super unscrupulous student

Chapter 1485 Turn defeat into victory 5

Long Si's eyes once again burned with a strong fighting spirit, looked at Zhuo Yifan with surprise and joy on his face, laughed and said: "I didn't expect that! You can recover from such an injury! You It seems to be stronger than before? Then let's continue!"

Zhuo Yifan didn't have time to talk nonsense to Long Si.He wished to have a fight with Long Si immediately to relieve the pressure of true energy in his body.As soon as Long Si's words fell, Zhuo Yifan's figure quickly rushed towards Long Si.The people not far away couldn't even see Zhuo Yifan's figure clearly, as if he had disappeared in place.

Long Si's eyes suddenly froze, and then his pupils shrank, and a powerful force and coercion enveloped him in an instant.Instinctively feeling a sense of crisis, Long Si quickly backed away.His eyes became even more surprised and frightened.Although he is warlike, it does not mean that he does not know the heights of the sky and the earth, and wants to die.

Originally thought that even if Zhuo Yifan's body recovered temporarily, he should not be much stronger than before.But at this moment, he felt that Zhuo Yifan's strength had exceeded his expectations, and even exceeded his tolerance!

He couldn't understand why Zhuo Yifan became so powerful in an instant!It was so strong that Zhuo Yifan, who was lying on the ground just now, changed places with him!Long Si almost has the feeling that no matter how hard he tries, he will only be slaughtered by others!But he won't wait to die, and he doesn't even want to die!So he wants to escape.

But will Zhuo Yifan give him this chance?Although Long Si retreated quickly, Zhuo Yifan's sudden burst seemed to be faster than him!In an instant, Long Si felt that Zhuo Yifan had pushed himself in front of him, and his expression became more and more frightened.He is really scared!

But Zhuo Yifan can no longer be so scruples, he needs to vent, needs to be released!Long Si felt that in the next second, his body was like a sandbag, being hit by a boxer punch after punch.Just like the situation where he beat Zhuo Yifan just now, Zhuo Yifan returned those attacks almost intact.

In fact, Zhuo Yifan felt a little release of the pressure in his body after the continuous attack, and his mind slowly came to his senses.

At this time, Long Si felt that Zhuo Yifan's offensive against him had slowed down, and he couldn't help but feel happy.Could it be...Zhuo Yifan can't do it anymore?

But before this joy lasted for two seconds, Long Si's eyes suddenly widened!It's unbelievable and horrifying!Zhuo Yifan's last two punches hit Long Si's chest hard!After Zhuo Yifan was able to control the true energy in his body, he decided to give Long Si a fatal blow!These two punches gathered almost all the power of true energy in his body and hit them out!In an instant, Long Si felt that the ribs on his chest had been shattered layer by layer.And it was broken so thoroughly that it almost turned into powder.

In the next second, Long Si was lying on the ground straight, his eyes were wide open, but he was staring blankly at the blue sky, and he had lost his breath of life.

The faces of everyone watching the fight were shocked.No one expected that in the blink of an eye, the situation of the battle would suddenly take a turn for the worse. Zhuo Yifan came up with a desperate counterattack, and directly put Long Si on the ground!The happiest thing is the father and daughter of the Shui family!Both of them showed smiles of surprise and joy on their faces, and their high-hanging hearts slowly let go.

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