super unscrupulous student

Chapter 112 Shui Yunxiao's Attitude 1

This old man is still so cautious! "Zhuo Yifan couldn't help but said helplessly.

At this moment, Zhuo Yifan saw Shui Yunyao walking towards him.

"Didn't interrupt your conversation?" Shui Yunyao looked at the two of them with some embarrassment and asked.

Song Yingjie smiled and said, "It's okay, Miss Shui! Our business is over! Yifan, you can talk to Miss Shui. I saw a few friends just now, go talk to them!" Song Yingjie said to Zhuo Yifan now Shui Yunyao was a little surprised that her address was changed to "Yifan".

After Song Yingjie left, Shui Yunyao smiled and said, "It seems that you guys had a good time talking!"

Zhuo Yifan just said without thinking: "He is my brother!"

Shui Yunyao was taken aback when she heard the words, and asked suspiciously: "Didn't you just know each other?"

Zhuo Yifan nodded and explained: "I just met him! But his mother is my aunt, do you think he is my brother?"

Shui Yunyao opened her sexy mouth slightly, and said in disbelief: "Isn't it? Such a coincidence? Why don't you even know you have such a cousin?"

Zhuo Yifan explained with some embarrassment: "I haven't even met my aunt, let alone this cousin! My aunt left home to Youzhou more than 20 years ago, and the elders didn't tell me about her." How do I know about it?"

Shui Yunyao nodded thoughtfully upon hearing this.

"Would you like to visit my room?" Shui Yunyao said with a blushing face.

Zhuo Yifan immediately said happily: "Okay! I also want to see what your room looks like!"

Shui Yunyao took Zhuo Yifan to the third floor.This place seems to be a restricted area, and no one can be seen above.Follow Shui Yunyao to the side of the corridor on the third floor, and take a rough look, there are seven or eight rooms in the whole third floor.This villa is really big enough!

Shui Yunyao's room is in the middle one on the left hand side of the corridor.The room is not big, but it is decorated very warmly.Decorated in pink tones, the room of more than 50 square meters is covered with a layer of sky blue carpet, which looks bright and bright.

On one side of the room is a high-end Simmons soft bed.Two adorable Snoopy lamps adorn the headboard of the bed.To the left of the bed is a combined wardrobe and a computer desk.There is only one door on the other side, which is open, and you can see the balcony outside.There are also several half-sized dolls visiting in the glass window of the closet.Girls love this stuff.

There is an 80-inch rear-projection TV on the wall next to the door.There is also a home theater.

"Miss! Your room is a bit too extravagant, right?" Zhuo Yifan could not help but smell the faint fragrance of jasmine in the room.

Shui Yunyao blushed, pouted and said, "How can there be luxury? This is already the result of my downsizing of the family!"

Zhuo Yifan said enviously, "Isn't this a luxury? I don't have the money to live in such a house!"

Shui Yunyao smiled slightly and said, "I believe that as long as you work hard, you will be able to live in such a house and live such a life!"

Zhuo Yifan said happily when he heard the words: "That's for sure! I can't let you underestimate me!"

Zhuo Yifan sat softly on Shui Yunyao's bed for less than a minute, when a middle-aged woman hurried in, she was probably a servant.

"Miss, the master told you to go down! It seems that Mrs. Murong is here!" The servant said anxiously.

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