super unscrupulous student

Chapter 1320 Yun Yao Wants to Help 2

"That's right! Is there something wrong?" Zhuo Yifan asked in confusion.

"No! I just want to tell you that I don't want to stay in Youda as a swimming coach anymore!" Shui Yunyao didn't answer Zhuo Yifan's question right away, but thought for a while, with a smug smile on her face Said.

"What? Why? Didn't you do well in school? Besides, there are so many students who like you. If you leave, what will you do to those students who go to the swimming club because of you?" Shui Yunyao was taken aback by her sudden thought, she didn't understand why this girl wanted to leave Youda all of a sudden!

"I support Yunyao's decision! After all, she can't just be a swimming coach in Youda!" Shui Yunxiao was a little surprised at first, but immediately understood, looking at Zhuo Yifan and said with a smile.

"Why?" Zhuo Yifan continued to ask with some confusion.

"Yifan, your boyfriend is really incompetent! Since you like Yunyao, then you should know what major Yunyao studied when she was studying! Speaking of group management, although Yunyao has no practical experience Operational experience, but it is still possible to help Shen Jiayi as a vice president! Our Yunyao is an authentic MBA!" Seeing that Zhuo Yifan didn't understand, Shui Yunxiao said with a trace of dissatisfaction in his eyes.

So it is!Knowing this, Zhuo Yifan immediately understood why Shui Yunyao proposed to leave Youda!It turned out that I wanted to participate in the formation of the new group, and also be able to stay with Shen Jiayi, a good girlfriend who grew up!

"I really didn't expect that our family's Yunyao is so powerful! Well, as long as you don't regret quitting your school job and helping me manage the group company, I'd love it! As for making her too tired!" Zhuo Yifan immediately said dumbfounded.

"You really agree?" Shui Yunyao asked with some uncertainty, but two eye-catching lights shot out from her eyes.

"Of course! You are my wife, I am willing to let you go. And after the merger of the three companies, both Jiayi and Shaoyu are the default senior management of the group, and they are also newcomers of our generation! A newcomer has entered, and I'm worried that the Shui family can't find anyone!" Zhuo Yifan explained with a smile.

"Great!" Excited, Shui Yunyao immediately kissed Zhuo Yifan's face fiercely, completely forgetting that Shui Yunxiao and Wu Ma were present beside her.When she came back to her senses, her pretty face turned red, but she stood up with both shame and joy in her heart, stomping her feet and ran upstairs.

Take the initiative to offer a kiss, what a shame!I have never done such a thing in front of my father and Mama Wu!

"Haha! This girl is actually shy!" Shui Yunxiao looked at her daughter who fled in embarrassment, but laughed heartily, and said to Zhuo Yifan, "Yunyao puts all her heart on you. Don't let him down! This is the first time I've seen her kiss a boy in front of me!"

"I understand! Dad, don't worry!" Zhuo Yifan nodded in agreement.

"By the way! There is one more thing to tell you!" Shui Yunxiao put down the chopsticks in his hand, wiped the corners of his mouth and hands with a wet towel, and said seriously.

"Father, just tell me what you want!" Zhuo Yifan became a little curious.

I am deeply sorry everyone!Because of being framed by some rubbish, the book city was blocked, and all rectifications were made. There was no time to code words, so the speed has slowed down in the past few days. I hope everyone understands, thank you!Have something to enter the super group 217122824

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