super unscrupulous student

Chapter 130 Diamond World 5

Zhuo Yifan chuckled, and then smashed the goblet in his hand on Liu Tao's forehead, which immediately swelled up a lot, and red wine was splashed all over his face.Liu Tao yelled in pain, covered his injured forehead, and shouted to the bald head: "Chen Gang, young master, I have been beaten, what are you still doing?"

However, Chen Gang felt distressed in his heart.

It's because I don't want to move.As early as when Zhuo Yifan caught the wine glass, Chen Gang knew that Zhuo Yifan was not an ordinary person.In addition, Zhuo Yifan's movements were so fast, it was too late for him to stop him.

Others may not know it, but Chen Gang could tell that Zhuo Yifan's body posture was obviously guarding him when he hit him.Any attack from any angle may be countered by Zhuo Yifan.

But now that Liu Tao had spoken, Chen Gang couldn't wait any longer.One leapt forward and flew towards Zhuo Yifan.The right fist also smashed towards Zhuo Yifan's face.The speed made it impossible for those around him to see how he moved.

But Chen Gang's fast speed was as slow as an ant in Zhuo Yifan's eyes.

Zhuo Yifan gave Chen Gang a sympathetic look.He stretched out his hand and wrapped Chen Gang's thick fist in his palm. Chen Gang only felt that his fist had hit a ball of cotton, and he didn't exert any strength at all.I wanted to pull my fist back, but it was too late.

Zhuo Yifan squeezed the opponent's fist and pulled it to his side, Chen Gang staggered forward, Zhuo Yifan kicked Chen Gang's ribs, kicked Chen Gang directly, and fell heavily to the floor superior.It was so painful that I didn't get up for a long time.

Zhuo Yifan was really right, he really beat Chen Gang to the ground with one move.

People watching the excitement around wondered if they were dazzled.Unexpectedly, Zhuo Yifan, who looked gentle, could fight so fiercely.

Liu Tao was even more astonished.Looking at Zhuo Yifan with a hint of fear in his eyes, his body was trembling uncontrollably, but he quickly said: "What do you want? Let me tell you, I am Liu Tao, the nephew of the deputy mayor Liu Qiang! If you dare to move I'm just waiting to go to jail!"

Zhuo Yifan said with a slight smile when he heard the words: "Okay! I haven't been in prison yet! This time I will go in to have fun under the light of Young Master Liu. But don't worry, I won't do anything to you. I just want to ask you, my car was hit and painted by you, what should I do?"

Seeing that Zhuo Yifan didn't do anything again, Liu Tao thought that he had frightened him by declaring the name of the deputy mayor, but he calmed down in his heart.He said in an arrogant tone: "You still dare to ask me what to do with the car? My people were all injured by you, and I was smashed by you, young master. It's good that I didn't bother you! How dare you ask me what to do?" What should I do? If you are sensible, I will immediately apologize to the young master, and pay another 10 for medical expenses. I will let you go this time, young master! Otherwise, I will let my uncle arrest you and put you in jail!"

Zhuo Yifan looked at the mighty Liu Tao angrily and amusedly, but he didn't expect that this girl is really a second-generation rich man, and he doesn't even know the situation!

"It seems that you still don't understand the situation! Then I'll tell you what to do!" Zhuo Yifan looked at Liu Tao with a sneer on his face, stepped forward and slapped that little white face from left to right.Immediately, Liu Tao's cheeks were red and swollen, bloodshot from the corner of his mouth.

Liu Tao only felt a burst of pain on his face, which made him cry loudly.Tears flowed uncontrollably.

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