super unscrupulous student

Chapter 1345 Mr. Song’s Invitation 3

"What corpses are you talking about? There are no corpses here at all. We need to find corpses and go to the morgue!" Zheng Kun argued with a dark face.

"Really? Did I remember wrongly? Zhao Zhengming should have already left?" Zhuo Yifan asked with a sneer.

Zheng Kun's eyelids twitched again, Zhao Zhengming had indeed left!Just 5 minutes ago.He also wondered why Zhao Zhengming suddenly appeared in this place.What did the eight corpses on the ground have to do with him?However, it is not easy for him to ask about Commander Zhao's personal orders, he just needs to follow the orders!He is too lazy to talk nonsense with Zhuo Yifan now.Anyway, he would never admit to those eight corpses!

"I don't know what you're talking about! There are materials stored by our army here, so military control is temporarily implemented. When these materials are transferred, they will naturally be revoked! You want to find the corpse, come back after we leave!" Zheng Zheng After Kun said something, he was about to turn around and leave!

"What if I want to look for it now?" Zhuo Yifan snorted coldly!

Zheng Kun turned his head, looked at Zhuo Yifan like a fool, and said with a sneer, "Okay!" Then he turned to the surrounding soldiers and said, "Anyone who dares to cross the cordon will be shot on the spot!"

Tang Guangyao was also taken aback when he heard this order.This Zheng Kun is really ruthless!Actually gave two people a blow!He doesn't know what to do now, he doesn't know what Zhuo Yifan is going to do!

"Head Zheng! Are you saying that there is really no corpse I want here?" Zhuo Yifan asked with a sneer.

"I don't want to tell you any more." Zheng Kun said sullenly.

"There is indeed no corpse I want inside!" Zhuo Yifan nodded and said.

Zheng Kun was taken aback for a moment, not knowing what trick Zhuo Yifan was playing.But he was right.Those bodies are no longer in the bar, but have been carried to the truck, ready to be transferred immediately!

"Since there is no one, why are you here? Why don't you hurry up?" Zheng Kun snorted coldly.

"The eight corpses are all on that truck, right?" Zhuo Yifan pointed to a military truck not far away.

Zheng Kun's expression changed, and he stared at Zhuo Yifan in surprise. How did this guy know?Could it be that he just saw his men carrying the dead body into the car?Nope!They obviously just came here!

In fact, Zhuo Yifan had already felt the true energy of the fire spirit that he had left in the eight corpses.Although it is gradually dissipating, even if there is only a trace of true energy, he can still clearly sense it!

"No! That car is the supplies we are going to transfer. There is no corpse you mentioned at all. You'd better not make trouble here! Otherwise, don't blame my men's guns for going off!" Zheng Kun said with an ugly face.

"Really? I'm sure that the car is the corpse I want, do you dare to bet with me?" Zhuo Yifan looked at the object on the truck covered with green canvas and said with a sneer.

"You dare! If you dare to act recklessly, don't blame me for ordering the shooting!" Zheng Kun gritted his teeth and said.

Zhuo Yifan shook his head disapprovingly, and then disappeared in place!In the next second, he appeared in the truck without giving Zheng Kun any time to react.With a casual flip, the canvas was flipped to one side, revealing the eight foreign men that Zhuo Yifan had killed before.

"What else do you have to say?" Zhuo Yifan turned his head and asked with a sneer.

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