super unscrupulous student

Chapter 1308 The Depression of the Police Flower 4

Yang Yanbing's nose was almost crooked!Only ghosts would believe what the vulture said!unfamiliar?What international joke?Don't you know that he can entrust such a large venue to you to take care of it?Of course, Yang Yanbing also knew that Wang Likun was just a puppet on the surface.The real big boss behind the scenes is actually Ouyang Wentian!

"Vulture! Do you think I'm a fool? Since he is your boss, you must have a way to contact him! You better understand that you have no other way out except to cooperate with us obediently!" Yang Yan said coldly .

"I know! I know that I came in today, and it is almost impossible to get out alive! My old bones, if I don't die under the gun, I will probably die in prison! But what I just said is the truth, I really want I can't find him! If you want to find him, go find him yourself!" The vulture still had the attitude of a dead duck, and Yang Yanbing had no way to do it.

Is it necessary to punish him?Yang Yanbing felt a little angry!But when she became a policeman, she also hated provoking and extorting confessions the most!She really can't do this kind of thing!

"If you don't cooperate anymore, I can only ask other people to ask you! Maybe their temper is not as good as mine!" Yang Yan said coldly.

"Whatever! It doesn't matter whoever comes. I still say the same thing, I don't know!" Vulture smiled lightly and shook his head.

Yang Yanbing really didn't know what to do with him, stomped her feet angrily, then turned and walked out of the interrogation room.Seeing that Yang Yanbing had already left, Gu Ruobing would not foolishly ask Vulture alone.Even Yang Yanbing didn't ask, what could he ask?

As soon as Yang Yanbing and Gu Ruobing walked out of the interrogation room, they saw Zhuo Yifan and Liu Meng walking towards each other in the corridor.

Yang Yanbing's face was a bit ugly, and she took a deep breath, and managed to control her emotions.

"Yifan, you're here!" Gu Ruobing hurried up to greet him, looking at Zhuo Yifan with some unease and said.Unable to ask anything from Vulture's mouth, she felt a little disappointed that she could not help Zhuo Yifan.

"Well! What's the matter? Who made our captain Yang so angry?" Zhuo Yifan nodded to Gu Ruobing, then looked at Yang Yanbing and asked with a smile.

"What are you talking about! It's all yours! The old fox, Vulture, won't open his mouth no matter how much he asks. Wang Likun's whereabouts are also unknown now. I guess if he knows that Dynasty Nightclub has been closed down, he will immediately hide It will be even more difficult to find him that way!" Yang Yanbing said angrily.

"Such a trivial matter can make you so angry?" Zhuo Yifan said a little speechlessly: "Actually, it's nothing! It doesn't matter if the vulture says it or not. Wang Likun will find it myself! But, about the Wang Dynasty nightclub, I I need to talk to you!"

"What do you want to say?" Yang Yanbing looked at Zhuo Yifan suspiciously and asked.

"It's inconvenient to talk here, let's talk in your office!" Zhuo Yifan looked around and smiled helplessly.

Yang Yanbing rolled her eyes, and brought Zhuo Yifan and others to her office.

"Sit down! There is a water dispenser over there, pour it yourself!" Yang Yanbing was really not in the mood to greet Zhuo Yifan now, she just pointed to the water dispenser in the corner and said.Then he sat down on the stool in front of the desk, clenched his fists with one pair of fists, propped his cheek with one hand, his pretty face was still flushed with anger.

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