super unscrupulous student

Chapter 1378 Zhuo Yifan's Tragedy 1

Just when Zhuo Yifan was about to go all the way down and continue his great expedition, Xia Yun suddenly remembered something, and quickly stretched out his arms, holding Zhuo Yifan's hands, preventing his next move .

Looking at Xia Yun's resentful and helpless eyes, Zhuo Yifan suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart, and he blurted out, "What's wrong?"

"Good brother, sister can't give it to you tonight!" Xia Yun whispered shyly.

"Why?" Zhuo Yifan seemed to understand something, but still asked a little unwillingly.

Xia Yun sighed with some helplessness and grievance, and then explained: "Actually, my sister would like to give herself to you earlier, but unfortunately the time of coming back this time is not coincidental, and my period is coming again, so...for the time being we Can't do that!"

Zhuo Yifan was dumbfounded. After confirming the "cruel" news from Xia Yun's mouth, he realized that he had a real tragedy today!Unexpectedly, when Xia Yun thought happily that he could get what he wanted, Xia Yun poured cold water on himself!

Like a deflated ball, Zhuo Yifan collapsed on the big bed, stared at the ceiling and began to be in a daze, without saying a word.

Xia Yun seemed to feel the depression in Zhuo Yifan's heart, and he couldn't help feeling pity and love in his heart, and stretched out a hand to gently caress Zhuo Yifan's sharp-edged face.

"Silly brother, it's really a coincidence today. I know you feel uncomfortable, I'm sorry!" Xia Yun actually began to gently comfort the lost Zhuo Yifan.

Zhuo Yifan turned his head, looked at Xia Yun's beautiful bright eyes, and said in his heart that today is really unlucky!Why didn't I ask myself beforehand?

But can you think of such a thing?It's okay to ask the girl if the aunt has any rules?It seems that I am destined to be a tragedy tonight!Thinking of this, I couldn't help but sigh bitterly in my heart, and then got up somewhat dumbfounded.

He took out the room card from the clothes he took off, and inserted it into the power supply slot.Turning on the chandelier in the room casually, Zhuo Yifan returned to the bed again, looked at Xia Yun who seemed a little guilty and said with a wry smile, "Did you make a plan earlier? Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Xia Yun felt a sense of grievance in his heart.Hearing Zhuo Yifan's words, it seemed that he did this on purpose to make Zhuo Yifan feel uncomfortable.In fact, why doesn't Xia Yun want to stay with Zhuo Yifan?

In order not to hurt Zhuo Yifan, she had no choice but to stop talking for now.Otherwise, it is estimated that Zhuo Yifan will send himself back to his villa directly, and then he will go back home alone.Although he didn't say anything, Xia Yun actually hoped that Zhuo Yifan could spend tonight together!It's a pity that the sky is not beautiful, and there is only a sense of regret in this short period of happiness!

"No... I want to tell you, but I can't bear it..." Xia Yun didn't know how to explain it, and didn't mind his naked upper body at all, and sat up and hugged Zhuo Yifan directly. Hu Yao said aggrievedly: "Can I count my mistake today? You are a big man, do you still care about women? Besides, I can't decide when this period will come! Can you blame me?"

Zhuo Yifan's heart softened, and then he sat down on the side of the bed, dumbfounded, and hugged Xia Yun's delicate body into his arms.

"It doesn't matter, since God arranged it this way, let's take it as a long-awaited thing! I know that even if I can't get what I want today, you will be my woman after all, and I can't escape! So... one day, I will Eat you up!" Zhuo Yifan chuckled helplessly.

"Are you so domineering? What do you mean I'm your woman after all? Don't you know that there are variables in everything?" Xia Yun was naturally ashamed and happy in his heart, but he blamed him.

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