He believed that with his identity and temperament, Xia Yun had no reason to reject him!Especially from the perspective of a businessman, I believe Xia Yun understands the trade-off between family interests and personal gains and losses better!

It's a pity that Li Ling's mansion was wrong this time, and it was ridiculously wrong.Xia Yun has been designated as Zhuo Yifan's wife by default since she was born, and no one can change this!More importantly, Xia Yun has no interest in any family interests at all.If it wasn't because Xiahou's family was her grandfather's foundation, she wouldn't be bothered to return to this so-called home happily!

When he saw Wang Shuxian, dragging Xia Yun and Xia Qing's two daughters from left to right, appearing at the door of the coffee shop, Li Ling's eyes lit up immediately.This was the first time he saw the real Xia Yun, it was always in the photos before, and it lacked a trace of vitality.But now seeing a living person standing in front of him, Li Lingfu couldn't help but feel his heart beat even more!For every man, Xia Yun does have an irresistible magic power!It's just that this kind of magic is not something any man can afford!

Xia Yun frowned when he saw Li Ling's mansion walking up to him with a pug-like attendant, holding a large bouquet of red roses in his hands, smiling.This man, her first feeling was that he was too hypocritical!The smile on his face couldn't hide the greed in his eyes.I have to say that Xia Yun is quite accurate in seeing people!Who knows what kind of intentions are hidden under this handsome appearance of a beast?

When Zhuo Yifan looked at Xia Yun, although he also had a rush of lust, it was a man's appreciation for a woman, and it was more of admiration!She felt that Zhuo Yifan liked her from the bottom of his heart, not the kind of sex that needs to be possessed by her!From this point of view, Zhuo Yifan is much better than Li Lingfu!

"Aunt Wang! Xia Qing!" Li Lingfu first greeted Wang Shuxian and Xia Qing, then put his gaze on Xia Yun who looked indifferent, and said with a smile: "Miss Xia, this is the first time we meet. Now, my name is Li Lingfu! I have heard Miss Xia's name for a long time! I am very envious!"

Speaking of which, Li Lingfu also handed over the large bouquet of fiery red roses in his hand!

Xia Yun's originally calm face frowned again, but seeing Wang Shuxian and Xia Qing next to him winking at him, he sighed bitterly in his heart, and could only reluctantly reach out to take the bouquet of flowers, and then felt very uncomfortable. Politely, he stuffed it directly into the arms of his younger sister Xia Qing.

Li Lingfu was a little embarrassed, and Wang Shuxian also looked a little ugly.But the most important thing at this time is to ease the atmosphere.Li Ling's mansion is still very good at this, so he quickly put away his astonished expression, and said with a smile: "Please invite the three of you, let's sit down and have a good chat!"

Wang Shuxian breathed a sigh of relief, and was really worried that Li Lingfu would be dissatisfied because of Xia Yun's arrogance.She also knew that the second son of the Li family had always been a person with his eyes above the top, and he didn't even care about ordinary ladies.

So whether it is a man or a woman, they usually don't give face.But today Xia Yun swept his face in public, but he didn't get angry. Instead, he flattered Xia Yun, which made Wang Shuxian feel proud.

have a look!This is the daughter I gave birth to, with that temperament and appearance, which man can not be tempted?

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