuo Yifan answered the phone and directly reported his name.

"Zhuo Yifan! I'm Yazi Yamada! Where are you now?" Yazi Yamada's voice came from the phone.Could it be that Yamada Incheon asked his daughter to contact him?

"I'm in the hotel now, I've booked a box, and I'm waiting for you to come over for dinner!" Zhuo Yifan said.

"Oh! We are ready to go now, you will see me in a while!" Yamada Yazi's voice was very excited, obviously very happy.What does this mean, she was so happy to see him?She should be happy to see herself, right?Zhuo Yifan was a little confused!

"Hello, Mr. Zhuo, I'm Yamada Incheon!" The voice on the phone changed to a middle-aged man's voice.This voice was Yamada Incheon who called him last night.

"Mr. Yamada, have you already set off? My box has been booked, and I'm just waiting for you to come!" Zhuo Yifan said with a smile.

"Okay, Mr. Zhuo, we will arrive in about 10 minutes!" Yamada Incheon said with a smile, and after a few more pleasantries, the two parties hung up the phone!

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